Milltronics Test Chain
Operating Instructions, 10/2021, A5E32310082-AB
Test chain and reel selection
A calibration range is generally targeted between 50% to 80% of the maximum design load.
Use the belt scale’s design information to determine chain requirements.
Belt scale design information
Belt scale’s capacity:
1500 MTPH
Design load maximum:
166.67 kg/m
Idler spacing:
1.0 m
Type of belt scale:
1 weigh idler (MSI)
Belt width:
1400 mm
Belt speed:
2.5 m/sec
The next larger chain is the preferred choice to retain the desired percent of maximum
In our example, the calculation is performed at 60%:
166.67 * .60 = 100 kg/m (67.05 lb/ft)
Using the nominal kg/m value of 100, the next larger chain is selected from the chart of
available test chains. The value selected is equivalent to 104 kg/m (70 lb/ft). Test Chain
design size is based at 62.5% belt loading.
The length is based on the idler spacing. The test chain should extend no less than two fixed
idlers beyond each end of the scale mounted idlers.
Nominal chain length = (# of scale 3) * idler spacing:
1 + 3 * 1 = 4m (13 ft.)
Note that some chain pitches do not divide evenly into the nominal chain length. The
selected chain may require to be increased by a pitch or two to accommodate
Stamped value is derived from the actual manufactured results.
The motorized storage reel is sized for a 1400 mm belt width with a conveyor width
outside to outside of stringer channels of 1820 mm, "C" dimension as given by others.