Configuring with Web Based Management
6.5 "System" menu
SCALANCE W780/W740 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 08/2018, C79000-G8976-C267-13
Group Name
Select the group which will be assigned to the user.
Authentication Protocol
Specify the authentication protocol for which a password will be stored.
The following settings are available:
Encryption Protocol
Specify whether or not a password should be stored for encryption with the DES
algorithm. Can only be enabled when an authentication protocol has been selected.
Authentication Password
Enter the authentication password in the first input box. This password must have at least
1 character, the maximum length is 32 characters.
Length of the password
As an important measure to maximize security, we recommend that the password has a
minimum length of 6 characters and that it contains special characters,
uppercase/lowercase letters, numbers.
Authentication Password Confirmation
Confirm the password by repeating the entry.
Privacy Password
Enter your encryption password. This password must have at least 1 character, the
maximum length is 32 characters.
Length of the password
As an important measure to maximize security, we recommend that the password has a
minimum length of 6 characters and that it contains special characters,
uppercase/lowercase letters, numbers.