'Network' task card
BACnet device configuration
337 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
1. Open 'Station' in the structure tree.
2. Highlight 'BACnet device object'.
3. Select 'Details' in the detail editor.
4. Check the 'Enable BBMD' checkbox.
5. Check the 'Enable FDT' checkbox only if a BACnet client has to register to this
6. Leave the standard setting 'Two hops’. This configuration is tested with the
standard setting in the 'Broadcast distribution mask of a 'BDT entries'.
'Station' is configured as BBMD. Configuring all stations
The value for 'APDU timeout' should be agreed with the management station
integrator. We would recommend 10 seconds with MM8000.
The value for 'APDU segment timeout' should also be agreed upon. We would
recommend 5 seconds.
The value for 'No. of APDU retries' corresponds to the
BACnet standard and
does not need to be changed.
The 'BACnet UDP port' setting corresponds to the standard (47808 = 0xbac0).
It only needs changing if the entire system expects it to.
14.8.2 BBMD entry (BDT entry)
'BACnet device object' elements can be added to the 'BDT entry' element when the
BBMD function is activated.
This element defines the
management station or the third-party device that has
the BBMD function in its sub-net. A 'BDT entry' element is required for each sub-
net with its own BBMD.
Creating 'BDT entry'
1. Select 'BACnet device object'.
2. Create the 'BDT entry' element for each BBMD. Link [
Configuring 'BDT entry'
Figure 160: 'BDT entry' detail editor, 'Details'
To configure 'BDT entry', proceed as follows:
1. Highlight 'BDT entry'.
2. Select 'Details' in the detail editor.
3. Enter the agreed IP address for the BACnet client.
4. Leave the predefined values for 'BACnet UDP port' and 'Broadcast distribution
mask' unchanged. The port number of the client must match its own, and the
mask value matches the pre-setting for 'Two hops'.