960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 www.ShoreTel.com
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This Application Note details the steps for creating a SIP VoIP-enabled wireless network using Digital
Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) with connectivity that enables interoperability
between the Ascom IP-DECT SIP solutions with ShoreTel’s IP-PBX. The specific calling features that
were verified to operate correctly include transfer (attended and unattended), hold/return from hold,
caller ID operation, call forwarding (unconditional, on busy/no answer and clear), pickup groups, call
pickup, bridged appearances, and voicemail Message Waiting Indicator (MWI).
Features and Benefits
Ascom IP-DECT handsets:
The Ascom d41 is targeted for users in office environments with a need for a handset with high
quality voice and easy access to PBX features.
The Acom d62 is targeted towards users in medium demanding environments such as hospitals, for
users with a need for messaging or alarm functionality.
The Ascom d81 is the top of the line handset in the Ascom DECT portfolio It is an extremely
robust handset for demanding environments intended for professional users who need to be
reachable by voice and messages.
Professional messaging
Standards based solution
Wide range of handsets from office to ruggedized and explosion safe
Longest industry talk time
Ascom IP-DECT Base Station:
Dedicated VoIP wireless base station
Cost efficient mobility solution
Provides unmatched scalability (1,000 base stations per handover domain and 100,000 users per
Utilizes DECT encryption to prevent eavesdropping
Utilizes Ethernet backbone for wired infrastructure (shared or dedicated)
Provides seamless handovers with over-air synchronization