7SR224 Argus Description of Operation
3.12 Voltage Protection: Neutral Overvoltage (59N)
Two Neutral Overvoltage (or Neutral Voltage Displacement) elements are provided.
59N Voltage Source
setting selects the source of the residual voltage to be measured. The voltage is measured
directly from the Vx input or derived from the line voltages where suitable VT connections are present. The relay
utilises fundamental voltage measurement values for this function.
One of the elements can be configured to be either definite time lag (DTL) or inverse definite minimum time
59NIT Setting
sets the pick-up voltage level (3V
) for the element.
An inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) can be selected using
59NIT Char
. A time multiplier is applied to the
characteristic curves using the
59NIT Time Mult
setting (M):
[ ]
Alternatively, a definite time lag delay (DTL) can be chosen using
. When Delay (DTL) is selected the
time multiplier is not applied and the
59NIT Delay (DTL)
setting is used instead.
An instantaneous or definite time delayed reset can be applied using the
59NIT Reset
The second element has a DTL characteristic.
59NDT Setting
sets the pick-up voltage (3V
) and
59NDT Delay
the follower time delay.
Operation of the neutral overvoltage elements can be inhibited from:
Inhibit 59NIT
A binary or virtual input.
A binary or virtual input.
It should be noted that neutral voltage displacement can only be applied to VT arrangements that allow zero
sequence flux to flow in the core i.e. a 5-limb VT or 3 single phase VTs. The VT primary winding neutral must be
earthed to allow the flow of zero sequence current.
Figure 3.12-1 Logic Diagram: Neutral Overvoltage Element
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