S5-95U, Second Serial Interface
Point-To-Point Link
Point-To-Point Link with SINEC L1 Protocol
This section covers the following:
Possible communication partners for the S5-95U
How to connect communication partners to the SI2 interface
Data communication via point-to-point link
Parameter assignment of the PLC
Product Manuals where you can find further information on the point-to-point link
Structure of the PLC program for the point-to-point link (example).
The SINEC L1 protocol is SIMATIC-specific and is therefore used for networking SIMATIC
components. In the meantime, there is also a range of third-party devices which also have the
SINEC L1 protocol.
SINEC L1 LAN and S5-95U as a communication partner
SINEC L1 is a LAN for linking SIMATIC S5 PLCs; it works according to the master/slave principle.
A single PLC called master handles all coordination and monitoring of data traffic in the LAN as well
as the through-switching and monitoring of programming functions on the bus. All other PLCs
automatically become slaves.
Figure 2-1 Structure of a SINEC L1 LAN
BT 777 transceiver
a maximum of 30 slaves
Special features of the S5-95U as node:
The S5-95U can only be a slave on the SINEC L1 LAN.
Both serial interfaces SI1 and SI2 have slave capability (however not both at the same time).
For further information on the SINEC L1 LAN, please refer to the SINEC L1 LAN Manual.
EWA 4NEB 812 6095-02