Supplementary information
15.15 Cycle and response times of the CPU 410-5H
CPU 410-5H Process Automation
System Manual, 09/2014, A5E31622160-AB
Cycle and response times of the CPU 410-5H
Cycle time
This chapter describes the decisive factors in the cycle time, and how to calculate it.
Definition of cycle time
The cycle time represents the time that the operating system needs to execute a program,
that is, one OB 1 cycle, including all program sections and system activities interrupting this
This time is monitored. The CPU 410-5H has a fixed cycle monitoring of 6 seconds.
Time slice model
Cyclic program processing, and therefore also user program processing, is based on time
slices. To demonstrate the processes, let us presume a global time slice length of exactly 1
Process image
During cyclic program execution, the CPU requires a consistent image of the process
signals. To ensure this, the process signals are read/written prior to program execution.
During the subsequent program execution, the CPU does not access the signal modules
directly when addressing the input (I) and output (O) address areas. It accesses the CPU's
system memory area containing the image of the inputs and outputs.
Sequence of cyclic program processing
The table below shows the various phases in cyclic program execution.
Table 15- 9 Cyclic program processing
The operating system initiates the scan cycle monitoring time.
The CPU copies the values from the process output images to the output modules.
The CPU reads the status of inputs of the input modules, and then updates the process
image of the inputs.
The CPU processes the user program in time slices and executes the instructions spec-
ified in the program.
At the end of a cycle, the operating system executes pending tasks, e.g., loading and
deleting of blocks.
Finally, on expiration of any given minimum cycle time, the CPU returns to the start of
the cycle and restarts cycle monitoring.