With Fiber Monitoring, you can monitor the received power and the loss of power on optical
links between two switches.
If you enable fiber monitoring on an optical port, the device sends the current transmit power
of the port to its connection partner using LLDP packets. In addition to sending, the device
also checks whether corresponding information is received from the connection partner.
Regardless of whether the IE switch receives diagnostics information from its connection
partner, it monitors the received power measured at the optical port for the set limit values.
If fiber monitoring is enabled on the connection partner, the connection partner transfers the
current value for the transmit power of the port to the device. The device compares the value
it has received for the transmit power with the actually received power. The difference between
the received power and the transmit power represents the power loss on the link. The
calculated power loss is also monitored for the set limit values.
If the value of the received power or the power loss falls below or exceeds the set limit values,
an event is triggered. You can set limit values in two stages for messages with the severity
levels "Warning" and "Critical".
The "show" commands
This section describes commands with which you display various settings.
show fmp limit
This command shows the limit values for the received power and the power loss that you set
for monitoring optical ports or connections with fiber monitoring.
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode.
The command prompt is as follows:
Call up the command with the following parameters:
show fmp limit [{port <interface-type> <interface-id>}]
12.2 FMP
SCALANCE XB-200/XC-200/XF-200BA/XP-200/XR-300WG Command Line Interface
Configuration Manual, 07/2017, C79000-G8976-C361-06