Operating Instructions | InspectorP Rack Fine Positioning
8024534 / 16UW / 2020-02-26
Subject to change without notice
If continuous measurement is switched on, the status bytes are assigned as follows:
Status_H = 00 hex
Status_L is bit-coded:
Bit position Meaning
D0 (LSB)
Circle has been found, measured values are valid.
Continuous measurement is switched on.
1: Double deep is activated.
0: Single deep is activated.
Saving the images on a microSD memory card is activated.
Not allocated.
Command 4: “Parameterization of diameter and distance” is currently
being processed. The bit is deleted after successful implementation.
Command 5: “Parameterization of evaluation with target region for single
deep” is currently being processed. The bit is deleted after successful
D7 (MSB)
Command 6: “Parameterization of evaluation with target region for
double deep” is currently being processed. The bit is deleted after
successful implementation.
Interpretation of the position correction values
The device determines the location of the positioning mark based on a coordinate
system in the field of view. To do so, the device determines the offset of the
positioning mark from the origin of the coordinate system on the X axis and Y axis.
When evaluation mode 1 – 8 is set, the origin is located in the middle of the target
region. For evaluation modes 1 – 8, the origin can also be shifted in SOPASair using
Relative offset to origin X [mm]
Relative offset to origin Y [mm]
When evaluation mode 9 – 14 is set, the origin is located at the center point of the
image. The position of the automated storage and retrieval system relative to the
positioning mark can be corrected based on the X values and Y values determined.
When the positioning mark is precisely in the middle of the target region or at the
center point of the image, depending on the selected evaluation mode, the offset from
the origin of the coordinate system is Y = 0 and X = 0.
The coordinate system can be adjusted using the SOPASair configuration soft-
ware. The user can rotate the coordinate system, or mirror the X axis or Y axis.