'Control' task card
Alarming control group
176 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
12.2 Alarming control group
The alarming control group includes the following control elements:
'Internal sounder control'
'External sounder control'
'RT fire control'
'RT fault control'
'RT 1 control' to 'RT 8 control'
'RT device control'
Figure 61: Alarming control group
The causes of the elements are assigned to the event verification of the
effects of the different 'RT' elements are assigned to the corresponding
on-board I/Os, the fire brigade periphery module or the I/O card
(programmable). A confirmation input can be assigned to the effects.
The effects of the 'Sounder' elements can be assigned to the base sounder or
loop sounder on the C-NET detector line or to the corresponding on-board
I/Os, the fire brigade periphery module, or the I/O card (programmable).
A fault input and a confirmation input can be assigned to the 'RT device