Figure 6-10
D4x5-2 system cycle clocks (two servos activated)
Using a second PROFINET interface
With the SIMOTION D4x5-2 DP/PN Control Units, optionally a second PROFINET interface
is available as of V4.3 in addition to the onboard PROFINET interface (X150) with the Ethernet
communication board (CBE30-2, X1400).
The CBE30-2 can only be operated in the D4x5-2 DP/PN Control Units, operation in the D4x5-2
DP Control Units is not possible.
A CBE30-2 can be used, for example, for the following applications:
● To use the second PROFINET interface.
– To increase the maximum number of connectable devices.
– To increase the available I/O address space.
● Devices are to be operated with different send cycle clocks and assigned different
isochronous tasks (Servo and Servo_fast).
● Devices are to receive an independent IP address area or NameOfStation (e.g. higher-level
network as plant network; local network for machine module; nodes in the "local network"
can be addressed separately from the nodes in the "plant network").
● I-device and controller are to be operated isochronously at the same time.
If one PROFINET interface is operated simultaneously as I-device and controller, either
only the I-device or only the controller can be operated isochronously (i.e. with IRT). With
two PROFINET interfaces, it is possible to operate a PROFINET IO controller and an I-
device isochronously on a D4x5-2 DP/PN at the same time.
Parameter assignment / addressing
6.5 Configuring PROFINET IO
Commissioning and Hardware Installation Manual, 03/2018, A5E33441636B