7SR224 Argus Description of Operation
Figure 2.9-1 Binary Output Logic
2.10 Virtual Input/Outputs
The relays have 16 virtual input/outputs, these are internal logic states. Virtual I/O is assigned in the same way as
physical Binary Inputs and Binary Outputs. Virtual I/O is mapped from within the INPUT CONFIG > INPUT
2.11 Self Monitoring Of The Controller
The relay incorporates a number of self-monitoring features. Each of these features can initiate a controlled reset
recovery sequence.
Supervision includes a power supply watchdog, code execution watchdog, memory checks by checksum and
processor/ADC health checks. When all checks indicate the relay is operating correctly the ‘Protection Healthy’
LED is illuminated.
If an internal failure is detected, a message will be displayed; also an event will be generated and stored. The
relay will reset in an attempt to rectify the failure. This will result in de-energisation of any binary output mapped to
‘protection healthy’ and flashing of the protection healthy LED. If a successful reset is achieved by the relay the
LED and output contact will revert back to normal operational mode, and the relay will restart.
2.11.1 Protection Healthy/Defective
When the relay has an auxiliary DC supply and it has successfully passed its self-checking procedure then the
front facia Protection Healthy LED is turned on.
A normally open contact can be mapped via the binary output matrix to provide an external protection healthy
A normally closed contact can be mapped via the binary output matrix to provide an external protection defective
signal. With the ‘Protection Healthy’ this contact is open. When the auxiliary DC supply is not applied to the relay
or a problem is detected within the relay then this output contact closes to provide external indication.
A shorting contact in the case at positions 25-26 of the PSU module can be used to provide an external indication
when the relay is withdrawn.
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