5 Operation
8013863/10L9 /2018-08-01 © SICK AG • Fluid sensors • Germany • Subject to change without notice
Analog output QA
The analog output is available as current output 4 ... 20 mA or 0 ... 20 mA. Type depending on
purchase order. As a standard it comes with current output 4 ... 20 mA. It can be switched off with
by using the display menu. The current outputs flows from 0 to 22 mA as measure for the flow or the
state of the measuring pipe.
The values here signify for 4 ... 20mA configuration:
20 mA the upper limit of the relevant measuring area
4 mA the lower limit of the relevant measuring area
3.8 mA undershoot the lower limit
22 mA overshoot the upper limit
3.5 mA empty pipe
Upper and lower limit parameters can be set freely within the type-specific measuring areas of the
device. By default zero flow is set at 4 mA and the respective maximum flow is set at 20 mA.
Setting range: 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA, off
Output value: Flow, temperature
When current output is used make sure the load is not higher than 500 Ohm. A higher load may
cause the device can not provide the maximum current of 22 mA.
By using the dosing function via the user display manually dosing is configurable. The volume
„Dosing Batch“ and the „Dosing Time“ are freely adjustable. When the „Dosing Time“ is set to zero
the timer control is inactive. A dosage can be started and stopped with the menu function keys
„Start“ and „Stop“ or can be started by the digital input.
Setting range “Dosing Batch”: 0 – 3500 Liters
Setting range “Dosing Time” 0 –30000 Seconds
Default setting “Dosing Batch”: 0 Liters
Default setting “Dosing Time”: 3 Seconds
Pulse value
This determines for what flow volumes an output pulse will be emitted.
Choose configuration such as to neither exceed the maximum ouptput frequency of the FFU (10 kHz)
nor the maximum input frequency of the control.
Example: 2.0 ml/pulse
This means: a pulse is emitted every 2.0 ml.
Setting range: 0.1 ... 3000.0 ml/pulse, in 0.1 ml/pulse steps
Default setting: 1.0 ml/pulse
Digital output Q1
Digital output Q1 may be used as pulse output, empty pipe detection, limit control or negative flow
(flow direction). By using display it is possible to switch between npn and pnp logic.
Setting area: off, pulse output, empty pipe, lower limit, upper limit, negative flow
Digital output Q2
Digital outputs Q2 may be used as pulse output, empty pipe detection, for switching dosing valve,
limit control or flow direction control. The npn or pnp logic can be chosen.