Using the Default Configurations
High Speed Counter Encoder Module User Manual
Figure 4-1 shows that the default inputs for each 24-bit counter (1 and 4)
are the A and B input pulse lines. The default jumper settings provide input
connections for all counting modes: non-quadrature up/down counting,
non-quadrature direction counting, and quadrature mode.
To set the counter’s mode, you have to set specific bits in the
software as described in Chapter 5.
The external input default clock for each 16-bit counter (2, 3, 5, and 6)
Channel 1: Counter 2 counts pulses on Ch1 C input
Counter 3 counts pulses on Ch1 D input
Channel 2: Counter 5 counts pulses on Ch2 C input
Counter 6 counts pulses on Ch2 D input
The second group of jumpers controls additional signals to the 24-bit
counters. The default settings for this group follow:
An external INDEX signal updates the counter’s Holding Register.
Latch selects external INDEX to load the count value into the Holding
INHIBIT, in the Level position, a high INHIBIT signal pauses the
counter; a low INHIBIT signal resumes the counting action.
The default input filter setting is 100 kHz. At 100 kHz, the module counts
any signal that has a minimum pulse width greater than 4 microseconds.
Refer to Figure C-3 for 100 kHz signal duty-cycle specifications.
The MODFAIL and OUTDIS jumpers are set to the Hold (or Freeze)
position by default. In this position, if the PLC drives an Output Disable
signal (such as in a fatal error condition), or if the module itself generates a
Module Failure signal, each output holds its last valid state (either on or off)
instead of all outputs being cleared (all off).
The default setting for Output 1 (from Counter 1) and Output 5 (from
Counter 4) is Compare. Compare is active (output goes high) when the count
value equals the preset value.
The default setting for all eight outputs is non-inverted output polarity
(1 = on). With Compare and non-inverting jumpers installed, the output
signal is active when the count value equals the preset value.
24-Bit Counter
16-Bit Counter
24-Bit Counter
Control Signals
Input Signal
Module Failure or
PLC Output Disable
24-Bit Counter
Outputs 1 and 5
Output Polarity