What can ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” do?
Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved
SIMODRIVE 611 universal Description of Functions (FBU) – 04.05 Edition
What can ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” do?
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” is a control board, which can be univer-
sally used in the modular SIMODRIVE 611 converter system as a re-
sult of its communication interfaces, the motors and encoder systems
and option modules which can be used.
Two independent drive controls are implemented on a 2–axis board.
The closed–loop drive controls can be operated in the following oper-
ating modes with motor frequencies up to 1400 Hz:
Operating mode, ”speed/torque setpoint”:
In this case, the board is used for closed–loop speed control, open–
loop torque control and/or torque reduction.
”Positioning” mode:
A maximum of 64 traversing blocks can be selected and executed.
Every traversing block can be freely parameterized and, in addition
to the block number, also contains additional data, e.g. target posi-
tion, acceleration, velocity, command and block enable circuit.
The following interfaces are provided on the board:
Two analog interfaces per drive (
10 V)
Setpoints for speed, torque (current, torque reduction or a velocity
override when positioning can be entered via these interfaces.
Angular incremental encoder interface
– Parameterized as input: (from SW 3.3)
Incremental position reference values can be entered.
– Parameterized as output:
The position actual values are available for a higher–level control
via the appropriately parameterized interface.
Four digital inputs and four digital outputs per drive
The digital inputs/outputs can be assigned the required control/
message functions by appropriate parameterization.
Two analog outputs per drive
What can
universal” do?
1 Product Overview
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