7SR224 Argus Description of Operation
3.10 Voltage Protection: Phase Under/Over Voltage (27/59)
In total five under/over voltage elements are provided. Four elements are provided for the ‘Phase’ Voltages and
one for the ‘Auxiliary’ input voltage.
The relay utilises fundamental frequency RMS voltage for this function. All under/over voltage elements have a
common setting to measure phase to phase
or phase to neutral
voltage using the
Voltage Input
Voltage elements can be blocked if all phase voltages fall below the
27/59 U/V Guard
27/59-n (27/59-Vx) Setting
sets the pick-up voltage level for the element.
The sense of the element (undervoltage or overvoltage) is set by the
27/59-n Operation
27/59-Vx Operation)
27/59-n O/P Phases
setting determines whether the time delay is initiated for operation of any phase or only
when all phases have detected the appropriate voltage condition. An output is given after elapse of the
27/59-Vx Delay)
27/59-n Hysteresis
27/59-Vx Hysteresis)
setting allows the user to vary the pick-up/drop-off ratio for the
Operation of the under/over voltage elements can be inhibited from:
Inhibit 27/59-n
A binary or virtual input.
27/59-n VTSInhibit: Yes
Operation of the VT Supervision function.
27/59-n U/V Guarded
Under voltage guard element.
Figure 3.10-1 Logic Diagram: Under/Over Voltage Elements (27/59)
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