1.6 Accessories
Mobile Panels 2nd Generation
Operating Instructions, 09/2018, A5E33876626-AC
SIRIUS safety relays
If you are using a fail-safe Mobile Panel in a hardwired F system, you must use a safety
The Mobile Panels 2nd Generation have been tested with the following safety relays and
SIRIUS safety relay, standard, relay output
article number 3SK1111-1AB30
SIRIUS safety relay, standard, electronic output
article number 3SK1112-1BB40
SIRIUS safety relay, advanced, relay output
article number 3SK1121-1AB40
SIRIUS safety relay, advanced, electronic output
article number 3SK1122-1AB40
You can find the complete portfolio of the SIRIUS 3SK safety relays on the Internet
Evaluation of the safety-related operator controls via F-DI modules
Instead of a SIRIUS safety relay, F-DI modules can be used for the evaluation.
The F-DI modules used must be appropriate for the required safety integrity level
SIL/performance level and category. Depending on the safety integrity level SIL/performance
level and category required, the following functions are, for example, to be used for the F-DI
Short- and cross-circuit monitoring
Discrepancy monitoring
Short-circuit detection
Cross-circuit detection
The plant operator/system engineer is responsible for checking the proper functioning of the
hardwired F-system with evaluation of the safety-related operator controls via one or more F-
DI modules.
See also
FAQs Mobile Panels 2nd Generation