960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 www.ShoreTel.com
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Configure the Ascom IP-DECT Base Station
Configuring a Standby Master Ascom IP-DECT Base Station is very similar to the configuration process for
configuring a Master system. The following steps detail the configuration process used to configure an Ascom IP-
DECT Base Station in Standby Master mode.
A third mode exists for the Ascom IP-DECT Station called Slave. This mode is used for Ascom IP-DECT systems
whose coverage requires the use of more than two IP-DECT Base Stations. An Ascom IP-DECT Slave Base
Station configuration was not tested as part of this solution
Step Description
Using a web browser open up a connection to the Standby Master Ascom IP-DECT Base Station (refer
Section 4.1 Step 1
). A login is required in order to access the system.
Navigate to the
General Admin
frame by clicking
and then clicking
. Configure the
Device Name
field and then click
. The
Device Name
can be any descriptive name that identifies
this particular Ascom IP-DECT Base Station. In the sample network the name “ShoreTel Backup” was
used. The
User Name
fields should be left at their default values.