Additional information
Section "Message log (Page 138)"
Using the Find function
You can use the Catalog > Find menu command to find device description files.
"Find" dialog box
1. Select the menu command Catalog > Find.
The "Find" dialog box opens.
2. Enter a string and define search options.
3. Click "Find".
Settings in the "Find" dialog box
● Entry field with drop-down list
You can enter any string. You can search for this string.
● Check boxes
– Match case
The writing style of the string entered for an object in the device list is observed.
– Match entire cell contents
The entire string must match for an object in the device list.
– Search up
If this option is enabled, the search begins at the selected point and continues until the
start of the device list.
If this option is disabled, the search begins at the selected point and continues until the
end of the device list.
● "Find" button
The system searches through the displayed device list.
? (Help)
This menu command displays the Help on SIMATIC PDM.
Integrating devices into SIMATIC PDM
5.5 Menus and dialog boxes
Help for SIMATIC PDM (V8.2)
Operating Manual, 02/2014, A5E33203676-AA