Using the network mailbox
Gigaset A580 IP / GBR / A31008-xxxx-xxxx-x-xxxx / T-NetBox_SAG-registration.fm / 24.03.2010
rsion 8, 03.0
Using the network mailbox
Some fixed network providers and VoIP providers offer answering machines on the
network – these are known as network mailboxes.
Each network mailbox accepts incoming calls made via the corresponding line
(fixed line network or corresponding VoIP phone number). To record all calls, you
should therefore set up network mailboxes for both the fixed line network and for
each of your VoIP connections.
You can activate/deactivate the network mailboxes for your VoIP connections using
the Web configurator. To do this, you only require the phone number of the net-
work mailbox.
For information on how to activate/deactivate network mailboxes via the Web con-
figurator and to edit their assigned numbers where necessary,
You need to have
the network mailbox for your fixed line network con-
nection from your fixed line network provider. You can store the phone number for
the fixed line network mailbox in the Web configurator on the base station
You cannot activate/deactivate the network mailbox for the fixed line network con-
nection via the Web configurator. For how to activate/deactivate the network mail-
box for the fixed line network connection please refer to the fixed line network pro-
vider's information.
Please note
For many VoIP network mailboxes, the phone number is automatically saved
on the base station when the general VoIP provider data is downloaded.
If you have registered a Gigaset C47H, S67H or S68H handset to your base sta-
tion, you can also enter and activate the network mailbox via this handset. For
further information on this, read the user guide for the Gigaset C470 IP or S675
IP on the Internet.