Com mun ica t i on Wi t h Ex t e r n a l Dev ices (con t i n ued )
Ex t e r n a l Con t r o l I n pu t
: To activate the comparator cable, either “RS232” or “nonE” needs to be selected under outputs.
Using external control input makes it possible to remotely tare or hold the display. The following diagram indicates the pin outs of the DRI:
To select external input:
1. Press the PEAK button while holding down the ON button. The small display will indicate “dSP”.
2. Press the PEAK button five times; “ET” will appear on the small display while the main display will reflect the current setting.
3. Each time the > button is pressed, the main display will scroll through “tArE”, “HoLd”, “nonE”.
4. A) If “nonE” or “tArE” is desired, push the MEMO SET button to store the selection and exit.
B) If the “HoLd” feature is desired, push the HI-LO button to set additional characteristics; the small display will indicate “EL” and
the main display will reflect the current setting.
5. Each time the > button is pressed, the main display will toggle between “EdG”(edge trigger) and “LEu”(level trigger).
6. Push the HI-LO button after selecting the type of trigger; the small display will indicate “OPC” and the main display will reflect the
current setting.
7. Each time the > button is pressed, the main display will toggle between “oPn”(open) and “CLS” (closed).
8. Push the MEMO SET button to store the type of trigger and exit.
Input: 5VDC, 0.3mA
Pulse width: >25ms