Siemens AG 2003, E:\Auftrag\Siemens\Mob
ilePhones\CX65 Ulysses\us\LA\Quality.fm
Battery quality statement
VAR Language: Am
erican; VAR
issue date: 16-Februar-2004
left page (140)
of CX 65 Ulysses us-en, A31008-H7100-A1-1-7619 (24.03.2004, 10:18)
Battery quality statement
The capacity of your cell phone bat-
tery will be reduced every time it is
charged/disharged. Storage at
excessively high or low tempera-
tures will also result in a gradual
capacity loss. As a result, the operat-
ing time of your cellular phone may
be considerably reduced, even after
a full recharge of the battery.
Notwithstanding these limitations,
the battery has been designed and
manufactured so that it can be
recharged and used for six months
after the purchase of your cell
phone. After six months, if the bat-
tery is clearly suffering from loss of
performance, we recommend that
you replace it. Please buy only
Siemens original batteries.