T h e S h u r e M o d e l W 1 5 H T / 8 7 i s a h a n d h e l d
microphone and radio transmitter for use with Shure
Wireless Microphone receivers. The W15HT/87 uses the
Shure SM87 supercardioid condenser microphone car-
tridge, the heart of one of the finest vocal microphones
available today, as its transducer element. Small, com-
p a c t a n d l i g h t w e i g h t , t h e W 1 5 H T / 8 7 i s h u m a n -
engineered for reliable, unobtrusive operation. The
grille is black Teflon coated, and the case is finished in
satin black enamel and ridged over its length for op-
timum gripping. The microphone cartridge is field-
replaceable and interchangeable with other Shure
W ireless Microphone cartridges.
All operating controls are located in a single area on
the microphone’s outer surface, and are recessed to
minimize accidental movement. The W15HT/87’s anten-
na combines a top-loading RF wire coil of appropriate
gauge and length, and the case section immediately
above the end cap.
The W15HT/87 uses a standard 9-volt transistor-
radio-type battery (alkaline, lithium or heavy-duty nickel-
cadmium recommended). The long-life alkaline battery
is available everywhere, and replacement is easily ac-
complished through a locking end cap. An LED in-
dicator provides information on battery condition.
T h e t r a n s m i t t e r o p e r a t e s a t a s i n g l e , c r y s t a l -
controlled frequency in the VHF band between 150 and
216 MHz. A total of 15 frequencies, computer-selected
for interference-free operation, are readily available,
and other frequencies can be specially ordered. This
means that a number of wireless microphone systems
c a n b e o p e r a t e d i n a s i n g l e s o u n d i n s t a l l a t i o n ,
simultaneously and without intermodulation problems.
The W15HT/87’s normal operating range is about 100
meters (330 feet). Operation at greater distances-300
meters (about 1,000 feet) or more - is often accomplish-
ed, but the determining factors in each installation will
be reflections, obstacles and interference.
The microphone is supplied with a zippered carry-
ing/storage bag, a swivel adapter for mounting the
W15HT/87 on most desk and floor stands, a lockplate
for locking the microphone in the “on” position, a small
screwdriver for adjusting the transmitter gain, and a
rubber plug to cover the microphone level adjustment
DESCRIPTION (see Figure 1)
The W15HT/87’s antenna system is not
visible. It consists of the case and grille, and a wire coil
inside the end cap.
(not supplied): Only alkaline (Duracell
M N 1 6 0 4 o r e q u i v a l e n t ) , l i t h i u m ( K o d a k U 9 V L o r
equivalent), or heavy duty nickel-cadmium (8.4-volt)
transistor-radio-type batteries should be used. A fresh
alkaline battery should provide approximately 12 hours
of operation, lithium about 35 hours, and a fully charg-
ed, heavy-duty nicad should provide approximately 3
A locking twist-off end
cap exposes the battery compartment.
Flashes briefly when
the POWER Switch is turned on and a “good” battery is
installed. Indicator will be on and clearly visible in room
light when the battery voltage drops to approximately
7.0 volts.
The push-twist-remove end cap functions
as both battery cover and antenna coil holder. Note that
the end cap is color-coded internally to reflect the
W15HT/87’s operating frequency as follows:
163-168 MHz Brown-Red
188-192 MHz
168-175 MHz Brown-Blue
191-195 MHz
175-177 MHz Brown-Orange 192-196 MHz
177-180 MHz Brown-Green
196-201 MHz
White-Orange 180-182 MHz Brown-Yellow
199-204 MHz
182-185 MHz Gray-Red
204-210 MHz
185-188 MHz Gray-Blue
210-216 MHz
Located inside the bat-
t e r y c o m p a r t m e n t , t h e n a m e p l a t e s p e c i f i e s t h e
W 1 5 H T / 8 7 ’ s o p e r a t i n g f r e q u e n c y . N o t e t h a t t h e
operating frequency must be within the end cap fre-
quency range (see above).
Protects the SM87 acoustic transducer of the
W15HT/87, and helps minimize the effects of breath
sounds and wind noise.
222 HARTREY AVENUE, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS 60202-3696 U.S.A. • PHONE (312)866-2200 • TELEX 4330191 • FAX (312) 866-2279
Copyright 1988, Shure Brothers Inc.
27A2456 (HC)
Printed in U.S.A.