TC45 AT Command Set
2.13 AT^SCFG
Page 58 of 461
Confidential / Released
AutoExec Command Period Left
This parameter shows the amount of time left until
will be executed. Format is "hhh:mm:ss",
where characters indicate hours, minutes and seconds. This parameter applies to
=1 only.
Due to the internal activity and network signalling an execution delay of several seconds may occur for the over-
all procedure.
AutoExec Command Status
This parameter is part of the Autoexec URC which is presented when a scheduled Autoexec activity is being
The value 1 indicates that the Autoexec activity specified with
is currently executed.
Userware Autostart
Specifies if the userware is started automatically on power on.
If autostart is enabled, it is no longer possible to use the multiplexer (see
Parameter is global, stored non-volatile in ME and not reset by
Userware autostart disabled
Userware autostart enabled
Userware Autostart AppName
Specifies the absolute path of the userware (the jar/jad file containing the desired application) to be started auto-
matically on power on. The local flash file system is identified by: "A:", directory separator is "/" (002Fh).
Parameter is global, stored non-volatile in ME and not reset by
Userware Autostart Delay
Specifies the delay time (in 100ms) when the the userware is started automatically after power on.
Parameter is global, stored non-volatile in ME and not reset by
Userware Password
Password is required to change values of userware parameters. It is allowed to have an empty password (this
is the value on delivery of the module). Parameter must be enclosed in quotation marks, regardless whether the
password is given or empty. See example below.
Parameter is global, stored non-volatile in ME and not reset by
CAUTION: Be careful not to lose the password. There is no way to reset or recover a forgotten password or to
obtain a new password from the manufacturer.