16 - English
The technical terms and abbreviations given below represent only a selection of the full list of
common technical terms and abbreviations.
Not all technical terms and abbreviations listed here are valid for the described system board.
AC'97 ........................... Audio Codec '97
AGP ............................. Accelerated Graphics Port
AMR............................. Audio Modem Riser
AOL ............................. Alert On LAN
APM............................. Advanced Power Management
ATA.............................. Advanced Technology Attachment
BIOS ............................ Basic Input Output System
CAN ............................. Controller Area Network
CPU ............................. Central Processing Unit
C-RIMM ....................... Continuity Rambus Inline Memory Module
DIMM ........................... Dual Inline Memory Module
ECC ............................. Error Correcting Code
EEPROM ..................... Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
FDC ............................. Floppy Disk Controller
FIFO ............................ First-In First-Out
FSB.............................. Front Side Bus
FWH ............................ Firmware Hub
GMCH.......................... Graphics and Memory Controller Hub
C ................................ Inter Integrated Circuit
IAPC ............................ Instantly Available Power Managed Desktop PC Design
ICH .............................. I/O Controller Hub
IDE............................... Intelligent Drive Electronics
IPSEC.......................... Internet Protocol Security
ISA............................... Industrial Standard Architecture
LAN.............................. Local Area Network
LSA.............................. LAN Desk Service Agent
MCH ............................ Memory Controller Hub
MMX ............................ MultiMedia eXtension
PCI............................... Peripheral Component Interconnect
PXE ............................. Preboot eXecution Environment
RAM............................. Random Access Memory
RAMDAC ..................... Random Access Memory Digital Analog Converter
RDRAM........................ Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
RIMM ........................... Rambus Inline Memory Module
RTC ............................. Real Time Clock
SB................................ Soundblaster
SDRAM........................ Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SGRAM ....................... Synchronous Graphic Random Access Memory
SMBus ......................... System Management Bus
SVGA........................... Super Video Graphic Adapter
USB ............................. Universal Serial Bus
VGA ............................. Video Graphic Adapter
WOL ............................ Wake On LAN