Operating instructions
RFID Access Management
Operating instructions| SICK
Subject to change without notice
Commissioning RFID Access
Information about the tag
The unique item ID (UII) is used to identify the tag. It acts like a filter and determines which
tags should be read in the access control system and which shouldn't.
The UII is formatted accordingly when assigning the tags in RFID Access Management.
It contains fixed areas and areas that can be individually defined:
The first 8 characters are fixed as
ABCD 0001
The next 8 characters define the individual aspect of the tag UII.
The last 8 characters describe the tag ID. It is generated automatically.
Fig. 32: Memory areas of UHF tags
Location ID
Location ID
allows you to define the individual aspect of the tag UII. Upon delivery,
the default character string of
CC33 33CC
is specified.
Define the required ID.
As the UII is written to the tag when the tags are assigned to the participants, you must
not change the location ID.
If you do, all of the tags that have already been assigned will have to be reformatted.
Any UII of a tag is overwritten automatically by Entry Exit Configuration Software when the
tag is assigned.
Using card numbers
Tick the
Use Card Numbers
checkbox if the tag should be given an additional number
when it is assigned to the participant.
In RFID Access Management, the number is displayed as an additional identification
feature in Tag Management.
Tag configuration
The Integrator generally does not need to make any entries in the
Tag Configuration
section. It is therefore not possible to enter anything in the fields when you call up the tab.
You can only make an entry if the
checkbox has been unticked.
For example, the
Tag Password
field is used to define the access password for the tag
user memory. This protects the tag from being overwritten.
If necessary, you can choose a different password here. All tags are protected by the same