Updating the firmware
Updating the firmware of the 'Station'
111 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
8 Updating the firmware
8.1 Updating the firmware of the 'Station'
There are three options for updating the firmware of the
'FW update main CPU': Updating the main CPU
'FW update additional CPUs': Updating additional
CPUs, e.g., the periphery
'FW update main and additional CPUs': Updating the main CPU and additional
CPUs in a single step
You will find a detailed description for updating firmware in document
A6V10210416. See chapter 'Applicable documents'.
8.1.1 'Site' conversion
When the firmware is updated, the existing 'Site' is converted on the basis of the
BDV. The
'Site' can be converted automatically or manually. Manual
conversion is called up in Cerberus-Engineering-Tool via the 'Edit' > 'Convert site'
menu item.
Properties of the conversion
Only the configuration data is converted.
The process data of the 'Station' is not converted. The default values of the
new firmware are transferred and the 'Station' recalculates the process data.
The critical conversions are logged for the entire 'Site'. The logs can be viewed
in the 'Conversion log' window or printed from the log file.
You will find detailed information on converting in document A6V10260976 and an
overview in document A6V10210416. See chapter 'Applicable documents'.
8.1.2 Conversion log
The conversion log is displayed in the 'Conversion log' window. The log can be
used to detect and correct errors in the converted configuration.
Figure 22: 'Converter log' window with the 'Error', 'Warning', and 'Info' entries
'Site' is converted when the firmware is updated. You will find more
information about this in document A6V10210416. See chapter 'Applicable