KNX communications
96 | 150
Geographical zone
(space zone)
(Apartment . Room . Subzone)
Apartment = ---, 1...126
Room = ---, 1...63
Subzone = fix 1
Zone where an RDG2..KN KNX room thermostat is physically located.
Other room-specific devices may also be located in this zone.
Information exchanged in this zone is related specifically to the device like
operating mode, setpoints, room temperature, etc.
The designations "Apartment", "Room" and "Subzone" are not necessarily
literal. E.g., Apartment can be used to refer to a group of rooms, floor or
section of a building. "Room", however, really does refer to a room.
Subzone is not used for HVAC devices. It is more relevant to other
disciplines, such as lighting. Subzone is fixed at "1" and not displayed.
The schedule information is expected from the same zone where the
thermostat is located (Residential).
If no time switch information is received from the same zone, the
thermostat uses the information received from the same apartment but with
room "1" A.1.1 (Office).
Commercial building
In a commercial building, the schedule information is sent by the RMB975
central control unit. The zones are divided into so called "Room groups"
(e.g., 1...4), where each "Room group" can have an individual schedule. A
room thermostat in the same "Room group" must have the same apartment
D = Device address (P900)
G = Geographical zone (P901, P902) (Apartment.Room.Subzone)
Heat distribution zone heating
Zone = ---, 1...31
Information related specifically to the hot water system in heating coils is
exchanged within this zone. The zone also includes a Synco device to
process the information (e.g., RMH7xx or RMU7xx with changeover).
Heat distribution zone heating
surface (radiator)
Zone = ---, 1...31
Information related specifically to the hot water system of a radiator is
exchanged within this zone (e.g., heating demand). This zone also includes
a Synco device to process the information (e.g., RMH7xx or RMB795B).
Refrigeration distribution zone
cooling coil
Zone = ---, 1...31
Information related specifically to the chilled water system is exchanged
within this zone (e.g., cooling demand). This zone also includes a Synco
device to process the information (e.g., RMU7xx).
Outside temperature zone
Outside temperature received in outside temperature zone 31 can be
displayed on the room thermostat when commissioned accordingly
(P009 = 2).