Disturbing ground loops
Incorrect connection of protective earth connections in motor cables may cause disturb-
ing ground loops and malfunction of the motor.
→ The described measures prevent disturbing ground loops.
→ Connect the protective earth conductors additionally led in motor cables directly to
the shield line and label them with or PE.
→ If the procedure turns out to be impracticable, omit the earth conductor connection
in the motor cables and wire a separate earth conductor in parallel to the motor ca-
→ Ensure that the cable is returned to the drive! Do not wire the cable with another
ground loop.
Use shielded cables for the motor in order to keep interference as low as possible.
The cable shield must be connected large-area with 360° shield termination. In addition,
the motor cable should be as short as possible to reduce electromagnetic radiation and
capacitive currents.
Connect with best conductivity
and with largest surface to both
cabinet sides
Shield connection, e.g.
Bettermann mounting clip
Shield bar
Cable clamp bar
Shield also from machine side
Ground star point
Fig. 53: Motor connection
Requirements to the motor cable
The maximum admissible length of the motor cable is 100 m. The capacity must not ex-
ceed 5.2 nF.
Example: If the cable capacity is 0.26 nF per meter, the maximum admissible length of
the motor cable is 20 m.
Communication Cables
Please connect the communication interfaces only with high-quality cables according to
the relevant standards.
Ungrounded test setups
→ So-called "flying test systems" that are not or not sufficiently grounded can cause
damage to the communication interfaces or to the connected devices.
Drive System SD2M - Hardware Description 036228xxF
General Information Regarding the Wiring