S7-1500 Motion Control V13 Update 3
Function Manual, 07/2014, A5E03879256-AC
The Diagnostics chapter is limited to describing the diagnostic concept for Motion Control,
and describing the Diagnostics view of the individual technology objects in the TIA Portal.
For more information about system diagnostics with the S7-1500 CPU, refer to the
"Diagnostics" (
) function
Diagnostic concept
The diagnostic concept encompasses alarms and associated messages, as well as error
messages in the Motion Control instructions. The TIA Portal also supports you with
consistency checks during configuration of the technology objects, and during the creation of
your user program.
All alarms in runtime (from the CPU, technology, hardware etc.) are displayed in the
Inspector window of the TIA Portal. Diagnostic information that relates to technology objects
(technology alarms, status information) are additionally displayed in the Diagnostics window
of the respective technology object.
During Motion Control, if an error occurs at a technology object (e.g. approaching a
hardware limit switch), then a technology alarm (Page 215) is triggered, and a corresponding
message is displayed in the TIA Portal as well as on HMI devices.
In your user program, technology alarms are generally signaled via error bits in the
technology data block. The program always displays the technology alarm that has top
priority. In order to simplify error evaluation, the "Error" and "ErrorID" parameters of the
Motion Control instructions also indicate that a technology alarm is pending.
Program errors (Page 219) can occur during parameter assignment or during the processing
sequence of the Motion Control instructions (e.g. invalid parameter specification when calling
the instruction, initiation of a job without enablement via MC_Power). Errors in Motion
Control instructions are indicated when the instructions are called, by means of the "Error"
and "ErrorID" parameters.