Configuration options for Flexi Loop with the Flexi Loop MSTR accessory
This chapter describes the configuration options for Flexi Loop with the Flexi Loop
MSTR accessory only. Configuration with the Flexi Soft safety controller is described
separately (see the “Flexi Loop in the Flexi Soft Designer” operating instructions, part
no. 8014522).
To be able to use the safe sensor cascade on a standard controller you will need an IO-
Link master that meets the following prerequisites:
IO-Link V1.1
Communication mode COM1 (4.8 kBaud)
TimeStamp function on the IO-Link master deactivated
All configuration notes relate to the configuration tool TwinCAT
from Beckhoff.
Use the IODD (IO-Link device description) or the function block from the SICK library to
integrate the Flexi Loop MSTR2 accessory into the hardware configuration of the
Use an IO-Link terminal or an IO-Link master to connect the standard controller and the
Flexi Loop MSTR2 accessory (the rest of this document describes connection with an
IO-Link master only).
When replacing the Flexi Loop MSTR2 accessory, you can easily restore the configura‐
tion of a Flexi Loop line if you use the
Data storage
function (supported by MSTR2 firm‐
ware version V1.02 and higher).
Test the protective device after any changes!
The entire protective device must be tested for correct operation after each change of
the configuration.
Configuration of protection against tampering with the MSTR Flexi Loop accessory
If you are using the safe sensor cascade on a Flexi Classic safety controller, teach in the
number of Flexi Loop nodes in the Flexi Loop MSTR accessory.
If you also want to specify the type of node, use the Flexi Loop MSTR2 accessory and
configure it with a standard controller (
see "Configuration of the Flexi Loop nodes",
The electrical installation of the Flexi Loop string is complete.
The output X1 on the Flexi Classic safety controller is connected to the connection
FC_A1 on the MSTR Flexi Loop accessory, the output X2 to the connection FC_B1.
If supported by the PLC.
8015836/YT10/2016-05-24 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | Flexi Loop
Subject to change without notice