Determining the allocation
In the Allocation field, the user can define the number of data entries to be saved until
the memory function is stopped. Values are possible from 1 to 100,000; the standard
value is 1,000.
Setting the interval
The intervals at which data is to be saved is set in this field. This means that data is
only saved periodically, thereby reducing the total quantity of stored data and simplify‐
ing any further processing.
If the value is set to 0 then all data is saved.
For values (n) greater than 0, only every nth measured value is saved.
Values are possible from 0 to 100,000; the standard value is 100.
Setting the start conditions
The following settings are possible:
Table 18: Settings for the recording start condition
Immediate (default value)
Memory function starts immediately
Alarm Off edge
Memory function starts as soon as measurements are possible
Alarm On edge
Memory function starts as soon as measurements are not possi‐
Upper threshold
Memory function starts when measured values exceed the thresh‐
Lower threshold
Memory function starts when measured values fall below the
Both thresholds
Memory function starts when measured values exceed or fall
below the threshold
Defining the threshold
The threshold must be defined when one of the following modes is set as the start con‐
Upper threshold
Lower threshold
Both thresholds
Values of
2,000.000 mm are possible; the default value is 0.
Defining the trigger channel
The target output is defined in this field when the trigger for the start of the memory
function is defined.
The options are Channel A (default value), B, C, or D.
Setting the start position
Indicates by how many measuring points the start of the recording is to be delayed
when the start condition is met.
The following modes are possible:
8021391//2017-10-06 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | OD5000
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