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Содержание BE634LGS1W

Страница 1: ... 㓵 ߂ ᛞⲺӝ siemens home com welcome zh 䈪᱄ᢁ߂ 3 en Instruction manual 33 ᗤ Microwave BE634LGS1W 保留备用 保留备用 ...

Страница 2: ......

Страница 3: ...ᇯಞ 11 ᗤ ࣕ 䇴㖤 12 䇴㖤ᗤ 12 d 13 䇴㖤 13 䇴㖤ᗤ Ѱ㓺ਾ ᕅ 13 O ᇐᰬಞ 14 䇴㖤ᇐᰬಞ 14 P ぁᓅ 15 䇴㖤ぁᓅ 15 ᴿީぁᓅⲺ ؗ ᚥ 15 䶏㖤ᰬ䰪 16 ぁᓅ㺞 16 Q ะᵢ䇴㖤 17 ᴪ 䇴㖤 17 䇴㖤ࡍ㺞 17 ᯣ 17 ᴪ ᰬ䰪 17 D 18 ࡸ 18 3 䳒ᧈ䲚 19 4 ᇘᡭᵃࣗ 20 E 㕌ਭૂ FD 㕌ਭ 20 ᢶᵥ㿺Ṳ 20 J 㔅 ᡇԢ 侠ᐛ ᇚ 䈋䗽Ⲻ㨒䉧 21 䀙 21 䀙 Ƚࣖ ᡌ 侠 伕 22 ࣖ 23 侠 24 ᗤ ֵ ᢶᐝ 24 25 ૂᗤ 㓺ਾ 25 E 䈋㨒䉧 26 ӻ ᗤ 侠 26 ӻ ᗤ 䀙 26 ᗤ ૂ 㓺ਾ 侠 26 ӝ ؗ ᚥ ީӄӝ Ƚ䱺ԬȽᴪᦘ䜞Ԭԛ ᵃࣗⲺᴪཐ ؗ ᚥ䈭 㿷 www siemens home com ૂ 㓵 ᓍ www siemens eshop com ...

Страница 4: ...ࡏуᗍ ᵢ ಞᡌ ᢝ㺂ж㡢㔪ᣚᬃ Ⱦ 8 ԛс ݵ ㄛ䈭䘒 ᵢ ಞૂ Ⓠ㓵Ⱦ ᗻ亱ሼ䱺Ԭ ޛ 侠 ᴶ䠂䶘Ⱦ ㅢ 9 享Ⲻ 䱺Ԭ 䠃㾷ᆿ ؗޞ ᚥ 䠃㾷ᆿ ޞ ؗ ᚥᑮ㿺 ؗ ᚥ 䆜 ᴿ ধ䲟 ᱉ ؓᆎ 侠 ѣਥ㜳ሲ㠪 ধ䲟Ⱦ वሼ᱉ Ⲻ ؓᆎ 侠 ѣȾ व 䜞䎭 ᰬᢉᔶ ಞ䰞Ⱦީᯣ ಞθᤊс Ⓠᨈཪθᡌ ީᯣ ᯣಞⴈѣⲺᯣ䐥ಞȾ 䆜 ᴿ ধ䲟 ಞՐ Ⱦ व䀜 侠 Ⲻ 㺞䶘ᡌࣖ ݹ ԬȾᗻ亱䇟 ಞ পсᶛȾ䈭ሼቅᆟ ᆿ ޞ 䐓 ԛཌȾ ᴿћ䠃 ধ䲟 Ȏ 䱺Ԭૂ 侠ᇯಞՐ ᗍॷ ȾԄ 侠 ѣ 䱺Ԭᡌ 侠ᇯಞᰬᗻ亱ᡪр ᢁྍȾ ᴿ ধ䲟 Ȏ 䞈 㫮 ਥ㜳Ր 侠 Ⱦ व 侠 ਾҼཝ䠅儎 ᓜ䞈 Ⲻ伕 Ⱦਠ㜳ֵ ቇ䠅 儎 ᓜ䞈 Ⱦᢉᔶ ಞ䰞ᰬ䴶ቅᗹȾ 䆜 ᴿ ধ䲟 ਥ 䀜Ⲻ䜞փ ֵ ᵕ䰪ਥ㜳Ր ᗍᖾ Ⱦ व 䀜 䜞փȾ䈭ሼቅᆟ ᆿ ޞ 䐓 ԛཌȾ ᴿ ধ䲟 Ȏ ᢉᔶ ಞ䰞ᰬθਥ㜳Րᴿ 㫮 䙮 Ⱦᢉᔶ ...

Страница 5: ... 伕 ૂ侤 Ⱦ ᴿ ধ䲟 Ȏ 伕 ਥ㜳 Ⱦ व 㫺 ऻ㻻 ࣖ 伕 Ⱦ ᰖӰⵁ Ⲻ сθ䈭वሼ伕 ງᯏȽ 㓮ᡌެᆹ᱉ ᶆᯏ ᡆⲺᇯಞѣࣖ Ⱦ ᡶ䘿 Ⲻᗤ ࣕ ᡌᰬ䰪䇴㖤у㾷儎ӄᇔ䱻䴶 㾷Ⱦ䈭䚫ᗠᵢ䈪᱄ᢁ߂ѣᨆ ؗⲺב ᚥȾ वֵ ᗤ ᒨ 伕 Ⱦ 䀙 ᡌࣖ 䠅քⲺ伕 ྸ䶘ऻ ᰬθ व䘿 䗽儎Ⲻᗤ ࣕ ᡌ䗽䮵Ⲻᰬ䰪Ⱦ ᴿ ধ䲟 Ȏ 伕 ᴿ ধ䲟Ⱦ वֵ ᗤ ঋ ࣖ 伕 Ⱦ 䆜 ᴿ ধ䲟 ሼ ᡌެᆹ伕 ᇼሷⲺᇯಞѣᴿ ধ 䲟Ⱦ वሼ侤 ᡌެᆹ伕 ᇼሷⲺᇯಞѣࣖ Ⱦ 䆜 ᴿ ধ䲟 Ȏ ᑜ༩ᡌᑜⳤⲺ伕 ࣖ 䗽ぁѣᡌ 㠩 ࣖ 䜳ᴿਥ㜳 㻸ᡌ Ⱦ वࣖ ᑜ༩Ⲻ呗㴁 ᡌ䠃 ࣖ ⲳ 㴁Ⱦ व 侠䍓 ᡌ ༩ Ⱦ 㴁ᡌ 㴁ᰬθжᇐ㾷ࡰ 㴁哺Ⱦᑜ༩ᡌ ᑜⳤⲺ伕 㺞ⳤՐ 㻸θྸ㤯 Ƚൕ䉼Ƚ 㤺 ૂ俏㛖Ⱦࣖ ࢃθᓊ ࡰݾ 㺞༩ᡌ㺞ⳤȾ ᴿ ধ䲟 Ȏ Ⴊ ݵ 伕 ѣ 䠅 ᐹуൽȾ व ሷ䰣Ⲻᇯಞ ѣࣖ Ⴊ ݵ 伕 Ⱦжᇐ...

Страница 6: ...ᗤ ࣖ 侤ᯏՐሲ㠪ᔬ䘕௭Ⓕ 㞴θഖ ᰬᗻ 亱ቅᗹ䉞ងȾ ᝅφྫྷ ૂႪ ݵ 伕 㖆ᓊ㔅䗽ᨻᤂᡌ ࣞθஸ伕ࢃᓊỶ ḛ 伕 Ⲻ ᓜθ䚵 ރ Ⱦ ᝅφᗤ у㜳 ᶛࣖ ᑜ༩Ⲻ勒㴁ૂᐨ Ⲻ㴁θഖ Ѱ ᗤ ࣖ ᰬ 㠩 ࣖ ҁ ᆹԢਥ㜳Րਇ Ⱦ ᝅφᓊᇐᵕ ᗤ ᒬ 䲚ᗤ ᡶᴿⲺ伕 Ⱦ ᝅφу ᗤ Րሲ㠪ಞޭ㺞䶘ࣙौθ䘏Րᖧଃಞޭ Ⲻስળਥ㜳Րሲ㠪ধ䲟Ⲻ Ⱦ ᝅφྸ ᗤ 人䇗 㖤 ḒѣθᒬᴿжѠ䱺ࣖ㻻侦 ᙝ䰞θ䛙Ѿ ᗤ ᑮᐛ Ⲻᰬُθ㻻侦ᙝ䰞ᗻ亱ᢉ ᔶȾ ᝅφྸ Ⓠ䖥㓵ᦕඅθѰҼ䚵 ރ ধ䲟θᗻ亱 䙖 Ƚެ㔪 ؤ 䜞ᡌ ղ䜞䰞ⲺщѐӰ ᴪᦘȾ ᦕඅ ഖ ᦕඅ ഖቅᗹ Ȏ ӝ 㣧φ䠇ኔ ׁྸ ᶥ Ⲻ ॏ ᗻ亱䐓 侠 ૂ䰞 㠩ቇ 2 cmȾੜࡏθ 㣧Րᦕඅ䰞 Ⲻ Ⱦ Ȏ ᇯಞφу㾷 ಞѣֵ ᇯಞȾᆹԢӝ Ⲻ 㣧Րᦕඅ ಞȾ Ȏ ᵠ 伕 Ⲻ сᬃ ᗤ φ 侠 ѣᵠ 伕 ቧᬃ ಞՐሲ㠪 ಞ䗽䖳Ⱦ䲚䶔 侠 ᴿ伕 θੜ...

Страница 7: ...ٲ Ⱦ ཝཐᮦ䘿亯ࡍ㺞 δׁྸぁᓅεѣθㅢжѠ䘿亯 䐕 ᴶ жѠ䘿亯ҁ Ⱦ Ḇӑ䘿亯ࡍ㺞 δׁྸᤷ㔣ᰬ䰪εѣθᖉᰁ䖢䘿 䫤䗴ࡦ ᴶቅ ٲ ᡌᴶཝ ٲ ᰬθᛞ䴶㾷ਃᯯੇᰁ䖢䈛䘿 䫤Ⱦ ᱴ ኅ ᱴ ኅᐨ㔅䗽ᶺ䙖θ䘏ṭⵁж ቧ㜳ཕ 䚉ެѣⲺ ؗ ᚥȾ ᛞᖉࢃਥԛ䇴㖤Ⲻ ٲ Ღ᱄ҼȾᆹԢᱴ Ѱ唇ᓋⲳᆍȾ ᘷᶗ ᘷᶗփӄᱴ ኅⲺр䜞Ⱦᰬ䰪Ƚᇐᰬಞᤷ㔣ᰬ䰪ૂぁᓅ 䮵ᓜ ᱴ Ⱦ O PLQ V M X 䭤 ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤Ⲻᐜ ૂם Ⲻם 䭤ޭᴿু Ⱦ с䘏 ӑ 䭤ਥԛ 䘏ӑু Ⱦ 0 ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤 ᛞਥԛԛ亰ᰬ䪾ૂ䘼ᰬ䪾ᯯੇ䖢ࣞᰁ䖢䘿 䫤Ⱦ 8 ᱴ ኅ ᛞਥԛ ᱴ ኅѣⵁࡦᖉࢃ䈹㢸 ٲ Ƚ䘿亯ᡌ䈪᱄Ⱦ 䀜 䀜 сᴿ ᓊಞθ䘏ӑ䀜 փӄᱴ ኅⲺᐜ ם ૂ ם Ⱦ䀜 㠠Ⲻ ཪਥԛ䘿ѣ䈛ࣕ㜳Ⱦ 䭤 ѿ ᔶ ૂީᯣ ಞ j 㨒ঋ ᢉᔶᬃ ᕅ㨒ঋ l ؗ ᚥ ᱴ 䈪᱄ 0 䇴㖤ᰬ䰪䘿亯 䇴㖤ᇐᰬಞ Y 㠠ࣞᔶ䰞 ᢉᔶ ...

Страница 8: ...ᛞⲺ 侠 ᱄㢥ླᒬᨆ ב প伄 䱨 ಞ ᗍ䗽 Ⱦ 㠠ࣞᔶ䰞 ྸ Ҽ㠠ࣞᔶ䰞θ ಞ䰞ᕯ ՐᢉᔶȾᛞਥԛԛᢁࣞ Ⲻᯯᕅᇂ ޞ ᢉᔶ ಞ䰞Ⱦ ᯣ суՐ㠠ࣞᔶ䰞Ⱦᛞਥԛᢁࣞᔶ䰞Ⱦ ᝅ Ȏ ྸ ᬃ ᵕ䰪ᢉᔶ ಞ䰞θࡏᬃ Ჸ ڒ Ⱦ Ȏ ᛞީ䰣 ಞ䰞ᰬθᬃ уՐ㠠ࣞ㔝㔣Ⱦᛞᗻ亱ᢁࣞ䠃 ࣞ䈛ᬃ Ⱦ Ȏ ྸ ಞᐨ㔅ީᯣҼᖾ䮵ᰬ䰪θ ಞ䰞ሼՐ ᔬᰬ ᢉ ᔶȾ 䜞 ᱄ ᖉᛞᢉᔶ ಞ䰞ᰬθ 䜞 ᱄ᔶ Ⱦྸ 䰞ᢉᔶⲺᰬ䰪䎻 䗽 5 䫕ᐜ θՐ߃ ީᯣ 侠 ᱄Ⱦᖉ㠠ࣞᔶ䰞ᐨ θՐ߃ ᔶ 侠 ᱄Ⱦ ሯӄᡶᴿᬃ ᕅθж ࣞᬃ θቧՐᔶ 侠 ᱄Ⱦ ᬃ 㔉ᶕҁ θՐީᯣ ᱄Ⱦ প伄 প伄 㾷 ᔶ Ⱦ 伄Ԅ䰞рᯯ䙮 Ⱦ ֵ θ প伄 ਥ㜳Ր㔝㔣䘆䖢ж ᰬ䰪Ⱦ ቅᗹ у㾷㾼ⴌ䙐伄 Ⱦੜࡏਥ㜳Րሲ㠪 ಞ䗽 Ⱦ ᝅ ᗤ ᬃ 䗽ぁѣθ ಞ ӄ প ᘷȾታ ྸ θ প 伄 ԃሼᔶ Ⱦ ᗤ ᐛ 㔉ᶕᰬθ伄 䘎Րᤷ㔣䘆䖢ж ᰬ䰪Ⱦ Ȏ ...

Страница 9: ...ࢃ ㅢж ֵ ҁࢃ ਥԛֵ ಞҁࢃθᗻ亱䘑㺂жӑ䇴㖤Ⱦᛞ䘎ᗻ亱 侠 ૂ䱺ԬȾ 俌 ֵ 㔏 ಞ䙐 ᡌ ᯣ ҁ θᱴ ኅѣ 俌 ֵ 䇴 㖤Ⱦ䈛䈪᱄ਥ㜳Րᤷ㔣ᱴ ࠖ 䫕Ⱦ ᝅφᛞਥ䳅ᰬ ะᵢ䇴㖤ѣᴪ 䘏ӑ䇴㖤Ⱦ 䇴㖤䈣䀶 1 ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤䘿 ᡶ䴶䈣䀶Ⱦ 2 䀜 ཪȾ сжѠ䇴㖤ᱴ Ⱦ 䇴㖤ᰬ䰪 1 䖢ࣞᰁ䖢䘿 䫤θ䇴㖤ᖉࢃᰬ䰪Ⱦ 2 䀜 ཪȾ 䇴㖤ᰛᵕ 1 ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤䇴㖤ᖉࢃᰛᵕȾ 2 䀜 ཪԛ 䇚Ⱦ 3 ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤䇴㖤ᖉࢃᴾԳȾ 4 䀜 ཪԛ 䇚Ⱦ 5 ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤䇴㖤ᖉࢃᒪԳȾ 6 䀜 ཪԛ 䇚Ⱦ ᱴ ኅѣᱴ жᶗ䈪᱄θ 䇚俌 ֵ ᐨᇂᡆȾ ᷬ 㖤 侠ᇯಞⲺᒩ䶘ᡌ ӄ ૂ 㢨Ⱦ ⴎ ྸ ᷬр 伕 θਥ ӄ䱨ⒻȾѰ θ㾷ᣀ ᷬ ⴎ Ⱦ ᗤ ᐛ ᵕ䰪θҕਥሼ ⴎ 侠ᇯಞȾ ...

Страница 10: ... Ⲻ ݿ 㺞䶘Ⱦ 䱺Ԭ ֵ 㛛Ⲹ Ƚᣯᐹૂ䖥 ᖱᓋ 䱺ԬȾ 1ᬃ ಞ ᬃ ಞᛞᐨҼ䀙 Ԭԛ ެᱥྸ ᐛ ⲺȾ ᡇԢሼՐ䈪᱄ྸ 䇴㖤ᛞⲺ ಞȾᛞሼՐҼ䀙ࡦᖉᛞᢉᔶૂީᯣ ಞᰬሼ Րਇ ӶѾ ԛ ྸ 䘿 ᬃ ᕅȾ ᢉᔶૂީᯣ ಞ ᛞਥԛ䇴㖤 ಞҁࢃθᗻ亱 ݾ ᢉᔶ䈛 ಞȾ ᝅφ ީᯣ ಞᰬθԃ 䘎ਥԛ䇴㖤ᇐᰬಞȾ ީᯣ ಞ θḆӑՐᱴ ᇐᰬಞᒬъ ᱴ ኅрԃ ਥԛⵁࡦ䈪 ᱄Ⱦ уֵ ᰬθ䈭ީᯣᛞⲺ䇴 Ⱦྸ 䮵ᰬ䰪ᵠᓊ Ա 䇴 㖤θՐ㠠ࣞީᯣ ಞȾ ᔶ ಞ с 䭤θ ࣞ ಞȾ 䫤рⲺ ㅜਭԛ ӤⲺ㬓 ᱴ Ⱦ 㾵䰞ᆆ ḽᱴ ᱴ ኅѣθެ Ѱᴶཝᗤ ࣕ Ⱦ ಞ ቧ㔠Ⱦ ᛞਥԛ ঋ Ⲻㄖ㢸ѣᢴࡦྸ 䇴㖤ᬃ ᕅȾ ީᯣ ಞ ֵ 䭤ީᯣ ಞȾ 䭤рⲺ ݿ Ր Ⱦ Ա ਥ㜳 䘆㺂Ⲻࣕ㜳Ր㻡 Ⱦ ᰬ䰪ૂᰛᵕ ᱴ ኅѣȾ ᝅφ ะᵢ䇴㖤ѣθᖉᛞީᯣ䇴 ᰬθᛞਥԛ䇴㖤ᱥੜ ᓊ䈛ᱴ ᰬ䰪ૂᰛᵕȾ 䇴㖤 ㅢпቸ 侠ᰬ...

Страница 11: ...䘿亯θᴪ 䘑ж 䇴㖤Ⱦ 5 с u 䭤 ࣞȾ 㔅䗽Ⲻᰬ䰪 ᱴ ኅрȾਥԛⵁࡦ䇴㖤ૂ䘑ᓜ㓵Ⱦ ᝅφྸ ᜩ㾷 ᔶᖉࢃ䇴㖤θਥԛֵ j 䭤ሲ㡠ഔᬃ ᕅ㓝ࡡȾ ᗤ ᗤ ᛞਥԛֵ ᗤ ᘡ䙕 侠Ƚࣖ ૂ䀙 伕 Ⱦᛞਥԛঋ ֵ ᗤ θҕਥԛֵ ᗤ ф 㓺ਾȾ 㾷 ؓՎौ ᗤ θ䈭䚫ᗠᴿީ 侠ᇯಞⲺ䈪᱄ᒬ ᚿ ሲᢁ߂ 䶘Ⲻᓊ ぁᓅ㺞ѣⲺᮦᦤȾ 侠ᇯಞ ᒬ䶔ᡶᴿ 侠ᇯಞ䜳䘸ਾᗤ Ⱦഖ ѰҼ ؓᛞⲺ伕 ᐨ㻡 ࣖ ᒬъ ಞᵠ㻡ᦕඅθ䈭ӻֵ 䘸ਾᗤ Ⲻ 侠ᇯಞȾ 䘸ᖉⲺ 侠ᇯಞ Ƚ 䲬 Ƚ䲬 ᡌ㙆 ງᯏ ᡆⲺ㙆 侠ᇯ ಞȾ䘏ӑᶆᯏ ݷ 䇮ᗤ 䙐䗽Ⱦ ҕਥԛֵ 但ⴎȾ䘏ṭቧу ሼ伕 ԄжѠⴎ䖢〱ࡦਜж ѠⴎȾྸ 侠ᇯಞᑜᴿ䠇侦䗯ᡌ䬬侦䗯θਠᴿ 䙖 ؓ䇷ᆹԢ䘸 ӄᗤ ᰬᢃ㜳ֵ Ⱦ у䘸ਾⲺ 侠ᇯಞ 䠇ኔ 侠ಞ у䘸ਾȾ䠇ኔу ݷ 䇮ᗤ 䙐䗽Ⱦ 䠇ኔᇯ ಞѣⲺ伕 ԃᱥ ⲺȾ ቅᗹ ӝ 㣧φ䠇ኔ ׁྸ ᶥ Ⲻ ॏ ᗻ亱䐓...

Страница 12: ... 䇗ᰬȾ ᝅ ᖉᔶ ಞᰬθ Ѱᔰ䇤θᴶ儎ᗤ ࣕ ခ㓾 ᱴ ኅѣȾ Ȏ ྸ ಞᐛ ᰬᢉᔶ ಞ䰞θ伄ᵰਥ㜳Ր㔝㔣䘆㺂Ⱦ 侠ᰬ䰪ࡦᰬ ᰬଃ䎭 ؗ ਭ丩Ⱦ ᬃ 㔉ᶕȾ ᨆࢃ ؗ ڒ ਭ丩φ 䀜 0 䫤Ⱦ ᝅφ 䀜 0 䫤ҁ θՐ ᇐᰬಞࣕ㜳θ ᰬ 䰪ҁ θެՐ㠠ࣞ ཧȾྸ ߃ 䀜 0 䫤θᇐᰬಞ ࣕ㜳ሼՐ ཧȾ с 䭤ީᯣ ಞȾ ᴪ 侠ᰬ䰪 䘏䳅ᰬਥԛ䘑㺂Ⱦ ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤ਥԛᴪ 侠ᰬ䮵Ⱦ ᬃ 㔝㔣Ⱦ ᗤ ࣕ 䘏䳅ᰬਥԛ䘑㺂Ⱦ ֵ ཪਥԛ ᗤ ࣕ Ⱦ ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤ਥԛ䇴㖤ᡶ䴶ᗤ ࣕ Ⱦ 侠ᰬ䮵ؓᤷу Ⱦ ᬃ 㔝㔣Ⱦ ᝅφྸ 䇴㖤Ⲻ 侠ᰬ䮵䎻䗽ᗤ ࣕ 900 W Ⲻᴶཝ ᰬ䰪θ䈛ᰬ䰪ሼՐ㠠ࣞࠅቇȾᬃ ڒ Ⱦ с u 䭤θ ᔶခᬃ Ⱦ ࣕ 伕 ᴶཝ 侠ᰬ䮵 90 W ӄ䀙 㓼伕 1 ቅᰬ 30 䫕 180 W ӄ䀙 ૂ䘔㔣 侠 1 ቅᰬ 30 䫕 360 W ӄ 侠㚿 ૂࣖ 㠪伕 1 ቅᰬ 30 䫕...

Страница 13: ... Ȏ ྸ ಞᐛ ᰬᢉᔶ ಞ䰞θ伄ᵰਥ㜳Ր㔝㔣䘆㺂Ⱦ 侠ᰬ䰪ࡦᰬ ᰬଃ䎭 ؗ ਭ丩Ⱦ ᬃ 㔉ᶕȾ ᨆࢃ ؗ ڒ ਭ丩φ 䀜 0 䫤Ⱦ ᝅφ 䀜 0 䫤ҁ θՐ ᇐᰬಞࣕ㜳θ ᰬ 䰪ҁ θެՐ㠠ࣞ ཧȾྸ ߃ 䀜 0 䫤θᇐᰬಞ ࣕ㜳ሼՐ ཧȾ с 䭤ީᯣ ಞȾ ᴪ 侠ᰬ䰪 䘏䳅ᰬਥԛ䘑㺂Ⱦ ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤ਥԛᴪ 侠ᰬ䮵Ⱦ ᬃ 㔝㔣Ⱦ ᴪ 䇴㖤 䘏䳅ᰬਥԛ䘑㺂Ⱦ ֵ ཪਥԛ 䇴㖤Ⱦ ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤ਥԛ䇴㖤ᡶ䴶 䇴㖤Ⱦ 侠ᰬ䮵ؓᤷу Ⱦ ᬃ 㔝㔣Ⱦ ᝅφᖉሼᬃ ᕅԄ ᴪ Ѱ㓺ਾ ᕅᰬθ ಞՐᲸ ڒ θਃҁӜ Ⱦᬃ ڒ Ⱦྸ ᜩ㾷ᴪ ᬃ ᕅθਥԛ 䙐䗽 օ u 䭤㔝㔣ᬃ Ⱦ 䇴㖤ᗤ Ѱ㓺ਾ ᕅ 䘏ऻᤢ ૂᗤ ࣕ㜳ੂᰬ Ⱦֵ ᗤ 㜳ཕࣖᘡ 侠 䙕ᓜθռᱥԃ ਥԛᖾླ൦р㢨Ⱦ ᛞਥԛ䘿 ᡶᴿᗤ ࣕ 䇴㖤Ⱦ ׁཌφ900 ૂ 600 WȾ 䇴㖤ᗤ Ѱ㓺ਾ ᕅ ᇔׁφ 3θᗤ ࣕ 180 Wθ 侠ᰬ䮵 2...

Страница 14: ...䳅ᰬਥԛ䘑㺂Ⱦ ֵ ཪਥԛᴪ 㓺ਾ ᕅȾ ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤ਥԛ䇴㖤ᡶ䴶㓺ਾ ᕅȾ 侠ᰬ䮵ؓᤷу Ⱦ ᬃ 㔝㔣Ⱦ ᝅφᖉሼᬃ ᕅԄ ᴪ Ѱ㓺ਾ ᕅᰬθ ಞՐᲸ ڒ θਃҁӜ Ⱦᬃ ڒ Ⱦྸ ᜩ㾷ᴪ ᬃ ᕅθਥԛ 䙐䗽 օ u 䭤㔝㔣ᬃ Ⱦ Oᇐᰬಞ ᇐᰬಞᛞਥԛሼᇐᰬಞ Ѱ ᡵᇐᰬಞθᇐᰬಞфެᆹ䇴㖤ж䎭 䘆㺂Ⱦ ֵ䇴 ީᯣθᛞԃ ਥԛ䳅ᰬሯެ䘑㺂䇴㖤Ⱦᆹ ᴿެ㠠ᐧⲺ ؗ ਭ丩θ䘏ṭᛞቧਥԛ ࡡᱥᇐᰬಞࡦᰬ䘎ᱥ 侠ᰬ䰪ࡦᰬȾ 䇴㖤ᇐᰬಞ ᴶཝ䇴㖤Ѱ 24 ቅᰬȾ ٲ 䏀儎θᰬ䰪䰪䳊ቧ䏀䮵Ⱦ 1 с 0 䭤Ⱦ ᱴ ᇐᰬಞȾ 2 ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤䇴㖤ᇐᰬಞᤷ㔣ᰬ䰪Ⱦ 3 с 0 䭤 ࣞȾ ᝅφࠖ 䫕ҁ θᇐᰬಞҕՐ㠠ࣞ ࣞȾ ᇐᰬಞᔶခ و 䇗ᰬȾ ᰬ䰪ҁ θᱴ ኅՐ ᦘഔȾᇐ ᰬಞㅜਭૂ㔅䗽Ⲻᰬ䰪 ᘷᶗѣȾ жᰜᇐᰬಞᤷ㔣ᰬ䰪ࡦᰬθ ؗ ਭ丩ቧՐଃ䎭Ⱦֵ 0 䭤ਥԛᨆࢃ ؗ ਭ丩Ⱦ ᝅ ֵީᯣ ಞ...

Страница 15: ...䈭ࣗᗻֵ 䘸ਾᗤ Ⲻ 侠ᇯಞθׁྸθ ᡌ䲬 ᡆⲺᇯಞȾ䈭䚫ᗠぁᓅ㺞ѣⲺ䱺Ԭᨆ Ⱦ 侠䈪᱄ ᴿжᕖ䘸 伕 㺞θެѣᴿ䠃䠅㤹പૂᡶ䴶㾷 Ⲻ䱺ԬȾ у㜳䇴㖤䎻 䠃䠅㤹പⲺ䠃䠅Ⱦ ሯӄ䇮ཐ㨒ᕅθ 㔅䗽жᇐᰬ䰪 Րਇ ж༦ ؗ ਭ༦Ⱦ䈭 㘱䖢ᡌᨻᤂ伕 Ⱦ 䀙 φ Ȏ ታਥ㜳ሼ伕 ᡆࠖԳθ 18 C сᒩ Ⱦ Ȏ ሼ 伕 㖤 ᒩᓋⲺ 侠ᇯಞѣθׁྸ ᡌ ᤌ ѣȾ Ȏ ಞѣ䀙 ҁ θ䇟伕 㔝㔣䀙 15 ࡦ 90 䫕θ 㠩䗴ࡦᚈ Ⱦ Ȏ 䶘ऻᓊ䈛䴶㾷ཐቇ䀙 ཐቇθഖѰ䶘ऻᖾᇯ᱉ 䍞Ⱦ Ȏ 䀙 㚿ඍȽᇬ ᰬՐᴿ ӝ Ⱦ 㘱䖢㚿ૂᇬ ᰬ 㾷ሼ䘏ӑ و ᒨ χ ሼ䘏ӑ ެᆹ 䙊ᡌ 䇟 䀜ެᆹ伕 Ⱦ Ȏ 㘱䖢 θ㾷ሼᐨ䀙 Ⲻ㚿 Ⱦ Ȏ ਠᇬ ᓊ 侠ᇯಞ θ㜮䜞ᵓсχᇬ ඍࡏᑜⳤ Ⲻ䜞 ᵓсȾ 㭢㨒φ Ȏ 勒㭢㨒φ ᡆཝቅൽशⲺቅඍȾ 100 g 㭢㨒ࣖ ޛ ж ཝ ॏ Ⱦ Ȏ 㭢㨒φ ぁᓅӻ䘸ਾ 䗽ռ ᴿ人 ݾ ...

Страница 16: ...2 00 kg ᰖⴌ ᓋ 侠ᇯಞ 侠 ᓋ 劲 ޞ 劲Ƚ劲ඍȽ劲 0 10 1 00 kg ᰖⴌ ᓋ 侠ᇯಞ 侠 ᓋ 侠 勒㭢㨒 㣧ὦ㨒Ƚὦ㨒Ƚ㜗㩓 Ƚཝཪ㨒Ƚ丣㨒Ƚ㜗 ὈȽ㾵㪡㣜 0 15 1 00 kg ᑜⴌ 侠ᇯಞ 侠 ᓋ 㭢㨒 㣧ὦ㨒Ƚὦ㨒Ƚ㜗㩓 Ƚཝཪ㨒Ƚ㓘 㬓Ƚ㨖㨒 0 15 1 00 kg ᑜⴌ 侠ᇯಞ 侠 ᓋ ൕ䉼 ൕ䉼Ƚৱⳤ ൕ䉼Ƚཝቅ ੂⲺൕ䉼ඍ 0 20 1 00 kg ᑜⴌ 侠ᇯಞ 侠 ᓋ 侣 ཝ Ƚ䮵 ཝ 0 05 0 30 kg ᑜⴌ 侠ᇯಞ 侠 ᓋ ൕ䉼 㵗䍞ൕ䉼Ƚԛ㵗䍞ൕ䉼Ѱѱᡌ 䍞ൕ䉼θ㓜 6 cm 0 20 1 50 kg ᷬ 侠 ᓋ 㓺ਾ ᕅ ߦ ᝅཝ ॹቸ䶘 ᝅཝ ॹቸ䶘䞃 㤺㚿䞧 0 30 1 00 kg ᰖⴌ 侠ᇯಞ 侠 ᓋ ቅ呗ඍ 呗ཝ㞵θঀਠ呗 0 50 1 80 kg ⴎૂ ᷬ 侠 ᓋ 㿸ሕ㔏 Ⲻ ؗ ਭθҼ䀙 ᰬ㘱䖢伕 Ⱦ 㿸ሕ㔏 Ⲻ ؗ ...

Страница 17: ... ࡦᛞⲺ ಞⲺ䇴㖤Ⱦ ᛞਥԛᴪ ԛс䇴㖤φ ᝅφሯ䈣䀶Ƚ 䭤༦丩ૂᱴ Ӥᓜ䇴㖤䘑㺂Ⲻᴪ Ր ȾᡶᴿެԌᴪ ሼ ؓᆎ䇴㖤ҁ Ⱦ ᯣ ሯ䇴㖤ᡶ䘑㺂Ⲻᴪ 㠩 ᯣ ҁ 䘎Րؓ Ⱦ ᯣ ҁ θӻф俌 ֵ ಞ ީⲺ䇴㖤䴶㾷߃ ᢝ 㺂Ⱦ ᴪ ᰬ䰪 ᛞਥԛᴪ ะᵢ䇴㖤ѣⲺᰬ䰪Ⱦ ׁྸφሼᰬ䰪Ԅཅᆙᰬ ѰߢᆙᰬȾ 1 с 䭤Ⱦ 2 с j 䭤Ⱦ 3 ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤䘿 䇴㖤 Ⱦ 4 䀜 ཪ 〱ࣞࡦ ᖉᰛᰬ䰪 Ⱦ 5 ֵ ᰁ䖢䘿 䫤ᴪ ᰬ䰪Ⱦ 6 с j 䭤Ⱦ ؓᆎ ᡌ ᔹ ᱴ ኅрȾ 䇴㖤 䘿亯 䈣䀶 䇴㖤䈣䀶 ᰬ䫕 䇴㖤ᖉࢃᰬ䰪 ᰛᵕ 䇴㖤ᖉࢃᰛᵕ ؗ ਭ丩 侠ᰬ䰪 ѣ 侠ᰬ䰪 䮵 侠ᰬ䰪 䭤༦丩 ᔶ ީᯣ δ Ⲻ 䫤༦丩ခ㓾 ӄᢉᔶ ᘷε ᱴ Ӥᓜ 5 ѠӤᓜㅿ㓝 ㅿ㓝 3 ᰬ䫕ᱴ ᮦ ᰛᵕ ᮦ ީ䰣 དྷ䰪 ᱄䈹 ީᯣ ᔶ δ 22 00 ࡦ 6 00 ҁ䰪ᱴ 䈹 ε ᕅ ީᯣ ᔶ δӻ ಞགྷփҁ Ⲻ 3...

Страница 18: ...θԛ䱨ᔬᰬ 㞴Ⱦԛᴶཝᗤ ࣕ ሼ ࣖ 1 㠩 2 䫕Ⱦ ࡸ ѰҼ䱨 ഖ ࡸֵ уᖉ㙂ᦕඅ 㺞䶘θ䈭䚫ᆾс㺞 ѣⲺ ؗ ᚥȾ 䈭वֵ φ Ȏ ᕰ Ⲻᡌ㞆㲶ᙝⲺ ࡸȾ Ȏ 䠇ኔᡌ ࡤ 䰞䶘ᶵȾ Ȏ 䠇ኔᡌ ࡤ 䰞ሷȾ Ȏ Ⲻ ᡌ 㔫Ⱦ Ȏ 儎䞈 䠅Ⲻ ࡸȾ 㔫ᐹֵ ࢃ㾷ᖱᓋ Ⱦ ต ࡸ ಞࢃ䶘ᶵ 㛛Ⲹ φ ᐹ ᒬ 䖥ᐹᬜ ᒨȾу㾷 䠇ኔᡌ ࡤ 䘑㺂 Ⱦ ᱴ ኅ ֵ ᗤ㓚㔪ᐹᡌᗤ ⲺᣯᐹᬜᤣȾу 㾷 ᐹᬜᤣȾ у䬾䫘 㛛Ⲹ φ ᐹ ᒬ 䖥ᐹᬜ ᒨȾ 䲚 ෘȽ 㜸Ƚ ૂ㴁 ⲳ ׁྸ㴁 ᖘᡆⲺᯇ Ⱦ䘏 ਥ㜳Րᖘᡆᯇ Ⱦу䬾䫘щ ਥԄᡇԢⲺ ᵃࣗ䜞䰞ᡌщѐ 䴬 㧭 Ⱦ у䬾䫘 ᡆⲺ 侠 㛛Ⲹ ᡌ䟁 φ ᐹ ᒬ 䖥ᐹᬜᒨȾ䈭वֵ ௭䴴ࡸᡌ Ա ެԌ㞆㲶ᙝ ࡸᡌ 㲶ᙝ ᶆᯏȾᬜ Ƚ Ⲻ 㔫ૂᒩᓋ䬻 ൽу䘸 Ⱦ䘏ӑ Րࡤ 㺞䶘Ⱦ䇟 䜞㺞䶘ᖱᓋᒨ Ⱦ 䰞䶘ᶵ ࡸφ ᐹ Ⱦу㾷ֵ ࡤ Ⱦ 䰞ሷ у㾷 сȾ 㛛Ⲹ...

Страница 19: ...ⴈѣⲺᯣ䐥ಞȾ㚊 ᵃࣗ䜞䰞Ⱦ 䳒㺞 䳒 ਥ㜳 ഖ 㓖 λ ؗ ᚥ ಞуᐛ ᡌᱴ ኅуᐛ ᨈཪ ᴿᨈ ޛ Ⓠ ሼ ಞ䘔 㠩 Ⓠ ᯣ ỶḛެԌ ᡵ ಞᱥੜᐛ ᯣ䐥ಞ 䳒 Ỷḛؓ䲟ѓⴈθ ؓ ಞؓ䲟ѓ ᑮ ᬃ 䳒 ؓ䲟ѓⴈѣθީᯣ ಞⲺᯣ䐥ಞθᒬ ཝ 㓜 60 䠃 ᢉᔶ ಞу㜳 ࣞ ಞ䰞 ᴿᇂ ީޞ 䰣 ީ䰣 ಞ䰞 ಞуࣖ Ⱦ ঋ䈃 Demo ᱴ ኅѣȾ ಞ ӄ ᕅȾ ะᵢ䇴㖤ѣ ڒ ᕅȾ Ѱ θሼ ಞ Ჸᯣ ީᯣᇬ ؓ䲟ѓᡌ ؓ䲟ѓⴈ Ⲻᯣ䐥ಞ Ⱦ θ 3 䫕 ะᵢ䇴㖤ѣ ڒ ᕅȾ 䜞 ᱄уᐛ 䜞 ᱄ਇ 䳒 㠪 ᵃࣗ䜞䰞 䭏 ؗ ᚥ Exxx ྸ ᱴ 䭏 ؗ ᚥθ䈭ީᯣ ಞθ 䠃 ᔶ Ⱦྸ 䈛 ؗ ᚥ ཧθ䈪᱄䘏ᱥж ᙝⲺ 䰤从Ⱦྸ ߃ ਇ 䳒ᡌԃ ᱴ 䭏䈥 ؗ ᚥθ䈭㚊 ᵃࣗ䜞䰞ᒬᨆ ב 䳒ԙ Ⱦ ᙝφ 䭏 ؗ ᚥ E0532 φᢉᔶૂީ䰣 ಞ䰞Ⱦ 䭏 ؗ ᚥ E6501 φީᯣ ಞȾㅿᖻ ...

Страница 20: ... V 50 Hz 额定输入功率 最大 1815 W 额定输出功率 微波 900 W IEC 60705 额定输入功率 电热 1210 W ᗤ 仇 2450 MHz ؓ䲟ѓ 10 A ተሮ 儎 ᇳ ಞ 382 x 594 x 318 mm 侠 220 x 350 x 270 mm ᴶཝಠ༦ ٲ ቅӄ 42 dB A 㜳 ㅿ㓝 1 㓝 ٲ 66 ᖻᵰࣕ㙍 0 9 W 烧烤能耗 1 1 W h ᵢ ಞㅜਾḽ EN 55011 ૂ CISPR 11Ⱦᆹኔӄ 㓺 2 ѣⲺ B ӝ Ⱦ 㓺 2 㺞 ᗤ Ⲻ ӝⴤⲺᱥ ӄࣖ 伕 Ⱦ B 㺞 ᵢ ಞ䘸ਾ Ӱᇬᓣֵ Ⱦ ᱥ CCC 认证 ...

Страница 21: ...伕 ж ᡌњ Ⱦཝඍ伕 ᓊཐ㘱 䖢ࠖ Ⱦ㘱䖢ᰬθৱ䲚䀙 ӝ Ⲻ Ⱦ ሼ䀙 䗽Ⲻ伕 㔝㔣 ᇚ с 㖤 10 ࡦ 60 䫕θ䇟 ᓜ どᇐсᶛȾ ᰬθਥԛৱ䲚ᇬ Ⲻ 㝅ᵸ Ⱦ ᝅφሼ 侠ᇯಞ 侠 ᓋᶵрȾ 㨒ᕅ 䠃䠅 ᗤ ࣕ W θ 侠ᰬ䰪 䫕 䈪᱄ ඍ 㚿Ƚ 㚿ᡌቅ 㚿 ᑜ僞ᡌৱ 僞 800 g 180 Wθ 15 䫕 90 Wθ 15 25 䫕 㘱䖢ࠖ 1000 g 180 Wθ 20 䫕 90 Wθ 20 30 䫕 1500 g 180 Wθ 25 䫕 90 Wθ 25 30 䫕 㚿ඍᡌ㚿 㚿Ƚቅ 㚿ᡌ 㚿 200 g 180 Wθ5 8 䫕 90 Wθ5 10 䫕 㘱䖢ᰬሼ㚿ᶗ 㚿ඍ ᔶ 500 g 180 Wθ 8 11 䫕 90 Wθ 10 15 䫕 800 g 180 Wθ 10 䫕 90 Wθ 10 15 䫕 ӊ㣧㚿 200 g 90 Wθ 10 15 䫕 伕 ᰬታਥ㜳ᒩ χ 䀙...

Страница 22: ... ᵕ䰪㘱䖢 1000 g 180 Wθ 12 䫕 90 Wθ 10 20 䫕 ᒨ㴁 θׁྸ 㔫㴁 500 g 90 Wθ 10 15 䫕 㴁 ඍχ ӻ ӄуࣖ 㺙Ƚྫྷ ᡌྫྷ哺䞧Ⲻ㴁 750 g 180 Wθ 5 䫕 90 Wθ 10 15 䫕 㴁 θׁྸ 侻侲Ƚᒨ䞠㴁 500 g 180 Wθ 5 䫕 90 Wθ 15 20 䫕 ӻ䘸 ӄуࣖ 㺙Ƚྫྷ ᡌⲳ᱄㜬Ⲻ 㴁 750 g 180 Wθ 7 䫕 90 Wθ 15 20 䫕 㨒ᕅ 䠃䠅 ᗤ ࣕ W θ 侠ᰬ䰪 䫕 䈪᱄ 㨒ᕅ 䠃䠅 ᗤ ࣕ W θ 侠ᰬ䰪 䫕 䈪᱄ ྍ但Ƚ 但θ 伕但 2 3 ᡆԳ 300 400 g 600 Wθ 8 13 䫕 ⴌⴌᆆ 400 g 600 Wθ 8 12 䫕 ᑜⴌ 侠ᇯಞ 㚿 500 g 600 Wθ 10 15 䫕 ᑜⴌ 侠ᇯಞ ᑜ䈹 ᯏⲺ㚿ᶗᡌ㚿 θׁྸ㨒 㚿 500 g 600 Wθ 10 15 ...

Страница 23: ... ᓜȾ Ȏ ࣖ θ㔝㔣䇟伕 ؓᤷ 2 5 䫕θԛ ᓜൽशȾ Ȏ ᖉԄ ಞѣ ⴎᆆᰬθжᇐ㾷ֵ ᐹᡌ ᢁ ྍȾ ᝅφሼ 侠ᇯಞ 侠 ᓋᶵрȾ 㨒ᕅ ᮦ䠅 ᗤ ࣕ W θ 侠ᰬ䰪 䫕 䈪᱄ ྍ但Ƚ 但θ 伕但 2 3 ᡆԳ 600 Wθ 5 8 䫕 ᶥ 125 mL 900 Wθ 1 䫕Ⱦ ࣗᗻሼ ॏ ޛ ᇯಞѣχу㾷䇟䞈 侤 䗽 χ ࣖ ᵕ䰪уᰬỶḛ 200 mL 900 Wθ 1 2 䫕 500 mL 900 Wθ 3 4 䫕 Ⴊ ݵ 伕 θׁྸྫྷ 50 mL 360 Wθ㓜 䫕 уᑜྫྷ౪ᡌ ⴌⲺ ᆆχ ࣖ ᖱ ᓋ शᡌᨻᤂൽशθᒬ ؓỶḛ䗽 ᓜ 100 mL 360 Wθ 1 䫕Ⱦ 200 mL 360 Wθ 1 2 䫕 θ 1 ᶥ ᶥ 175 g 600 Wθ 1 2 䫕 θ 2 ᶥ ᶥ 175 g 600 Wθ 2 3 䫕 ᑜ䞧 Ⲻ㚿 500 g 600 Wθ 7 10 䫕 㚿 40...

Страница 24: ...䰪ᨻᤂ 500 g 600 Wθ 10 15 䫕 ൕ䉼 250 g 600 Wθ 8 10 䫕 ሼൕ䉼 ᡆཝቅൽशⲺቅඍχ 100 g ൕ䉼ࣖ ޛ 1 ॏ χ ࣖ ᵕ䰪ᨻᤂ 500 g 600 Wθ 10 15 䫕 750 g 600 Wθ 15 22 䫕 侣 125 g 600 Wθ 4 6 䫕 180 Wθ 12 15 䫕 ࣖ Ⲻكਂޛ 250 g 600 Wθ 6 8 䫕 180 Wθ 15 18 䫕 伕θྸ ྫྷ 伕 500 mL 600 Wθ 6 8 䫕 ࣖ ᵕ䰪θֵ ᢉ㴁ಞᖱᓋᨻᤂ ྫྷ 2 ࡦ 3 θ㵒侥 500 g 600 Wθ 9 12 䫕 ࣖ ᵕ䰪ᨻᤂ ᗤ 㣧 100 g 600 Wθ 3 4 䫕 ࣗᗻሼ 㣧㻁 ⴎр 䈭䚫ᆾ 䙖 Ⲻ䈪᱄Ⱦ ᛞᰖ ᢴࡦ 侠Ⲻ伕 䠅Ⲻ ᓊ䇴㖤 ؗ ᚥȾ ṯᦤԛс㔅僂 ࡏθᔬ䮵ᡌ㕟 侠ᰬ䮵φњ ك 䠅 њ ك ᰬ 䰪θжঀ䠅 жঀᰬ䰪 伕 ᗍའᒨ...

Страница 25: ... 2 䶘φ㓜 10 15 䫕 俏㛖 4 6 Գ Գ㓜 150 g 3 儎 ㅢ 1 䶘φ㓜 10 15 䫕 ㅢ 2 䶘φ㓜 10 15 䫕 劲ᧈ 2 3 Գ Գ㓜 150 g 3 儎 ㅢ 1 䶘φ㓜 10 䫕 ㅢ 2 䶘φ㓜 10 15 䫕 ޞ 劲 θྸ匕劲 2 3 Գ Գ㓜 150 g 3 儎 ㅢ 1 䶘φ㓜 15 䫕 ㅢ 2 䶘φ㓜 15 20 䫕 䶘ऻ 人 2 6 3 儎 ㅢ 1 䶘φ㓜 4 䫕 ㅢ 2 䶘φ㓜 4 䫕 ᑜ ཪ ਮ 2 6 3 儎 ߩӄ䞃ᯏφ5 10 䫕 俌 ݾ ᣯ ᷬȾ 㨒ᕅ 䠃䠅 䇴㖤 ᗤ ࣕ W θ 侠ᰬ䰪 䫕 䈪᱄ ཝඍ 㚿θ ׁྸ 亾㚿 㓜 750 g 1 ք 360 Wθ 35 40 䫕 㓜 15 䫕 㘱䖢 㚿 ᴶ 7 cm 㓜 750 g 2 ѣ 360 Wθ㓜 25 䫕 ঀ呗 㓜 1200 g 3 儎 360 Wθ 40 䫕 ሼ㚿ඍᑜⳤⲺж ם ᵓрχ ...

Страница 26: ...ᗤ Ⲻ 㾷 GB 4706 22 2008 ᇬ ૂ ղ 䙊 ಞⲺᆿ ޞ 傱 ᕅ Ƚ ਦȽ ղ 䙊ಞޭⲺ 㾷 GB19606 2004 ᇬ ૂ ղ 䙊 ಞಠ༦䲆 ٲ 㨒ᕅ ᗤ ࣕ W θ 侠ᰬ䰪 䫕 䈪᱄ ྫྷ 㴁㗯θ 1000 g 600 Wθ 11 12 䫕 180 Wθ 8 10 䫕 㙆 ⴎ 㔫㴁 θ 475 g 600 Wθ 7 9 䫕 㙆 ⴎθ ᖺ 22 cm 㚿 θ 900 g 600 Wθ 25 30 䫕 㙆 㴁 ⴎθ 28 cm 䮵 㨒ᕅ ᗤ ࣕ W θ䀙 ᰬ䰪 䫕 䈪᱄ 㚿θ 500 g 㚿 ぁᓅθ 500 g ᡌ 180 Wθ 8 䫕 90 Wθ 7 10 䫕 㙆 ⴎθ ᖺ 24 cm 㨒ᕅ ᗤ ࣕ W θ 䇴㖤θ 侠ᰬ䰪 䫕 䈪᱄ ᕅ ൕ䉼θ 1100 g 360 W 䇴㖤 2θ 30 35 䫕 ᖘ㙆 ⴎθ ᖺ 22 cm 㴁 у 㦆 ঀ呗θ㓜 1100 g 360 Wθ...

Страница 27: ...d 六价铬 Cr VI 多溴联苯 PBB 多溴二苯醚 PBDE 内部部件 O X X X X X 控制部件 O X O X X X 附属部件 X X X X X X 外部部件 X X X X X X 电器部件 X X X X X X O 表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB T 26572 2011 规定的限量要求以下 X 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB T 26572 2011 规定的限量要求 注意 在所售产品中可能不会含有所有所列的部件 ...

Страница 28: ...西门子家用电器产品保修指南 博西家用电器 中国 有限公司 南京市中山路129号中南国际大厦20 21楼 全国统一客户服务热线 400889999 客户服务电子邮箱 careline china bshg com 公司网站 www siemens home cn 本资料内容如有变更 恕不另行通知 ...

Страница 29: ...定执行 2 产品存在瑕疵但不影响产品的性能 功能 也不违反国家强制性规定 厂方 商业单位作降价处理的 其包修条件同上 但因此而降价的部位不予包修 3 包修期内 用户修理时必须提供修理产品的有效收货凭证 购买发票和厂方指定的相关三包凭证 三包 包修期自购买收货之日算起 如果收货凭证遗失 按照购买发票日期顺延 7 日作为三包开始日期 如果 收货凭证和购买发票同时遗失且不能提供有效信息 按照出厂日期顺延 45 日作为包修开始日期 4 下列项目不属于免费包修范围 应实行收费修理 用户搬运 安装 使用 维护 保管不当而损坏的 使用电源电压低于 187 伏或高于 240 伏而损坏的 自行或非厂方特约维修点拆修的 无有效购买发票和三包凭证的 购买发票或三包凭证型号与产品型号不符或涂改的 因不可抗据力造成产品损坏的 过了免费包修期的 5 由于产品使用环境条件 如电源 水源 温度 湿度等非本公司所能控制的因...

Страница 30: ...号码 维修点名称 维修点电话 顾客姓名 联系电话 购买日期 发票号码 产品型号 出厂年月 维修日期 出厂序号 结算第五联 顾客姓名 联系电话 购买日期 发票号码 产品型号 出厂年月 维修日期 出厂序号 结算第四联 顾客姓名 联系电话 购买日期 发票号码 产品型号 出厂年月 维修日期 出厂序号 结算第三联 顾客姓名 联系电话 购买日期 发票号码 产品型号 出厂年月 维修日期 出厂序号 结算第二联 顾客姓名 联系电话 购买日期 发票号码 产品型号 出厂年月 维修日期 出厂序号 结算第一联 ...

Страница 31: ...nty period is the same but the price reduced part is not protected under warranty 3 Within the warranty period the user must furnish the valid receipt certificate purchase invoice and warranty certificate defined by the manufacturer when requesting repairs under warranty The warranty period starts from the date of purchase and receipt If the receipt certificate is lost the warranty period starts 7...

Страница 32: ...hasing Invoice number E number FD number Repair date Serial number Name Telephone Date of purchasing Invoice number E number FD number Repair date Serial number Warranty Card Name Telephone Address Dateofpurchasing E number Invoicenumber Repair name Repair Telephone Name Telephone Date of purchasing Invoice number E number FD number Repair date Serial number Fifth page Fourth page Third page Secon...

Страница 33: ...the grill 43 Setting the microwave to combi mode 43 O Timer 44 Setting the timer 44 P Programmes 45 Setting a programme 45 Information on the programmes 45 Resting time 46 Programme table 46 Q Basic settings 47 Changing settings 47 List of settings 47 Power cut 47 Changing the time 47 D Cleaning 48 Cleaning agent 48 3 Trouble shooting 49 4 Customer service 50 E number and FD number 50 Technical sp...

Страница 34: ...cessories on page 39 Important safety information Importantsafetyinformation General information Warning Risk of fire Combustible items stored in the cooking compartment may catch fire Never store combustible items in the cooking compartment Never open the appliance door if there is smoke inside Switch off the appliance and unplug it from the mains or switch off the circuit breaker in the fuse box...

Страница 35: ...The appliance must only be used for the preparation of food and drinks Risk of fire Food may catch fire Never heat food in heat retaining packages Do not leave food heating unattended in containers made of plastic paper or other combustible materials Do not select a microwave power or time setting that is higher than necessary Follow the information provided in this instruction manual Never use th...

Страница 36: ...n the inside of the door Foil containers Do not use foil containers in the appliance They damage the appliance by producing sparks Operating the microwave without food Operating the appliance without food in the cooking compartment may lead to overloading Never switch on the microwave unless there is food inside The short crockery test is the exception to this rule Operating the appliance on page ...

Страница 37: ...n some selection lists e g duration you have to turn the rotary selector back the other way when you reach the minimum or maximum value Display The display is structured so that the information can be read at a glance The value that you can currently set is in focus It is displayed in white lettering with a dark background Status bar The status bar is at the top of the display The time timer durat...

Страница 38: ... open the appliance door during operation the operation is paused When you close the appliance door the operation does not continue automatically You must restart the operation manually If the appliance has been switched off for a long time the appliance door will open after a time delay Interior lighting When you open the appliance door the interior lighting switches on If the door remains open f...

Страница 39: ... shown in the display It may take a few seconds for the instruction to appear Note You can change these settings again at any time in the basic settings Setting the language 1 Use the rotary selector to select the required language 2 Touch the arrow The next setting appears Setting the time 1 Turn the rotary selector to set the current time 2 Touch the arrow Setting the date 1 Use the rotary selec...

Страница 40: ...ou are able to set the appliance you must switch it on Note The timer can also be set when the appliance is switched off Some displays and notes remain visible in the display after the appliance has been switched off Switch off your device when it is not being used If no settings are applied for a long time the appliance switches itself off automatically Switching on the appliance Press the button...

Страница 41: ...rve the notes on cookware and familiarise yourself with the data in the application tables at the end of the instruction manual Cookware Not all cookware is microwavable So that your food is heated and the appliance is not damaged only use microwavable cookware Suitable cookware Heat resistant cookware made of glass glass ceramic porcelain ceramic or heat resistant plastic are suitable These mater...

Страница 42: ...n use the fan may continue to run Cooking time elapsed An audible signal sounds Operation has finished Stopping the audible signal early Touch the 0 button Note After touching the 0 button the timer function appears after a short time it automatically disappears If you touch the 0 button again the timer function will disappear instantly Press the button to switch off the appliance Changing the coo...

Страница 43: function appears after a short time it automatically disappears If you touch the 0 button again the timer function will disappear instantly Press the button to switch off the appliance Changing the cooking time This can be done at any time Use the rotary selector to change the cooking time The operation continues Changing the grill setting This can be done at any time Use the arrow to change to...

Страница 44: ...When changing the operating mode from grill to combi mode and vice versa the appliance pauses The operation stops If you want to change the operating mode continue the operation by pressing the u button OTimer Timer You can use the timer as a kitchen timer The timer runs alongside other settings You can set it at any time even if the device is switched off It has its own audible signal so that you...

Страница 45: ...ppropriate weight ranges and the accessories required can be found in the section after the notes It is not possible to set a weight outside the weight range With many dishes a signal sounds after a certain time Turn or stir the food Defrosting As far as possible freeze and store food flat and in portion sized quantities at 18 C Place the frozen food in flat cookware such as a glass or porcelain p...

Страница 46: ...lid Cooking compartment floor Cooking Fresh vegetables Cauliflower broccoli carrots kohlrabi leeks peppers courgettes 0 15 1 00 kg Cookware with lid Cooking compartment floor Frozen vegetables Cauliflower broccoli carrots kohlrabi red cabbage spinach 0 15 1 00 kg Cookware with lid Cooking compartment floor Potatoes Boiled potatoes unpeeled boiled potatoes chopped potatoes of the same size 0 20 1 0...

Страница 47: ... Power cut The changes you make to the settings are retained even after a power cut Only the settings pertaining to the initial use of the appliance need to be implemented once again following a power cut Changing the time You can change the time in the basic settings For example Changing from summer to winter time 1 Press the button 2 Press the j button 3 Use the rotary selector to select Setting...

Страница 48: ...ers to clean the door panels Metal or glass scrapers to clean the door seal Hard scouring pads or sponges Cleaning agents with a high alcohol content Wash new sponge cloths thoroughly before use Area Cleaning agent Appliance front Hot soapy water Clean using a dish cloth and then dry with a soft cloth Do not use a metal or glass scraper for cleaning Display Wipe down using a microfibre cloth or a ...

Страница 49: ...e working The circuit breaker is faulty Check in the fuse box to make sure that the fuse for the appliance is OK Faulty operation Switch off the circuit breaker for the appliance in the fuse box and switch it back on after approx 60 sec onds The appliance cannot be started The appliance door is not fully closed Close the appliance door Appliance does not heat up The word demo is shown in the dis p...

Страница 50: ...rvice engineer is not free of charge even during the warranty period After sales contact details for all countries can be found in the attached after sales service directory This appliance corresponds to the standards EN 55011 and CISPR 11 It is a Group 2 Class B product Group 2 means that microwaves are produced for the purpose of heating food Class B states that the appliance is suitable for pri...

Страница 51: ...partment floor Turn or stir the food once or twice during the defrosting time Large pieces of food should be turned several times When turning remove any liquid that has been produced during defrosting Leave defrosted items to stand at room temperature for a further 10 to 60 minutes so that the temperature can even out You can remove the giblets from poultry at this point Note Place the ovenware o...

Страница 52: ...s dry e g sponge cake 500 g 90 W 10 15 mins Separate the pieces of cake only for cakes without icing cream or crème pâtissière 750 g 180 W 5 mins 90 W 10 15 mins Cakes moist e g fruit flan cheesecake 500 g 180 W 5 mins 90 W 15 20 mins Only for cakes without icing cream or gela tine 750 g 180 W 7 mins 90 W 15 20 mins Dish Weight Microwave output in watts time in minutes Note Dish Weight Microwave o...

Страница 53: ...your cookware use a plate or special microwave foil Stir or turn the food several times during the heating time Check the temperature After heating allow the food to stand for a further 2 to 5 minutes to allow the temperature to even out Always use an oven cloth or oven gloves when removing plates from the appliance Note Place the ovenware on the cooking compartment floor Dish Amount Microwave out...

Страница 54: ...of potatoes stir while heating 500 g 600 W 10 15 mins 750 g 600 W 15 22 mins Rice 125 g 600 W 4 6 mins 180 W 12 15 mins Add double the amount of liquid 250 g 600 W 6 8 mins 180 W 15 18 mins Sweet foods e g blancmange instant 500 ml 600 W 6 8 mins Stir the blancmange thoroughly 2 to 3 times using an egg whisk while heating Fruit compote 500 g 600 W 9 12 mins Stir while heating Microwave popcorn 100...

Страница 55: ...d off Always set the maximum cooking time Check the food after the shorter time specified Dish Amount Weight Grill setting Time in minutes Neck steaks approx 2 cm thick 3 to 4 pieces Approx 120 g each 3 high 1st side Approx 15 mins 2nd side Approx 10 15 mins Grilled sausages 4 to 6 pieces Approx 150 g each 3 high 1st side Approx 10 15 mins 2nd side Approx 10 15 mins Fish steak 2 to 3 pieces Approx...

Страница 56: ... Custard 1000 g 600 W 11 12 mins 180 W 8 10 mins Pyrex dish Sponge 475 g 600 W 7 9 mins Pyrex dish dia 22 cm Meat loaf 900 g 600 W 25 30 mins Pyrex cake dish 28 cm long Dish Microwave output in watts defrosting time in minutes Note Meat 500 g Meat programme 500 g or 180 W 8 mins 90 W 7 10 mins Pyrex dish dia 24 cm Dish Microwave output in watts grill setting cooking time in minutes Note Potato gra...

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Страница 60: ...sgeräte GmbH Carl Wery Straße 34 81739 München GERMANY 9001026341 9001026341 950806 02 siemens home com Manufactured by BSH Hausgeräte GmbH under Trademark License of Siemens AG 由博西家用电器 中国 有限公司根据西门子股份公司的商标许可制造 ...
