Air Bath Oven Heaters
The air bath oven can be setup for a High Power Configuration or Medium Power Configuration.
This table describes the differences between the two configurations. The high power heater
has a red insulation cover and the medium power has a gray insulation cover.
Heater and Temperature Control Hardware
Two air bath ovens; either
● Dual isothermal air bath
● Programmed Temperature
High power heater control relay assembly and two 1400 watt
air bath heater assemblies
Single isothermal air bath oven operat‐
ing above 70°C control temperature
High power heater control relay assembly and 1400 watt air
bath heater assembly
Single isothermal air bath oven operat‐
ing at 70°C or below control temperature
Medium power heater control relay board and 650 watt air
bath heater assembly
Airless ovens: either
● Single isothermal airless
● Dual isothermal airless
Medium power heater control relay board and standard heat‐
ers for airless ovens.
Heated sample injection valves, heated
Flame Ionization and Flame Photomet‐
ric Detector Modules
Control relays on Power Entry and Control Module (PECM)
The PECM provides the voltage to the two pairs of 1400-Watt or 650-Watt AC Air Bath heater
power switching circuits located on the rear wall of the EC. Connection to the heaters is made
through a special cable. Each circuit consists of two series connected solid-state relays.
Maxum II Valves and Oven Components
Service Manual, 10/2018, A5E42019844001