Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 3333 Old Milton Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30202
Electrical Specifications
Input Power and Control
Control Power
+ 15% of 120 VAC
Operating frequency
50/60 Hz
Three Phase
-15%/+10% 200-460 VAC
-15%/+10% 460-575 VAC
+ 5 Hz of 50/60 Hz
Motor Run Input
Pull in: 79 VAC max.
Drop out: 20 VAC min.
Off State Leakage: 1.5mA max.
Up to Speed Output
Solid State, AC Voltages Only
Number of Contacts
1 Normally Open
Rated Operational Current
1 Amp @ 120 VAC
Make/Break VA
1200 VA for 250 mS / 120 VA
Expected Operations @ rated load
10 x 10
Ready Output
Mechanical Relay
Number of Contacts
1 Normally Open, 7 & 8
1 Normally Closed 9 & 10,11
Rated Operational Current
3.0 Amps @ 120 VAC
Make/Break VA
3600/360 VA
Expected Operations @ rated load
100,000 cycles
Duty Cycle Rating
Duty Cycle
30% @ 140% of rated FLA
Starts per hour
Motor Protection
Class 5, adjustment range is 33% to 125%
of Rated Amps
Current Imbalance
Adjustable trip ratio (lowest motor
winding current divided by the highest
motor winding current) from .1 to .75.
Two second delay allows for system to
recover if possible.
Shorted S.C.R.
Trips in 2 seconds if a shorted SCR is
Fault Contactor
Opens on all faults. Note:
The motor
is not electrically isolated with the
contactor open when wired in Delta.