SHOWTEC 30268 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 30268

Страница 1: ...Compact Power Lightset v2 ORDERCODE 30268...

Страница 2: on ShowIec for more excellent lighting producls we design ond monufocture professionol lighT equipment for the enlertoinment industry New products ore being lounched regulorly we work hord to keep...

Страница 3: Lightsel Moster Slove control Mulliple Compoct Power Lightset DMX conlrol Fixture Linking Doto Cobling Control Ponel Control Mode DMX oddressing MENU OVERVIEW Aulo Run Mode DMX Mode Mosier Slove Mo...

Страница 4: ...e of the LEDs is significonTly reduced lt is estimoted Thol o vioble lifespon of 40 000 io 50 000 hours will be ochieved under normol operotionol condilions lf improving on ihis lifespon expecToncy is...

Страница 5: ...voiloble volioge is not higher thon sloted on the reor ponel r Moke sure Ihoi The power cord is never crimped or domoged Check the device ond ihe power cord from lime Io lime lf the exlernol coble is...

Страница 6: ...rself Alwoys leT the instollolion be corr ed out by on authorized deoler Procedure lf Ihe Compoct Power Lighlset is lowered from the ceiling or high joists professionol trussing syslems hove to be use...

Страница 7: ...description of the symptoms Cloims The client hos the obligoTion to check the delivered goods immediotely upon delivery for ony short comings ond or visible defecls or perform this check ofter our on...

Страница 8: ...ffect Buili in progroms DMX Conlrol DMX Z modes 2 3 4 7 I I 4 I 5 Chonnel Mode Music conlrolled vio built in microphone Moster Slove function Vorioble in stond height 1200 2000mm Footswitch wiih 5m co...

Страница 9: ...l l Plug the end of the electric moins polryellqrd irte plgper eleclric power supply sockel 2 Turn on the music lf device is set to f E Audio ond you hove pressed enter then the fixlure will reoct 1o...

Страница 10: ...fourlh uniTs 5 Supply eleciric power Plug electric moins power cords into eoch unit s IEC sockeT then plug Ihe othel end of Ihe moins power cord inTo proper electric power supply sockels storting wit...

Страница 11: ...esult in deteriorotion of the digitol DMX signol Moximum recommended DMX doto link distonce 100 meters Moximum recommended number of Compoct Power Lightsets on o DMX doto link 30 fixiures Doto Cobling...

Страница 12: ...the second Compoct Power Lighiset should be l 15 16 A016 he DMX oddress of the third Compocl Power Lighiset should be l6 15 31 A0l l etc Pleose be sure thot you don t hove ony overlopping chonnels in...

Страница 13: ...4 Sound conholled 5 Stolic Color 6 Built in Progroms E I r sEruP I I I I E SEIUP I E SETUP I E I I I I I f E E r E SETUP E E SETUP E E E E E u E E E E E E E E I I tr P E 5 E E E E I I E I I I I SETUP...

Страница 14: ...r Lightset 3 Press Selup to enler ihe AUTO Menu You con choose 4 different sub menus E E Number of Loops from 0l 100 n f I Speedrromol eeondFl E E E n Use the SEIUP button to scroll through Ihe menu 2...

Страница 15: ...e is r ttno r f TS UPI I E E SETUP I I 2 With this menu you con sei 3 Stotic colors of the Compoci Power Lightset You con choose Red Green or Blue by pressing the Setup builon Use the Up Down buttons...

Страница 16: ...Built in Progroms nsnuPS I E up oown Uprbwn n E E w SETUPK W fleueewnru r ffi ffi E K W SETUP wuP tuwnwsEruPw w w W W S TUP W W SETUF SETUP E UFDOWN E E E E uP oown E E E n Euo lI n T E up ewn I E t4r...

Страница 17: ...without The conTroller in stond qlone mode DMXChonneb E 3cH Chonnel I Red Chonnel 2 Green Chonnel 3 Blue DMXChonnets tIlcx Chonnel I Red i orss Chonnel 2 Green Chonnel 3 Blue Chonnel 4 Dimmer inlensit...

Страница 18: ...onnel I Dimmer intensity DMXChonnets S tlctt l t Chonnell Red j lv t Chonnel Z Creen i lj I Chonnel 3 Blue i Chonnel4 Red JSI l chonner6 Brue litl ChonnelT Red CnonnerS Green Cnonner Brue _ chonner ro...

Страница 19: ...2 Speed when CHI is sel belween 80 239 Chonnel 2 Audio Sensllivily when CHI ls sel belween 240 255 Chonnel I Colors Progroms 0 9 No Function l0 19 Red 20 29 Yellow 30 39 Green 40 49 Cv n 50 59 Blue 60...

Страница 20: ...l 3 Shulter Slrobe Dimmer musl be op n Chonnel4 Red i 1 0255 ibr Chonnel 5 creen l r yP Chonnel 6 Blue q chonnerT Red l i _rl Chonnel 8 Green r 6 I 0 255 Groduol odiustment Green from 0 100 chonnere B...

Страница 21: ...4 is set to 0 9 CH6 hos no funcTion When CH4 is set To 10 255 CH6 controls the strobe effect from slow Io fost 0 9 N Funcii n IO t9 Red 20 29 Yellow 30 39 Green 40 49 Cvon 50 59 Blue o 69 Purple 70 79...

Страница 22: ...once lest The operotor hos to moke sure ihol sofeTy reloting ond mochine technicol instollolions ore to be inspected by o skilled person once o yeor The following points hove to be considered during t...

Страница 23: ...Out of the firsl fixture on the link i e signol is reversed lnstoll o phose reversing coble between the conTroller ond the firsl fixlure on the link Fixlures reset correclly bul some Poor doto quolit...

Страница 24: ...lAl250V Music Control Dimensions I 200x295x60mm LxWxH Weight 8 7 kg Fool Conlroller Voltoge 240V 50H2 CE Jock plug to connect to T bor wilh controller Coble length 5m Dimensions 500x1 53x54mm LxWxH We...

Страница 25: ...Rue de l0 stotion 59 4670 Bleqny l ri Fi 11 85 128 R a rE 43 063 vwnu qhl be 2010 Showtec...
