LH79524/LH79525 User’s Guide
Version 1.0
Chapter 7 – External Memory Controller
This Chapter presents the theory of operation of the LH79524/LH79525 External Memory
Controller (EMC), including programmable parameters, device selection, memory widths,
and address mapping. This Chapter includes a register summary and register descriptions
for the EMC.
Chapter 8 – General Purpose Input/Output
This Chapter presents the LH79524/LH79525 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) sys-
tems, beginning with a brief overview, and including a block diagram, programmer’s
model, register summary, and register descriptions.
Chapter 9 – I
C Interface
The I
C Interface is described in this chapter. The Chapter includes a short overview, a
block diagram, programmer’s model, interrupt channel list, register summaries, and regis-
ter descriptions.
Chapter 10 – I
S Converter
This Chapter describes the I
S Converter. This peripheral
converts a synchronous serial com-
munication stream in Texas Instruments DSP-compatible mode to an I
S-compliant synchronous
serial stream. The I
S converter operates on serial data in both master and slave mode.
The Chap-
ter includes a short overview, a block diagram, programmer’s model, interrupt channel list,
register summaries, and register descriptions.
Chapter 11 – I/O Configuration
This Chapter is an overview of the LH79524/LH79525 I/O Configuration and pin multiplex-
ing. The Chapter provides a block diagram, programmer’s model, register summary and
Chapter 12 – Real Time Clock
This Chapter describes the LH79524/LH79525 Real Time Clock (RTC). The Chapter
includes a short overview, a block diagram, a list of clock signals, programmer’s model, sig-
nal descriptions, operating sequences, register summaries, register descriptions and inter-
face signals.
Chapter 13 – Reset, Clock Generation and Power Control
This chapter provides a short overview of the LH79520 Reset, Clock Generation and
Power Control (RCPC) system, including a block diagram, a list of clock signals, power
control modes, programmer’s model, signal descriptions, power sequences, register sum-
maries, register descriptions, and descriptions of interface signals.
Chapter 14 – Synchronous Serial Port
This Chapter presents an overview of the LH79524/LH79525 Synchronous Serial Port, a
block diagram, programmer’s model, register summary, register descriptions, Interrupts,
and register locations.