Configuring and Parameter Assignment the CP 440
5.3 Parameters for the Communications Protocols
Point-to-point connection CP 440 Installation and Parameter Assignment
Manual, 09/2007, A5E00057742-03
Parameters for the Communications Protocols
Once you have entered the communication processor in the configuration table, you must
supply parameters to it and its serial interface.
Parameter assignment
The term "parameter assignment" is used in the following to describe the setting of protocol-
specific parameters. This is done using the CP 440: Point-to-Point Communication,
Parameter Assignment interface.
You start the programming interface by double-clicking the order number (CP 440) in the
configuration table or by selecting the CP 440 and selecting the Edit > Object Properties
menu command. The "Properties - CP 440" dialog box appears.
Click on the "Parameters" button to go to protocol selection. Set the protocol and double-
click the icon for the transmission protocol (an envelope). This takes you to the dialog for
setting the protocol-specific parameters.
Further Information
The basic operation of the Point-to-Point Communication, Parameter Assignment
programming interface is the same for all communication processors and is self-explanatory.
For this reason, the parameter assignment interface is not described in detail here.
Also, the on-line help provides sufficient support for working with the parameter assignment
To create a parameter record for the CP, you must select and save the protocol settings at
least once.