SIDOOR functions
3.2 System functions
ATD4xxW Door Controller for Industrial Applications
System Manual, 01/2017, A5E38080677-AB
Oscillation protection
The oscillation protection prevents permanent oscillation of the door at the end stop.
End position "open"
If the system is pressed out of the end position with the drive order "open" present, the
system detects that the "open" position has been left, and attempts to return to the end stop
with the set static opening force.
After reaching the end stop, the drive is energized with the set continuous torque.
The behavior described may be repeated five times (oscillation). After the fifth repetition, the
drive is energized for 30 s with the set continuous torque without any response to further
oscillations. After a protective period of 30 s, the system responds once again to
corresponding oscillations.
End position "closed"
If the system is pressed out of the end position with the drive order "close" present, the
system detects that the "closed" position has been left, and attempts to return to the end
stop with the set static cutter force.
After reaching the end stop, the drive is energized with the set cutter press-on torque. After
2 s, the cutter press-on torque is limited to the set continuous torque.
The behavior described may be repeated five times (oscillation). After the fifth repetition, the
drive is energized for 30 s with the set continuous torque without any response to further
oscillations. After a protective period of 30 s, the system responds once again to
corresponding oscillations.