Programming via XML interface
10.4 XML EventReports
Configuration Manual, 03/2018, C79000-G8976-C386-06
XML EventReports
This section describes all the frames that can be sent by the reader to the user application
(XML reports). The reports can be transferred reliably or without verification. You will find
more information on XML reports in the section "Functionality of the XML interface
(Page 185)".
This section describes all events. Events are asynchronous messages sent by the reader
containing data acquired by the reader itself.
A triggered read point acquires transponder data that is sent to the user application with a
tag event report.
The configuration of the trigger (continuous, I/O level, ...) and the definition of the
transponder data (tag fields, RSSI value, ...) to be sent are taken from the stored
configuration. These parameters cannot only be changed using the WBM.
The transponder data in every event report is grouped according to the read points.
A reply frame from the user application is necessary only when secure mode is set. A reply
frame can, however, also be sent in non-secure mode and this has no negative influence.
<id> value_id </id>
<sourceName> value_sourceName </sourceName>
<tagID> value_tagID </tagID>
<tagPC> value_tagPC </tagPC> // opt
<event> value_event </event> // opt
<utcTime> value_utcTime </utcTime> // opt
<antennaName> value_antennaName </antennaName> // opt
<rSSI> value_rSSI </rSSI> // opt
<rSSIMin> value_rSSIMin </rSSIMin> // opt
<rSSIMax> value_rSSIMax </rSSIMax> // opt
<channel> value_channel </channel> // opt
<power> value_power </power> // opt
<polarization> value_polarization </polarization> // opt
<inventoried> value_inventoried </inventoried> // opt
<filterDataAvailable> value_filterDataAvailable
</filterDataAvailable> // opt