10.Click "Start" to start the compile and download operation.
The message dialog "Downloading program changes during operation can, in the case of
malfunctions or program errors, cause serious damage to personnel and equipment! Make
sure..." opens.
11.Click "OK". The message dialog "If you want to download changes online, please make
sure that ... Do you want to continue?" opens.
12.Click "Yes". The compile and download operation starts.
The progress display indicates which step PCS 7 SMART is currently performing, for
● "Compiling and downloading object"
● "Compiling charts as program"
When the operation is finished, the log file opens in a text editor.
13.Ignore the message: "...-> Object compilation was executed (with warnings)".
This message is generated because you have not yet integrated I/O modules in your project.
14.Close the text editor. The status in the "Charts" line is now "downloaded".
If warnings or errors are shown in the log file following compilation, select the "Charts"
object in the tree view and click "Single Object". This opens the "Logs" dialog box. There
you can view the detailed warnings and error messages.
15.Click "Close" in the "Compile and Download Objects" dialog box.
The dialog box closes.
16.Start the CPU.
Testing the program
You can test your program both in the SFC Editor and in the CFC Editor. In test mode, you
can watch how the values change during the course of the process. Using test mode, you can
make sure that your configured sequential control system runs free of errors.
Test mode in SFC
The testing operation is peformed in the SFC Editor. The "Properties" dialog box plays a central
role in test mode.
Compiling, downloading and testing the charts
8.2 Procedure
PCS 7 SMART Getting Started - Part 1 (V9.0 with APL)
Getting Started, 12/2017, A5E42181435-AA