Sharp LC-19SH7E/RU Скачать руководство пользователя страница 128




26”/32”/42”  MAIN UNIT(Side-A) 

C101   A2   C336   D5   C599   D2   C720   D5   D658   E4   Q611   C4   R234   B3   R507   D4   R645   A3   R751   A1   

C102   B1   C350   B1   C601   B3   C721   D4   D659   E4   Q612   C4   R235   D5   R509   C3   R646   A3   R752   A4   

C104   B1   C351   B1   C602   B3   C723   C4   D700   E5   Q613   D4   R236   D4   R510   C4   R647   A3   R756   A1   

C105   A1   C352   B1   C603   B3   C724   C4   D702   D1   Q614   C4   R237   B3   R512   C3   R648   A3   R757   A1   

C106   A1   C359   B1   C604   B3   C725   C4   D703   D1   Q616   E2   R238   E4   R513   C3   R650   A3   R758   A1   

C107   A1   C360   B1   C606   C4   C726   C4   D704   D1   Q620   E3   R239   B3   R514   C3   R651   E3   R760   A1   

C108   B1   C361   B1   C607   C4   C727   C4   D705   E5   Q700   D1   R242   E4   R515   C3   R652   C4   R761   A1   

C110   B1   C362   B1   C608   B5   C728   C4   D706   E5   Q701   E5   R243   E4   R516   D3   R654   C4   R767   D1   

C111   B2   C363   C1   C618   B4   C729   C4   D707   E1   Q702   D1   R244   E4   R517   E3   R655   C4   R768   E2   

C112   B1   C364   C1   C619   B3   C730   C4   D708   D1   Q703   E5   R245   E4   R518   C3   R656   C3   R770   E5   

C114   A1   C369   B1   C621   A3   C731   B5   D709   E1   Q705   E1   R246   E4   R519   D3   R657   C5   R771   E1   

C119   B1   C373   B3   C622   A3   C732   C5   FB100  A1   Q706   E1   R247   E4   R520   C3   R658   A4   R774   E3   

C121   A1   C374   B3   C623   A3   C733   B5   FB101  A1   Q707   E5   R251   B3   R521   D3   R659   B5   RP350  B2   

C124   A1   C378   B1   C624   A4   C734   B4   FB102  A1   Q751   A1   R252   B3   R522   C3   R660   B5   RP351  B2   

C127   A1   C390   A3   C625   A3   C735   B4   FB103  B1   R102   A1   R253   B3   R524   D4   R661   C5   TH320  C5   

C128   A1   C391   D1   C626   A3   C736   C4   FB104  A1   R103   A1   R254   C2   R528   D4   R662   D5   TP302  C2   

C129   B1   C393   D1   C627   A3   C737   C5   FB105  A1   R104   B1   R255   B3   R529   D3   R663   C5   TP303  B2   

C130   A1   C395   D1   C628   A3   C738   B5   FB150  C5   R105   A1   R256   C2   R530   C3   R664   C5   TP421  B3   

C131   A1   C396   D1   C629   A3   C739   B4   FB151  C5   R106   A1   R258   C2   R531   C3   R665   C5   TU201  E5   

C132   B1   C397   D1   C630   A3   C740   B4   FB203  D4   R107   A1   R259   C2   R532   C3   R666   C3   TU202  E5   

C133   A2   C398   D1   C631   A3   C741   C5   FB204  D4   R113   A1   R261   C2   R533   C3   R668   C4   U103   B1   

C150   A1   C404   A5   C632   A3   C742   C5   FB206  D4   R115   B1   R262   C2   R534   D4   R669   C3   U104   B1   

C151   B5   C406   A5   C633   A3   C743   B5   FB226  E4   R117   B1   R301   A2   R535   D4   R670   E3   U151   B3   

C152   C5   C408   A5   C636   A3   C744   B4   FB324  D5   R119   A1   R302   A2   R537   C3   R671   B4   U152   B4   

C153   B4   C410   A5   C637   A4   C745   B5   FB350  B3   R122   B1   R303   A2   R538   E3   R672   C5   U153   B4   

C154   A2   C411   A5   C638   A4   C746   C4   FB390  D1   R123   B1   R304   A2   R539   D3   R673   C5   U154   B4   

C155   B4   C413   A5   C641   A4   C751   A2   FB400  A5   R124   B1   R306   A2   R541   C3   R674   C4   U155   A2   

C156   A2   C414   A5   C642   A4   C752   A2   FB401  A5   R125   B1   R307   A3   R551   C3   R675   C4   U156   A1   

C157   A2   C415   A5   C643   A4   C759   A1   FB402  A5   R126   A1   R308   B3   R553   C3   R676   B5   U158   A5   

C158   A2   C416   A5   C644   A4   C771   C4   FB403  B5   R130   A1   R314   B1   R556   D2   R677   C4   U159   C5   

C159   B4   C417   A5   C645   A4   CN100  A1   FB500  C3   R131   B1   R315   B3   R557   C3   R678   B4   U301   A2   

C161   B4   C418   A5   C646   A4   CN321  D5   FB566  D2   R132   B1   R318   B3   R559   C3   R679   C4   U302   B1   

C162   B4   C419   A5   C647   A4   CN391  D1   FB567  D2   R133   A2   R319   A2   R562   D2   R680   C4   U303   D5   

C163   A2   C420   A5   C648   A4   CN392  E3   FB601  B3   R144   A1   R320   A2   R564   D2   R681   C4   U351   B1   

C164   B4   C421   A5   C649   A4   CN393  D1   FB605  A3   R151   B4   R321   B1   R567   C3   R682   C4   U352   C1   

C165   A2   C422   A5   C650   A3   CN400  A4   FB606  A3   R152   B4   R323   B1   R570   D2   R683   E4   U390   A3   

C166   B3   C423   A5   C651   A3   CN500  D3   FB607  A3   R153   A2   R325   B3   R578   D2   R684   A3   U391   A5   

C167   A2   C427   B5   C652   A3   CN501  D4   FB608  C4   R154   A1   R328   D1   R579   C3   R685   B4   U400   B2   

C168   B4   C428   B5   C653   C5   CN552  D2   FB609  C5   R155   A2   R331   C2   R580   C2   R686   B4   U500   C3   

C169   B4   C429   A5   C655   A4   CN554  D3   FB610  B5   R156   A2   R332   C5   R581   C3   R687   C4   U600   A3   

C170   A2   C430   A5   C657   B3   CN555  D2   FB611  B4   R157   A2   R333   C5   R582   C3   R688   E2   U602   A3   

C171   A2   C439   A4   C658   B3   CN556  E2   FB612  B5   R158   A2   R338   B2   R583   C3   R689   C4   U604   B5   

C172   A2   C440   B5   C659   C4   CN600  A4   FB700  E5   R159   A2   R339   D5   R584   C3   R690   D4   U605   C4   

C173   A5   C443   B3   C661   C4   CN602  D5   FB701  D1   R160   A2   R340   D5   R586   D2   R691   E4   U700   E5   

C174   A2   C500   C3   C662   C4   CN651  C5   FB702  D1   R161   A2   R341   B2   R587   C3   R693   E3   U701   D1   

C175   A5   C501   C3   C663   B3   CN652  E2   FB751  A2   R162   B4   R350   B2   R588   C3   R695   D5   U702   D1   

C177   C5   C502   C3   C664   C3   CN654  C5   FB752  A2   R163   B4   R352   B2   R597   C3   R696   D5   U703   D1   

C200   C5   C503   C3   C665   C5   CN700  D2   FB753  A2   R164   A2   R354   B2   R600   A4   R697   D5   U704   D1   

C201   D4   C504   C3   C666   C4   CN701  E5   J390   C1   R165   A2   R355   B2   R601   C5   R699   A3   U705   D5   

C202   C4   C505   C3   C667   B3   CN702  E2   L101   A1   R166   A2   R356   B2   R602   C5   R705   C4   U706   E5   

C203   C3   C506   D3   C668   C4   CN750  A2   L102   A1   R167   A2   R357   B2   R603   D5   R708   E5   U707   E5   

C204   D4   C507   C3   C669   B4   CN751  A2   L150   A2   R171   A2   R365   A3   R604   D5   R709   E5   U708   E1   

C205   B3   C508   D3   C670   B3   D100   A1   L202   B3   R172   C5   R367   E3   R605   C4   R710   D1   U709   D1   

C206   B3   C509   C4   C671   B5   D101   B1   L300   B3   R173   C5   R368   C1   R606   D5   R711   D1   U710   D1   

C207   C3   C510   D3   C672   B5   D151   A2   L500   D3   R174   C5   R369   D1   R607   A4   R712   D1   U711   E1   

C208   C3   C511   C3   C674   C5   D301   B2   L501   E3   R200   D4   R370   D1   R608   A3   R713   D1   X300   B3   

C209   D4   C514   C3   C676   C3   D321   D5   L502   D3   R201   D4   R371   B5   R610   D5   R714   D1   ZD500  D4   

C210   C3   C517   C4   C677   C5   D322   D5   L503   D4   R202   D4   R372   D1   R611   C4   R715   D1   ZD501  D3   

C211   C5   C518   C3   C678   B5   D391   E3   L504   C4   R203   D5   R374   D1   R612   A3   R716   D1   ZD502  E3   

C215   D4   C519   C3   C679   E3   D392   E3   L505   D4   R204   C3   R375   D1   R613   C4   R717   D1   ZD503  D3   

C216   D4   C520   C3   C680   C3   D500   E3   L506   C4   R205   D4   R376   D1   R614   C4   R718   D1   ZD510  D4   

C217   D4   C521   D4   C681   E3   D501   D3   L507   C3   R206   D4   R377   A3   R615   C5   R719   C4   ZD511  D4   

C218   D4   C522   D4   C682   C5   D502   D3   L554   D2   R207   D4   R378   C2   R616   A4   R720   D1   ZD512  D4   

C219   E4   C523   C3   C683   A3   D503   D4   L561   C3   R208   B3   R379   C2   R617   A4   R721   D1   ZD513  C4   

C220   B3   C524   C3   C684   A4   D504   D4   L562   C3   R209   E4   R380   C2   R618   A3   R722   E5   ZD514  D3   

C221   C3   C525   C3   C686   A3   D505   D4   L563   C3   R210   C5   R381   C2   R619   B4   R723   E5   ZD550  D2   

C222   C3   C526   C4   C687   A3   D512   D4   L600   A3   R211   D4   R382   C1   R620   A4   R724   E5   ZD553  D3   

C223   D4   C527   C3   C688   B5   D553   D2   L601   A4   R212   E4   R384   D1   R621   B4   R725   E5   ZD554  D3   

C224   D4   C546   E4   C689   B4   D560   D3   L654   C5   R213   C5   R385   E3   R622   A4   R726   E5   ZD555  D3   

C225   D4   C547   D4   C690   A3   D561   D3   L656   C5   R214   C3   R386   D1   R623   C4   R727   E5   ZD558  D2   

C226   D4   C559   C3   C691   A3   D562   D3   L657   C5   R215   C5   R387   D1   R624   C4   R729   E5   ZD559  D2   

C227   C5   C560   E2   C692   B4   D563   D2   L750   A2   R216   C3   R388   E3   R625   A3   R730   E5   ZD564  D2   

C228   E4   C561   C3   C693   B5   D564   C2   Q101   A1   R217   D5   R389   D1   R626   A3   R731   D5   ZD650  C5   

C239   D4   C564   D2   C694   A3   D565   D2   Q103   A1   R218   C3   R390   D1   R627   A3   R732   E5   ZD651  B5   

C240   D4   C565   C3   C695   C5   D566   D2   Q104   A1   R219   D5   R391   C2   R628   A3   R734   E1   ZD652  C5   

C241   B3   C568   C3   C696   B5   D601   D5   Q106   A1   R220   D3   R393   B1   R630   A3   R735   E1   ZD653  C5   

C242   B3   C572   E3   C697   B5   D602   D5   Q150   A2   R221   D5   R394   D1   R631   C4   R736   E1   ZD654  C5   

C243   B3   C576   C3   C698   C5   D603   A4   Q151   A2   R222   C5   R395   E3   R632   A3   R737   E1   ZD657  E4   

C244   B3   C585   B4   C700   E5   D605   A3   Q152   A2   R223   D4   R397   B1   R633   A3   R738   E1   ZD658  E4   

C245   C5   C587   C3   C706   D1   D608   A4   Q200   C3   R224   D4   R398   C1   R634   A3   R739   E1   ZD661  E3   

C248   D4   C588   C3   C708   D1   D609   A3   Q201   C5   R225   D4   R399   B5   R635   A4   R740   E1   ZD662  E2   

C249   E4   C589   C3   C709   D1   D650   C5   Q202   E4   R226   B3   R407   A5   R636   A3   R741   E1   ZD663  E3   

C302   A2   C590   C3   C710   D5   D651   B5   Q301   A3   R227   D5   R409   A3   R637   A4   R742   E1   ZD702  D1   

C304   B3   C591   D2   C711   E5   D652   C5   Q600   A3   R228   D5   R434   A4   R639   A4   R743   E1   ZD703  E5   

C305   B3   C592   C2   C712   D5   D653   C5   Q602   D5   R229   B3   R442   A3   R640   A4   R744   E1   ZD704  E1   

C308   B3   C593   C3   C713   E5   D654   C5   Q603   D5   R230   C5   R445   B3   R641   A4   R747   C4   

C331   D5   C596   C3   C717   E1   D655   E3   Q606   A4   R231   D5   R503   C3   R642   A3   R748   E4   

C334   D5   C597   C3   C718   E1   D656   E2   Q608   E4   R232   C5   R504   D4   R643   A3   R749   A4   

C335   D5   C598   C4   C719   E1   D657   E3   Q610   E4   R233   C3   R506   C3   R644   E4   R750   E4   

Содержание LC-19SH7E/RU


Страница 2: ...ter having with 5000 ohm per volt or higher sen sitivity or measure the AC voltage drop across the resistor Connect the resistor connection to all exposed metal parts having a return to the chassis antenna metal cabinet screw heads knobs and control shafts escutcheon etc and measure the AC voltage drop across the resistor All checks must be repeated with the AC cord plug connection reversed If nec...

Страница 3: ...0 C which is higher than the conventional lead solder by 40 C and as it has poor solder wettability you may be apt to keep the soldering bit in contact with the PWB for extended period of time However Since the land may be peeled off or the maximum heat resistance temperature of parts may be exceeded remove the bit from the PWB as soon as you confirm the steady soldering condition Lead free solder...

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Страница 5: ...ection OK Press to activate a setting MENU EXIT Press to activate the LCD TV OSD Press again to exit the LCD TV OSD Display programme infomation if available TELETEXT Press this button to activate Teletext Press again to turn off Teletext MIX Press this button to activate Teletext with TV SIZE Press this button to change the font size Full screen Top half and Bottom half SUBPAGE To select the subp...

Страница 6: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 6 TV Front view TV Rear view ...

Страница 7: ...he TV stand to the bottom of the TV 3 Fasten the screws by using a cross head screwdriver Not supplied NOTE To detach the TV stand perform the steps in reverse order Wall mounting TV screen size inches VESA compatible wall bracket millimeters W x H Screw type 19 100 x 100 mm Metric 4 x 10 mm 26 200 x 100 mm Metric 4 x 10 mm 32 200 x 200 mm Metric 6 x 10 mm 42 400 x 200 mm Metric 6 x 10 mm ...

Страница 8: ...soon as they have worn out Chemicals that leak from batteries can cause a rash If you find any chemical leakage wipe thoroughly with a cloth The batteries supplied with this product may have a shorter life expectancy due to storage conditions If you will not be using the remote control unit for an extended period of time remove the batteries from it Note on disposing batteries The batteries provid...

Страница 9: ...the LED will keep last status and when use RC DC power on the LED will keep green light 2 The failed panel should be sent back to Panel maker CMO via RMA process Panel maker CMO will not rework the lamps at customer s side since the repaired panel should be checked through regular inspection flow to secure the quality Cautions regarding use in high and low temperature environments When the unit is...

Страница 10: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 10 3 DIMENSIONS ...

Страница 11: ...REMOVING OF MAJOR PARTS LC 19SH7E 1 Assy Panel Removal Notes Please put your machine on soft material to avoid to scrape panel when you disassemble it Front view Fig 1 Back view Fig 2 Step 1 Remove the Base Assy 1 Remove the base as Fig 3 Remove the 3 screws as Fig 3 and pull out the base as Fig 4 Fig 3 ...

Страница 12: ...move the 4 screws Detach the Neck as Fig 5 Step 2 Remove the REAR COVER Assy 1 Remove the 7 screws Detach the REAR COVER as Fig 5 Fig 5 Step 3 Remove the Main and Power board Fig 6 1 Remove the 6 screws and disconnect 4 cables Detach the Main board as Fig 7 and Fig 8 ...

Страница 13: ...SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 13 Fig 7 Fig 8 2 Remove the 5 screws and disconnect 4 cables Detach the Power board as Fig 9 Fig 9 Step 4 Remove the Bezel 1 Remove the 6 screws Detach the Bezel as Fig 10 ...

Страница 14: ...and Metal Frame 1 Remove the 4 screws Detach the Metal Frame and Speakers as Fig 11 and Fig 12 Fig 11 Fig 12 Panel Fig 13 Step 6 Remove the IR and Key board 1 Remove the 2 screws and disconnect 1 cable Detach the IR board as Fig 14 Fig 14 2 Disconnect 1 cable Detach the Key board as Fig 15 ...

Страница 15: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 15 Fig 15 ...

Страница 16: ...26SH7E 1 Assy Panel Removal Notes Please put your machine on soft material to avoid to scrape panel when you disassemble it Front view Fig 16 Back view Fig 17 Step 1 Remove the Base Assy 1 Remove the base as Fig 18 Remove the 4 screws as Fig 18 and pull out the base as Fig 19 Fig 18 ...

Страница 17: ... the 4 screws Detach the Neck as Fig 19 Step 2 Remove the REAR COVER Assy 1 Remove the 12 screws Detach the REAR COVER as Fig 20 Fig 20 Step 3 Remove the Main Power board and the Speakers Fig 21 1 Remove the 5 screws and disconnect 4 cables Detach the Main board as Fig 22 and Fig 23 ...

Страница 18: ...Fig 22 Fig 23 2 Remove the 5 screws and disconnect 2 cables Detach the Power board as Fig 24 Fig 24 3 Remove the 4 screws Detach the Speakers as Fig 25 Fig 25 Step 4 Remove the Bracket and Bezel 1 Remove the 8 screws Detach the Bracket as Fig 26 and Fig 27 ...

Страница 19: ...6SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 19 Fig 26 Fig 27 2 Remove the 4 screws Detach the Bezel as Fig 28 Fig 28 Panel Fig 29 Step 5 Remove the IR and Key board 1 Remove the 2 screws and disconnect 1 cable Detach the IR board as Fig 30 ...

Страница 20: ...1 2 Set Re assembly To re assemble the whole set execute all processes in reverse order Notes a While re assembling make sure that all cables are placed and connected in their original position b Pay special attention not to damage the EMC foams at the SSB shielding Check that EMC foams are put correctly on their places ...

Страница 21: ...TS LC 32SH7E 1 Assy Panel Removal Notes Please put your machine on soft material to avoid to scrape panel when you disassemble it Front view Fig 32 Back view Fig 33 Step 1 Remove the Base Assy 1 Remove the base as Fig 34 Remove the 4 screws as Fig 34 and pull out the base as Fig 35 Fig 34 ...

Страница 22: ... screws Detach the Neck as Fig 35 Step 2 Remove the REAR COVER Assy 1 Remove the 13 screws Detach the REAR COVER as Fig 36 Fig 36 Step 3 Remove the Main Power board and the Speakers Fig 37 1 Remove the 6 screws and disconnect 3 cables Detach the Main board as Fig 38 and Fig 39 ...

Страница 23: ...g 38 Fig 39 2 Remove the 4 screws and disconnect 1 cables Detach the Power board as Fig 40 Fig 40 3 Remove the 4 screws Detach the Speakers as Fig 41 Fig 41 Step 4 Remove the Bracket and Bezel 1 Remove the 11 screws Detach the Bracket as Fig 42 and Fig 43 Fig 42 Fig 43 ...

Страница 24: ...el as Fig 44 Panel Fig 44 Step 5 Remove the IR and Key board 1 Remove the 2 screws and disconnect 1 cable Detach the IR board as Fig 45 Fig 45 2 Disconnect 1 cable Detach the Key board as Fig 46 Fig 46 2 Set Re assembly To re assemble the whole set execute all processes in reverse order Notes ...

Страница 25: ... RU LC 42SH7E RU 25 a While re assembling make sure that all cables are placed and connected in their original position b Pay special attention not to damage the EMC foams at the SSB shielding Check that EMC foams are put correctly on their places ...

Страница 26: ...42SH7E 1 Assy Panel Removal Notes Please put your machine on soft material to avoid to scrape panel when you disassemble it Front view Fig 47 Back view Fig 48 Step 1 Remove the Base Assy 1 Remove the base as Fig 49 Remove the 4 screws as Fig 49 and pull out the base as Fig 50 Fig 49 ...

Страница 27: ...screws Detach the Neck as Fig 50 Step 2 Remove the REAR COVER Assy 1 Remove the 17 screws Detach the REAR COVER as Fig 51 Fig 51 Step 3 Remove the Main Power board and the Speakers Fig 52 1 Remove the 9 screws and disconnect 4 cables Detach the Main board as Fig 53 and Fig 54 Fig 53 Fig 54 ...

Страница 28: and disconnect 1 cables Detach the Power board as Fig 55 Fig 55 3 Remove the 4 screws Detach the Speakers as Fig 56 Fig 56 Step 4 Remove the Bracket and Bezel 1 Remove the 23 screws Detach the Bracket as Fig 57 Fig 57 2 Remove the 4 screws Detach the Bezel as Fig 58 Fig 58 ...

Страница 29: ... 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 29 Panel Fig 59 Step 5 Remove the IR and Key board 1 Remove the 2 screws and disconnect 1 cable Detach the IR board as Fig 60 Fig 60 2 Disconnect 1 cable Detach the Key board as Fig 61 Fig 61 ...

Страница 30: ...e the whole set execute all processes in reverse order Notes a While re assembling make sure that all cables are placed and connected in their original position b Pay special attention not to damage the EMC foams at the SSB shielding Check that EMC foams are put correctly on their places ...

Страница 31: ...Temperature Warm Off Low Medium HIGH Noise Reduction Auto On Flesh Tone Off Back Light slider On Picture Advanced Control have sub page DCR Off Personal Music Sound Mode Speech Equilizer 120Hz slider Equilizer 500Hz slider Equilizer 1 5KHz slider Equilizer 5KHz slider Equilizer 10KHz slider Balance slider On Virtual Surround Off PCM Off Digital Audio Out Dolby Digital Off AVL On Normal Hard of Hea...

Страница 32: Czech Republic Germany Denmark Spain Finland France English Finnish French Gaelic Galician German Greek Hungarian Italian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish Welsh Basque Bulgarian Catalan Croatian Czech Danish 1st Audio 28 DTV only Dutch English Finnish French Gaelic Galician German Greek Hungarian 2nd Audio 28 DTV only Italian ...

Страница 33: ...ignal Strength Single RF Scan Signal Quailty Start Frequency xxMHz Scan Up Analog Manual Scan Scan Down Channel Skip have sub page Channel munber Channel Sort have sub page Channel munber Channel Edit have sub page Channel munber Decoder for ATV Channel munber Channels have sub page Analog Ch Fine Tune Channel munber have sub page do fine tune English Deutsch Français Italiano Español Português Ne...

Страница 34: ...GMT 5 45 GMT 6 00 GMT 6 30 GMT 7 00 GMT 8 00 GMT 9 00 GMT 9 30 GMT 10 00 GMT 11 00 GMT 12 00 GMT 12 45 GMT 13 00 GMT 12 00 GMT 11 00 GMT 10 00 GMT 9 00 GMT 8 00 GMT 7 00 GMT 6 00 GMT 5 00 GMT 4 00 GMT 3 30 GMT 3 00 GMT 2 00 Time Zone GMT 1 00 Auto synchronization On Off Date 20xx xx xx Time xx xx xx Timer Off On Time have sub page Off Time xx xx xx Off 10 Min 20 Min 30 Min 40 Min 50 Min 60 Min 90 ...

Страница 35: ...English Finnish French Gaelic Galician German Greek Hungarian Italian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish Welsh Off Basque Bulgarian Catalan Croatian Czech Danish 1st Subtitle 28 Dutch English Finnish French Gaelic Galician German Greek Hungarian Italian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Subtitle ...

Страница 36: Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Turkish Digital Teletext Lang Welsh WEST EUR EAST EUR Russia Russia 2 Greek Turkey Arab Hbrw Farsian Teletext Language have sub page Decode Page Lang Arab Common Interface have sub page display some info status Automatic Underscan HDMI Scan Info Only available in HDMI source Overscan Reset Default Channel Block have sub page ...

Страница 37: ...Warm Auto Config Auto Config Horizontal slider Vertical slider Phase slider Clock slider Advanced Video have sub page Resolution list all ambiguous timings Personal Music Audio Mode Speech Equilizer 120Hz slider Equilizer 500Hz slider Equilizer 1 5KHz slider Equilizer 5KHz slider Equilizer 10KHz slider Balance slider On Virtual Surround Off PCM Off Digital Audio Out Dolby Digital Off Sound AVL On ...

Страница 38: Latvian Estonian Lithuanian Ukrainian Full screen Picture Format 4 3 Reset Default 18 None 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parental Guidance have sub page Age Rating 17 Input Block have sub page Source list New Password xxxx Set Password have sub page Confirm Password xxxx Parental Password have sub page Clear All Off Eco On ...

Страница 39: signal generator 4 Enter factory mode menu press MENU Numeric keys 1999 Alignment 1 At factory mode menu select AUTO_COLOR item Then press OK key of remote control to adjust ADC_GAIN_R ADC_GAIN_G ADC_GAIN_B and ADC_OFFSET_R ADC_OFFSET_G ADC_OFFSET_B Then store those values to NVM 2 Check the 16 grayscale pattern should be distinguished and color bar is correct 3 Reset AV setting picture mode sh...

Страница 40: ...temp cool mode PC mode display adjustment 1 Auto color for signal slicering General set up Equipment Requirements Minolta CA 210 or Equivalent Color analyzer Chroma 2250 or equivalent PC signal generator Input requirements Input Signal Type PC VGA signal 1 1280X1024 60Hz PC mode with 5 white block pattern see pattern 1 Input Signal Strength 0 7 Vp p linear voltage Input Injection Point PC D SUB in...

Страница 41: ...MMA_TABLE COLOR_ENHANCE On Note VIRGIN_MODE is ON for outging and is Off at production line YPbPr PC ADC_GAIN_R 64 64 ADC_GAIN_G 64 64 ADC_GAIN_B 64 64 ADC_OFFSET_R 128 128 ADC_OFFSET_G 128 128 ADC_OFFSET_B 128 128 Note These above values will be changed after doing AUTO_COLOR at FAC mode menu PC NORMAL COOL WARM CLR_TEMP_R 0 0 0 CLR_TEMP_G 0 0 0 CLR_TEMP_B 0 0 0 Note These above values will be ch...

Страница 42: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 42 2 SERVICE MODE Enter factory mode menu press MENU Numeric keys 1999 to enter factory mode ...

Страница 43: ...o TV USB port to upgrade the software firmware Please follow the following step to upgrade the firmware 1 Copy the software firmware pkg to USB Disk 2 Modify the pkg s filename to upgrade pkg 3 Insert the USB Disk to TV USB port 4 TV AC power off AC power on 5 TV will upgrade after detect the USB disk condition and the content of the pkg file Select Yes then press on the remote control TV will upg...

Страница 44: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 44 7 Remove USB disk from TV 8 Check the software version is correct or not MENU Features ...

Страница 45: ...ircuit is checked Is BD901 320V output When power on off switch is on About 400V Does the circuit operate normally Check circuit around FB901 Q906 ZD904 IC901 etc NO Is a voltage of 5 3V applied to pin 3 4 of connector CN902 Does the switching circuit operate normally Check circuit around the primary side T901 ZD906 D901 D903 Q903 D904 IC901 IC902 D905 etc the secondary side D905 L904 etc the DC_D...

Страница 46: ...0 AMP NO Check the line between IC U605 and IC U600 Is MUTE circuit AMP_MUTE_LINE POWERUP_LINE normal Is the audio signal output of pin 3 4 L ch and pin 1 2 R ch of CN600 AOUDIO CONNECTOR normal NO Check the AMP_MUTE_LINE and POWERUP_LINE Q600 etc NO Check IC U600 and its peripheral circuits Check Speaker Box right and left and wire harness Is the SIF signal output from pin 11 of TUNER TU201 Is th...

Страница 47: ...s required Refer to No sound output in all modes Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 6 SCT1_AUL_IN and pin 2 SCT1_AUR_IN of SCART1 CN500 Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 NO Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 44 SC1_LIN and pin 43 SC1_RIN of IC U605 NO Check the line between CN500 and IC U605 Refer to No sound output in all modes Is the audio signal pr...

Страница 48: ... the connection to CN650 and the external input device Refer to No sound output in all modes Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 52 SIDE_LIN and pin 51 SIDE_RIN of IC U605 NO Check the line between CN650 and IC U605 Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 2 VGA_AudioLIN and pin 3 VGA_AudioRIN of CN555 NO Check the connection to CN555 and the external input device Refer to No sound output in ...

Страница 49: ...utput from IC U602 sent to pin 3 SCT1_AUL OUT and pin 1 SCT1_AUR OUT of SCART1 CN500 YES Check the connection to SCART1 and external devices YES Check the line between IC U400 and IC U602 Check IC U400 and its peripheral circuits Is the audio signal output from IC U400 pin K26 AL2 and pin J24 AR2 sent to pin 26 INPUT1L and pin 25 INPUT1R of IC U605 Is audio signal output from IC U605 sent to pin 4...

Страница 50: ...6 YES Check the connection to SPDIF_OUT and external devices Is the audio signal output from IC U605 to pin 2 HPOUTL and pin 3 HPOUTR of headphone terminal CN602 Is the HPDET signal input into pin AA5 of IC U400 from pin 6 of a headphone terminal CN602 NO Check the connection to CN602 and external headphone is plug in well NO Check the line between IC U605 and CN602 Check IC U400 and its periphera...

Страница 51: ...ADJ INVERTER_ON_OFF PANEL_VCC_ON OFF and it peels off and whether normality is checked Check the panel module Similarly is the LVDS signal input to connector of the panel module NO Wire harness is checked Is LVDS signal output from 1st_channel and 2nd_channel of IC U400 in each mode A0N A0P A1N A1P A2N A2P A3N A3P CK1N CK1P Check IC U400 and its peripheral control circuits Is picture signal input ...

Страница 52: ... NO Is MPEG data TS0INDATA0 TS0INSYNC TS0INCLK TS0INVALID from IC U400 are output to pin 9 pin 7 pin 6 pin 8 of a IC U401 is communication control carried out between pin 12 SCL pin 13 SDA of TU201 and pin F24 TUNER_SCL1 pin F25 TUNER_SDA1 of IC U400 Is MPEG data TS_DATAO TS_CKO TS_VALIDO TS_SYNCO from IC U401 are output to pin B21 A21 B20 C21 of a IC U400 NO Is the control signal between IC U401 ...

Страница 53: ...11 G 7 B of SCART1 CN500 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes Is RGB signal sent to pin AF24 R AD24 G AD23 B of IC U400 NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN500 Is Y C signal sent to pin 20 and 15 of SCART1 CN500 NO Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes Is Y C signal sent to pin AE24 Y AF25 C of IC U4...

Страница 54: ...heck the connection and setup with the external HDMI devices Are EDID data pin 6 SCL of IC U701 EEPROM pin 5 SDA accessed and is it read from pin 15 pin 16 of a HDMI terminal CN700 NO Is access possible in the re writing or exchange of EDID data of IC U701 Check CN700 IC U701 and peripheral circuits Is TMDS signal input into pin AF18 AE18 RX2 AF17 AE17 RX1 AF16 AE16 RX0 AF15 AE15 RXC of IC U400 Ch...

Страница 55: ...SCART1 YES Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes Is TUNER_CVBS signal output into pin 21 of CN500 SCART1 YES Check the line between CN500 and TU200 Checklist 1 Is the Signal Type item in MENU Option Input Select equal to Signal Type of an external device Set it to CVBS Y C RGB AUTO 2 Is ANT CABLE disconnected or connec...

Страница 56: ...A13 of IC U400 into pin 2 of CN501 YES Check the line between CN501 and IC U400 Checklist 1 Is the Signal Type item in MENU Option Input Select equal to Signal Type of an external device Set it to CVBS Y C AUTO 2 The picture is sent to the monitor in a CVBS signal if the source during display is TV CVBS or Y C of SCART1 AV3 When sent by component etc that signal is not sent to the monitor 3 When t...

Страница 57: ... switch is on About 400V Does the PFC circuit operate normally L906 Q901 D902 D903 IC901 and etc And the circuit around the protection circuit etc is checked NO Is a voltage of 5V applied to pin 12 13 of connector CN902 Set the main power SW to OFF Does the switching circuit operate normally Check circuit around the primary side T901 IC931 Q931 ZD931 ZD930 ZD980 ZD981 etc the secondary side D935 L...

Страница 58: ...0 AMP NO Check the line between IC U605 and IC U600 Is MUTE circuit AMP_MUTE_LINE POWERUP_LINE normal Is the audio signal output of pin 3 4 L ch and pin 1 2 R ch of CN600 AOUDIO CONNECTOR normal NO Check the AMP_MUTE_LINE and POWERUP_LINE Q600 etc NO Check IC U600 and its peripheral circuits Check Speaker Box right and left and wire harness Is the SIF signal output from pin 21 of TUNER TU201 Is th...

Страница 59: ...SCT1_AUR_IN of SCART1 CN500 Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 6 SCT2_AUL_IN and pin 2 SCT2_AUR_IN of SCART2 CN501 Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN501 NO Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 44 SC1_LIN and pin 43 SC1_RIN of IC U605 Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 46 SC2_LIN a...

Страница 60: ... the connection to CN654 and the external input device Refer to No sound output in all modes Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 52 SIDE_LIN and pin 51 SIDE_RIN of IC U605 NO Check the line between CN654 and IC U605 Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 2 VGA_AudioLIN and pin 3 VGA_AudioRIN of CN555 NO Check the connection to CN555 and the external input device Refer to No sound output in ...

Страница 61: ...T1 and external devices YES Check the line between IC U400 and IC U602 Check IC U400 and its peripheral circuits Is the audio signal output from IC U400 pin K26 AL2 and pin J24 AR2 sent to pin 26 INPUT1L and pin 25 INPUT1R of IC U605 Is audio signal output from IC U605 sent to pin 3 SCT2_AUL_OUT and pin 1 SCT2_AUR_OUT of YES Check the connection to SCART2 and external devices YES Check the line be...

Страница 62: ...6 YES Check the connection to SPDIF_OUT and external devices Is the audio signal output from IC U605 to pin 2 HPOUTL and pin 3 HPOUTR of headphone terminal CN602 Is the HPDET signal input into pin AA5 of IC U400 from pin 6 of a headphone terminal CN602 NO Check the connection to CN602 and external headphone is plug in well NO Check the line between IC U605 and CN602 Check IC U400 and its periphera...

Страница 63: ...ADJ INVERTER_ON_OFF PANEL_VCC_ON OFF and it peels off and whether normality is checked Check the panel module Similarly is the LVDS signal input to connector of the panel module NO Wire harness is checked Is LVDS signal output from 1st_channel and 2nd_channel of IC U400 in each mode A0N A0P A1N A1P A2N A2P A3N A3P CK1N CK1P Check IC U400 and its peripheral control circuits Is picture signal input ...

Страница 64: ... U400 and their peripheral circuits Replace as required NO Is MPEG data TS0INDATA0 TS0INSYNC TS0INCLK TS0INVALID from IC U400 are output to pin 9 pin 7 pin 6 pin 8 of a IC U401 is communication control carried out between pin 12 SCL pin 13 SDA of TU201 and pin F24 TUNER_SCL1 pin F25 TUNER_SDA1 of IC U400 Is MPEG data TS_DATAO TS_CKO TS_VALIDO TS_SYNCO from IC U401 are output to pin B21 A21 B20 C21...

Страница 65: ...eck the setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN501 Is CVBS signal sent to pin 20 of SCART2 CN501 Is CVBS signal sent to pin AE24 of IC U400 Is CVBS signal sent to pin AE26 of IC U400 NO NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN500 Check the line between IC U400 an...

Страница 66: ...NO Is Y C signal sent to pin 20 and 15 of SCART2 CN501 Is Y C signal sent to pin AE24 Y AF25 C of IC U400 Is Y C signal sent to pin AE26 Y AE25 C of IC U400 NO NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN500 Check the line between IC U400 and CN501 Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN501 Is CVBS signal se...

Страница 67: ...MI terminal CN700 NO Is access possible in the re writing or exchange of EDID data of IC U701 Check CN700 IC U701 and peripheral circuits Is TMDS signal input into pin AF14 AE14 RX2 AF13 AE13 RX1 AF12 AE12 RX0 AF11 AE11 RXC of IC U400 Check the line between IC U400 and CN700 NO Is the HOT_PLUG detection function of pin 19 of a HDMI terminal CN702 normal NO Check the line between pin AC4 of IC U400...

Страница 68: ... H V signal sent to pin 1 R 2 G 3 B 14 H 13 V of VGA CN554 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN554 Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes Is R G B H V signal sent to pin AE20 R AE19 G AD19 B AC18 H AB18 V of IC U400 NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN554 Is Component Y Pb Pr signal sent to pin 2 Y 4 Pb 6 Pr of AV1 CN552 NO Check the setting of an exte...

Страница 69: ...f SCART1 2 AV3 When sent by component etc that signal is not sent to the monitor 4 When the monitor picture is not sent and is not displayed on the monitor refer to No picture for each terminal 5 The video output from SCART1 is not the monitor output output of the picture now watching The picture of the last selected TV channel is always sent to SCART1 Specification Is CVBS signal output into pin ...

Страница 70: ...h is on About 400V Does the PFC circuit operate normally L906 Q901 D902 D903 IC901 and etc And the circuit around the protection circuit etc is checked NO Is a voltage of 5V applied to pin 12 13 of connector CN902 Set the main power SW to OFF Does the switching circuit operate normally Check circuit around the primary side T901 IC931 Q931 ZD931 ZD930 ZD980 ZD981 etc the secondary side D935 L980 et...

Страница 71: ...IC U600 AMP NO Check the line between IC U605 and IC U600 Is MUTE circuit AMP_MUTE_LINE POWERUP_LINE normal Is the audio signal output of pin 3 4 L ch and pin 1 2 R ch of CN600 AOUDIO CONNECTOR normal NO Check the AMP_MUTE_LINE and POWERUP_LINE Q600 etc NO Check IC U600 and its peripheral circuits Check Speaker Box right and left and wire harness Is the SIF signal output from pin 21 of TUNER TU201...

Страница 72: ...UR_IN of SCART1 CN500 Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 6 SCT2_AUL_IN and pin 2 SCT2_AUR_IN of SCART2 CN501 Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN501 NO Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 44 SC1_LIN and pin 43 SC1_RIN of IC U605 Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 46 SC2_LIN and pin...

Страница 73: ...Check the connection to CN654 and the external input device Refer to No sound output in all modes Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 52 SIDE_LIN and pin 51 SIDE_RIN of IC U605 NO Check the line between CN654 and IC U605 Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 2 VGA_AudioLIN and pin 3 VGA_AudioRIN of CN555 NO Check the connection to CN555 and the external input device Refer to No sound outpu...

Страница 74: ... external devices YES Check the line between IC U400 and IC U602 Check IC U400 and its peripheral circuits Is the audio signal output from IC U400 pin K26 AL2 and pin J24 AR2 sent to pin 26 INPUT1L and pin 25 INPUT1R of IC U605 Is audio signal output from IC U605 sent to pin 3 SCT2_AUL_OUT and pin 1 SCT2_AUR_OUT of YES Check the connection to SCART2 and external devices YES Check the line between ...

Страница 75: ...r CN556 YES Check the connection to SPDIF_OUT and external devices Is the audio signal output from IC U605 to pin 2 HPOUTL and pin 3 HPOUTR of headphone terminal CN602 Is the HPDET signal input into pin AA5 of IC U400 from pin 6 of a headphone terminal CN602 NO Check the connection to CN602 and external headphone is plug in well NO Check the line between IC U605 and CN602 Check IC U400 and its per...

Страница 76: ...VERTER_ON_OFF PANEL_VCC_ON OFF and it peels off and whether normality is checked Check the panel module Similarly is the LVDS signal input to connector of the panel module NO Wire harness is checked Is LVDS signal output from 1st_channel and 2nd_channel of IC U400 in each mode A0N A0P A1N A1P A2N A2P A3N A3P CK1N CK1P Check IC U400 and its peripheral control circuits Is picture signal input from p...

Страница 77: IC U400 and their peripheral circuits Replace as required NO Is MPEG data TS0INDATA0 TS0INSYNC TS0INCLK TS0INVALID from IC U400 are output to pin 9 pin 7 pin 6 pin 8 of a IC U401 is communication control carried out between pin 12 SCL pin 13 SDA of TU201 and pin F24 TUNER_SCL1 pin F25 TUNER_SDA1 of IC U400 Is MPEG data TS_DATAO TS_CKO TS_VALIDO TS_SYNCO from IC U401 are output to pin B21 A21 B2...

Страница 78: ...e setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN501 Is CVBS signal sent to pin 20 of SCART2 CN501 Is CVBS signal sent to pin AE24 of IC U400 Is CVBS signal sent to pin AE26 of IC U400 NO NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN500 Check the line between IC U400 and CN50...

Страница 79: ...modes NO Is Y C signal sent to pin 20 and 15 of SCART2 CN501 Is Y C signal sent to pin AE24 Y AF25 C of IC U400 Is Y C signal sent to pin AE26 Y AE25 C of IC U400 NO NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN500 Check the line between IC U400 and CN501 Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN501 Is CVBS sig...

Страница 80: ...minal CN700 NO Is access possible in the re writing or exchange of EDID data of IC U701 Check CN700 IC U701 and peripheral circuits Is TMDS signal input into pin AF14 AE14 RX2 AF13 AE13 RX1 AF12 AE12 RX0 AF11 AE11 RXC of IC U400 Check the line between IC U400 and CN700 NO Is the HOT_PLUG detection function of pin 19 of a HDMI terminal CN702 normal NO Check the line between pin AC4 of IC U400 and C...

Страница 81: ...r in all modes Is R G B H V signal sent to pin AE20 R AE19 G AD19 B AC18 H AB18 V of IC U400 NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN554 Is the HOT_PLUG detection function of pin 19 of a HDMI terminal CN701 normal NO Check the line between pin AB5 of IC U400 and CN701 Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes Check the connection and setup with the external HDMI devices Are EDID data pin 6 ...

Страница 82: ... input to Component go out TERMINAL_UNIT MAIN_UNIT YES YES Is Component Y Pb Pr signal sent to pin 2 Y 4 Pb 6 Pr of AV1 CN552 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN552 Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes Is Component Y Pb Pr signal sent to pin AE21 Y AD22 Pb AF22 Pr of IC U400 NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN552 ...

Страница 83: ...f SCART1 2 AV3 When sent by component etc that signal is not sent to the monitor 4 When the monitor picture is not sent and is not displayed on the monitor refer to No picture for each terminal 5 The video output from SCART1 is not the monitor output output of the picture now watching The picture of the last selected TV channel is always sent to SCART1 Specification Is CVBS signal output into pin ...

Страница 84: ...witch is on About 400V Does the PFC circuit operate normally IC909 Q922 D933 IC901 Q917 Q923 and etc And the circuit around the protection circuit etc is checked NO Is a voltage of 5V applied to pin 12 13 of connector CN902 Set the main power SW to OFF Does the switching circuit operate normally Check circuit around the primary side T904 IC903 Q924 ZD910 ZD911 ZD912 ZD913 etc the secondary side D9...

Страница 85: ...IC U600 AMP NO Check the line between IC U605 and IC U600 Is MUTE circuit AMP_MUTE_LINE POWERUP_LINE normal Is the audio signal output of pin 3 4 L ch and pin 1 2 R ch of CN600 AOUDIO CONNECTOR normal NO Check the AMP_MUTE_LINE and POWERUP_LINE Q600 etc NO Check IC U600 and its peripheral circuits Check Speaker Box right and left and wire harness Is the SIF signal output from pin 21 of TUNER TU201...

Страница 86: ...UR_IN of SCART1 CN500 Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 6 SCT2_AUL_IN and pin 2 SCT2_AUR_IN of SCART2 CN501 Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN501 NO Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 44 SC1_LIN and pin 43 SC1_RIN of IC U605 Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 46 SC2_LIN and pin...

Страница 87: ...Check the connection to CN654 and the external input device Refer to No sound output in all modes Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 52 SIDE_LIN and pin 51 SIDE_RIN of IC U605 NO Check the line between CN654 and IC U605 Is the audio signal properly sent to pin 2 VGA_AudioLIN and pin 3 VGA_AudioRIN of CN555 NO Check the connection to CN555 and the external input device Refer to No sound outpu...

Страница 88: ... external devices YES Check the line between IC U400 and IC U602 Check IC U400 and its peripheral circuits Is the audio signal output from IC U400 pin K26 AL2 and pin J24 AR2 sent to pin 26 INPUT1L and pin 25 INPUT1R of IC U605 Is audio signal output from IC U605 sent to pin 3 SCT2_AUL_OUT and pin 1 SCT2_AUR_OUT of YES Check the connection to SCART2 and external devices YES Check the line between ...

Страница 89: ...r CN556 YES Check the connection to SPDIF_OUT and external devices Is the audio signal output from IC U605 to pin 2 HPOUTL and pin 3 HPOUTR of headphone terminal CN602 Is the HPDET signal input into pin AA5 of IC U400 from pin 6 of a headphone terminal CN602 NO Check the connection to CN602 and external headphone is plug in well NO Check the line between IC U605 and CN602 Check IC U400 and its per...

Страница 90: ...VERTER_ON_OFF PANEL_VCC_ON OFF and it peels off and whether normality is checked Check the panel module Similarly is the LVDS signal input to connector of the panel module NO Wire harness is checked Is LVDS signal output from 1st_channel and 2nd_channel of IC U400 in each mode A0N A0P A1N A1P A2N A2P A3N A3P CK1N CK1P Check IC U400 and its peripheral control circuits Is picture signal input from p...

Страница 91: IC U400 and their peripheral circuits Replace as required NO Is MPEG data TS0INDATA0 TS0INSYNC TS0INCLK TS0INVALID from IC U400 are output to pin 9 pin 7 pin 6 pin 8 of a IC U401 is communication control carried out between pin 12 SCL pin 13 SDA of TU201 and pin F24 TUNER_SCL1 pin F25 TUNER_SDA1 of IC U400 Is MPEG data TS_DATAO TS_CKO TS_VALIDO TS_SYNCO from IC U401 are output to pin B21 A21 B2...

Страница 92: ...e setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN501 Is CVBS signal sent to pin 20 of SCART2 CN501 Is CVBS signal sent to pin AE24 of IC U400 Is CVBS signal sent to pin AE26 of IC U400 NO NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN500 Check the line between IC U400 and CN50...

Страница 93: ...modes NO Is Y C signal sent to pin 20 and 15 of SCART2 CN501 Is Y C signal sent to pin AE24 Y AF25 C of IC U400 Is Y C signal sent to pin AE26 Y AE25 C of IC U400 NO NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN500 Check the line between IC U400 and CN501 Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN500 Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN501 Is CVBS sig...

Страница 94: ...minal CN700 NO Is access possible in the re writing or exchange of EDID data of IC U701 Check CN700 IC U701 and peripheral circuits Is TMDS signal input into pin AF14 AE14 RX2 AF13 AE13 RX1 AF12 AE12 RX0 AF11 AE11 RXC of IC U400 Check the line between IC U400 and CN700 NO Is the HOT_PLUG detection function of pin 19 of a HDMI terminal CN702 normal NO Check the line between pin AC4 of IC U400 and C...

Страница 95: ...r in all modes Is R G B H V signal sent to pin AE20 R AE19 G AD19 B AC18 H AB18 V of IC U400 NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN554 Is the HOT_PLUG detection function of pin 19 of a HDMI terminal CN701 normal NO Check the line between pin AB5 of IC U400 and CN701 Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes Check the connection and setup with the external HDMI devices Are EDID data pin 6 ...

Страница 96: ... input to Component go out TERMINAL_UNIT MAIN_UNIT YES YES Is Component Y Pb Pr signal sent to pin 2 Y 4 Pb 6 Pr of AV1 CN552 NO Check the setting of an external input device that connects of CN552 Refer to The picture doesn t appear in all modes Is Component Y Pb Pr signal sent to pin AE21 Y AD22 Pb AF22 Pr of IC U400 NO Check the line between IC U400 and CN552 ...

Страница 97: ...f SCART1 2 AV3 When sent by component etc that signal is not sent to the monitor 4 When the monitor picture is not sent and is not displayed on the monitor refer to No picture for each terminal 5 The video output from SCART1 is not the monitor output output of the picture now watching The picture of the last selected TV channel is always sent to SCART1 Specification Is CVBS signal output into pin ...

Страница 98: ... single chip experience It integrates high quality HDMI1 3 high speed VGA ADC dual channel LVDS USB2 0 receiver and multi media decoder Key Features 1 DVB T demodulator 2 A transport demultiplexer 3 A multi standard video decoder 4 An AC3 MPEG2 audio decoder 5 HDMI1 3 receiver 6 Audio codec Note All packages are lead free General Feature List Host CPU ARM 926EJS 16K I Cache and 16K D Cache 8K Inst...

Страница 99: ... adaptive de interlace Support excellent low angle image processing Arbitrary ratio vertical horizontal scaling of video from 1 32X to 32X Advanced non linear panorama scaling Programmable zoom viewer Progressive scan output Support alpha blending Dithering processing for flat panel display Frame rate conversion Support FHD panel and VGA dot to dot Support PIP POP dual de interlace one HD and one ...

Страница 100: ... Division Multiplex channel demodulator for DVB T receiver ETSI 300 744 Nordig Unified compliant Excellent performance for SFN Single Frequency Network Indoor reception Support 2K 8K modes Support QPSK 16 64 QAM constellations 1 4 1 8 1 16 1 32 Guard interval Support hierarchical non hierarchical modes Accept 6 7 8 MHz channel bandwidth Automatic mode detection Full digital timing frequency with w...

Страница 101: ... external component requirements in digital audio applications WM8521 comes into two variants WM8521HC and WM8521H9 which offers different line drive output capabilities WM8521HC outputs 2Vrms at 12V supply while WM8521H9 outputs 2 0Vrms at 9V supply WM8521HC H9 are designed for cost sensitive consumer digital audio applications requiring 2Vrms line output A 24 bit multi bit sigma delta DAC is use...

Страница 102: ...are pin equivalent and are available in a 14 pin SOIC package FEATURES Audio Performance DAC SNR 98dB A weighted 48kHz THD 81dB A weighted 48kHz DAC Sampling Frequency 8kHz 96kHz Pin Selectable Audio Data Interface Format I 2 S 16 bit Right Justified or 16bit DSP 2 0 Vrms output at 12V or 9V supply 8 2V to 13 2V Analogue 2 7V to 3 6 Digital Supply 14 pin SOIC Package APPLICATIONS Consumer digital ...

Страница 103: ...512 byte embedded buffer Host Interface NAND flash interface Interrupt capability 3 3V logic levels Transport Stream Interface MPEG2 compliant TS One parallel or two serial TS interface from demodulator Serial TS interface to MPEG2 decoder Parallel TS interface from to CAM Supports serial to parallel TS conversion Supports parallel to serial TS conversion Miscellaneous 27 MHz crystal 60 MHz clock ...

Страница 104: and operate with either a 1 8V or 3V voltage supply The size of a Page is either 528 Bytes 512 16 spare or 264 Words 256 8 spare depending on whether the device has a x8 or x16 bus width The address lines are multiplexed with the Data In put Output signals on a multiplexed x8 or x16 In put Output bus This interface reduces the pin count and makes it possible to migrate to other densities withou...

Страница 105: ...icrocontroller as Chip Enable transitions during the latency time do not stop the read operation A Serial Number which allows each device to be uniquely identified The Serial Number options is subject to an NDA Non Disclosure Agreement and so not described in the datasheet For more details of this option contact your nearest ST Sales office ...

Страница 106: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 106 2 Detailed ICs Information 2 1 U400 MT5362ANG B 2 1 1 Block Diagram 2 1 2 Pin Connections and short description ...

Страница 107: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 107 2 2 U351 U352 NT5TU32M16CG BD BGA 84 2 2 1 Block Diagram ...

Страница 108: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 108 2 2 2 Pin Connections and short description ...

Страница 109: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 109 2 3 U602 WM8521HCGED RV SOIC 14 2 3 1 Block Diagram 2 3 2 Pin Connections and short description ...

Страница 110: ... output Analogue internal reference 9 AVDD Supply Analogue Positive supply 10 VOUTL Analogue output Left channel DAC output 11 DEEMPH Digital input De emphasis select Internal pull down High de emphasis ON Low de emphasis OFF 12 FORMAT Digital input Data input format select Internal pull up Low 16 bit right justified or 16bit DSP late High 16 32 bit I 2 S or 16bit DSP early 13 MCLK Digital input M...

Страница 111: ...SD HW 1 negative digital supply voltage and handle wafer connection IN1P 2 positive audio input for channel 1 IN1N 3 negative audio input for channel 1 DIAG 4 diagnostic output open drain ENGAGE 5 engage input to switch between Mute mode and Operating mode POWERUP 6 power up input to switch between Sleep mode and Mute mode CGND 7 control ground reference for POWERUP ENGAGE and DIAG N2 ...

Страница 112: ...rnal 11 V regulator for channel 1 drivers VSSP1 26 negative power supply voltage for channel 1 OUT1 27 PWM output channel 1 BOOT1 28 bootstrap capacitor for channel 1 VDDP1 29 positive power supply voltage for channel 1 HVP1 30 half supply output voltage 1 for charging single ended capacitor for channel 1 OSCIO 31 oscillator input in slave configuration or oscillator output in master configuration...

Страница 113: ...4 16mA General purpose I O bit 0 2 GPIO1 I O 4 16mA General purpose I O bit 1 3 GPIO2 I O 4 16mA General purpose I O bit 2 4 GPIO3 I O 4 16mA General purpose I O bit 3 19 GPIO4 I O 4 16mA General purpose I O bit 4 20 GPIO5 I O 4 16mA General purpose I O bit 5 21 GPIO6 I O 4 16mA General purpose I O bit 6 91 GPIO7 I O 4 16mA General purpose I O bit 7 92 GPIO8 I O 4 16mA General purpose I O bit 8 93...

Страница 114: ...I N A PCMCIA voltage sense 1 65 VS2_ I N A PCMCIA voltage sense 2 79 BVD1 I N A PCMCIA battery voltage detection 1 77 BVD2 I N A PCMCIA battery voltage detection 2 72 INPACK_ I N A PCMCIA input port acknowledge 70 WAIT_ I N A PCMCIA wait 40 IORD_ O 4 16mA PCMCIA IO read strobe 42 IOWR_ O 4 16mA PCMCIA IO write strobe 74 REG_ O 4 16mA PCMCIA register selection 79 OE_ O 4 16mA PCMCIA output enable 5...

Страница 115: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 115 2 7 2 Pin Connections and short description ...

Страница 116: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 116 2 8 U391 NAND128W3A2BN6E 2 8 1 Block Diagram ...

Страница 117: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 117 2 8 2 Pin Connections and short description ...


Страница 119: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 119 26 32 42 BLOCK DIAGRAM ...

Страница 120: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 120 2 19 POWER MANAGEMENT BLOCK DIAGRAM ...

Страница 121: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 121 26 32 42 POWER MANAGEMENT BLOCK DIAGRAM ...

Страница 122: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 122 3 19 WIRING DIAGRAM LC_19SH7E_BK CMO POWER BOARD MAIN BOARD CN751 CN100 CN391 089G179E30N916 095G8014 9F901 CN902 095G 82511F905 ...

Страница 123: ...8 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 123 26 WIRING DIAGRAM LC_26SH7E_BK CMO MAIN BOARD POWER BOARD CN100 CN751 CN902 CN903 089G179E30N918 095G8014 9F902 095G 82513F915 095G 82514F901 ...

Страница 124: ...19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 124 32 WIRING DIAGRAM LC_32SH7E_BK SHARP CN903 CN902 CN100 CN391 CN750 095G8018 30981 FP 095G8014 9F903 POWER BOARD MAIN BOARD 095G 82513F922 095G 82514F903 ...

Страница 125: ...3 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 125 42 WIRING DIAGRAM LC_42SH7E CMO CN905 CN902 CN100 CN391 CN750 095G8018 51955 FP 095G8014 9F904 POWER BOARD MAIN BOARD 095G 82513F925 095G 82514F904 ...

Страница 126: ...5 C623 A3 CN501 E3 FB607 A3 R133 A2 R302 A2 R526 E4 R641 A4 U703 E5 C162 B4 C395 D1 C624 B4 CN552 D3 FB751 A2 R144 B1 R303 A2 R528 E3 R642 B3 U704 E5 C163 A2 C396 D1 C625 A3 CN554 D2 FB752 A2 R151 B4 R304 A2 R529 D4 R643 A3 U705 E2 C164 B4 C397 D1 C626 A3 CN555 E2 J390 C1 R152 B4 R306 A3 R530 C4 R644 A4 U706 E2 C165 A2 C398 C1 C627 A3 CN556 D3 L101 A1 R153 A2 R307 A3 R531 D4 R645 B3 U707 E2 C166 B...

Страница 127: ...02 C3 FB323 C2 R432 A5 TP392 D1 C311 B3 C604 B3 FB404 A5 R433 A4 TP393 C1 C319 C2 C605 B3 FB405 A5 R435 A5 TP400 B5 C320 B3 C606 C5 FB407 B5 R436 A5 TP401 B5 C326 C2 C607 C5 FB408 B5 R437 B4 TP402 A5 C327 C2 C608 B4 FB409 A4 R438 B4 TP403 A5 C329 C2 C610 B3 FB600 B3 R439 A4 TP404 A5 C330 C2 C611 B3 FB601 B3 R440 B5 TP405 A5 C332 B3 C612 B3 FB603 B3 R441 B5 TP406 A5 C333 B3 C613 C3 FB604 B3 R504 C4...

Страница 128: ...E5 R159 A2 R339 D5 R584 C3 R690 D4 U605 C4 C173 A5 C443 B3 C661 C4 CN602 D5 FB701 D1 R160 A2 R340 D5 R586 D2 R691 E4 U700 E5 C174 A2 C500 C3 C662 C4 CN651 C5 FB702 D1 R161 A2 R341 B2 R587 C3 R693 E3 U701 D1 C175 A5 C501 C3 C663 B3 CN652 E2 FB751 A2 R162 B4 R350 B2 R588 C3 R695 D5 U702 D1 C177 C5 C502 C3 C664 C3 CN654 C5 FB752 A2 R163 B4 R352 B2 R597 C3 R696 D5 U703 D1 C200 C5 C503 C3 C665 C5 CN700...

Страница 129: ...09 B3 C570 D3 L564 D3 R560 D3 TP621 B5 C310 B3 C571 C3 L565 D3 R561 D2 TP650 C3 C311 B3 C573 C3 L652 B2 R565 D3 TP651 C3 C319 C2 C574 D3 L700 C3 R566 D2 TP752 A2 C320 B3 C577 E2 L701 C3 R568 E2 TP753 A2 C326 C2 C578 B3 Q100 A1 R569 D3 TP754 A2 C327 B2 C581 E2 Q400 A5 R572 E2 TP755 A2 C329 C2 C584 C3 Q401 A5 R589 D3 TP756 A2 C330 C2 C586 B3 Q500 C3 R590 D3 TP757 A2 C332 B3 C600 B3 Q550 D3 R593 D3 T...

Страница 130: ...A1 CN802 A2 CN803 A4 CN804 A4 CN901 B1 CN902 B5 D810 A5 D901 B3 D902 B5 D903 C3 D905 C5 D906 B5 F901 C2 F902 B1 FB901 B2 FB902 B1 FB903 C1 HD902 B5 HD905 C5 HQ903 B3 IC902 B4 IC903 B4 J801 A4 J802 A5 J803 A4 J804 A5 J805 A5 J806 A2 J807 A3 J808 A2 J901 C3 J902 C5 J903 B3 J904 B5 J905 C4 J906 B1 J907 B5 J909 C1 J910 B2 J911 B5 L801 A1 L802 A5 L902 C2 L903 B5 L904 C5 NR901 B2 Q903 B3 R811 A3 R816 A5...

Страница 131: ...12 B2 R833 A4 C917 B2 R853 A5 C919 B2 R901 B2 C924 B4 R902 B4 C926 B4 R903 B4 C927 B5 R904 B4 C928 B5 R905 B4 C929 B2 R906 B4 C930 A5 R907 B2 C933 C3 R908 B2 C951 B2 R909 B2 D801 A5 R910 B2 D802 A5 R911 B2 D803 A5 R913 B1 D804 A1 R914 B4 D805 A3 R915 C3 D904 B2 R916 C4 D907 B2 R917 C4 IC801 A5 R918 B2 IC901 B2 R919 B3 J908 B2 R920 B3 Q801 B5 R921 C4 Q805 A2 R922 B2 Q806 A4 R923 B4 Q807 A5 R926 B4 ...

Страница 132: ...FB983 C2 FB984 C2 FB985 A3 HD935 A3 HD955 A2 HDS955 A2 HQ901 C2 IC931 B3 IC932 B3 IC952 B1 IC953 A1 IC982 A3 IC991 B2 J901 D2 J902 C3 J903 A3 J904 B3 J905 C1 J906 C1 J907 B1 J908 B1 J909 B2 J910 D3 J911 B2 J912 A1 J913 A1 J914 A1 J915 C2 J916 D1 J917 A3 J918 B2 J919 A3 J920 C1 J921 A2 J922 B2 J923 C2 J924 C1 L901 C3 L902 C2 L904 D2 L905 D2 L906 D1 L931 A2 L932 A1 L980 A3 NR901 C3 Q901 C2 Q945 B2 Q...

Страница 133: ...IC951 C1 Q931 C3 Q932 C1 Q988 A3 Q989 A3 Q990 C1 R901 C3 R902 C3 R903 C3 R905 C1 R907 C1 R908 D1 R909 D1 R910 B2 R911 B2 R912 C1 R913 C1 R916 C2 R919 C2 R931 C3 R933 C3 R934 C3 R935 C2 R939 C1 R946 B2 R947 A3 R956 C1 R958 C1 R959 C1 R960 C2 R961 B1 R962 B1 R963 B1 R964 C1 R965 B3 R966 C1 R967 C1 R968 A1 R969 A1 R970 A1 R971 B1 R972 A1 R973 A1 R974 A1 R975 A1 R976 A1 R977 A2 R978 A3 R979 C1 R980 A2...

Страница 134: ...UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARD 19 KEY UNIT Side A 19 KEY UNIT Side B C016 A2 C017 A2 C018 A3 C019 A3 C020 A3 C021 A4 C022 A4 C023 A1 C024 A1 CN016 A1 R016 A3 R017 A3 R018 A4 R019 A4 R020 A2 R021 A2 R022 A3 SW016 A2 SW017 A4 SW018 A4 SW019 A3 SW020 A3 SW021 A2 SW022 A2 ...

Страница 135: ...7E RU 135 26 32 42 KEY UNIT Side A 26 32 42 KEY UNIT Side B C016 A1 C017 A2 C018 A2 C019 A3 C020 A3 C021 A4 C022 A4 C023 A1 C024 A1 CN016 A1 R016 A3 R017 A3 R018 A4 R019 A4 R020 A1 R021 A2 R022 A2 SW016 A2 SW017 A3 SW018 A4 SW019 A3 SW020 A3 SW021 A1 SW022 A2 ...

Страница 136: ...LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 136 4 IR UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARD 19 IR UNIT Side A 19 IR UNIT Side B C001 A2 C002 A2 C003 A2 CN001 A1 LED001 A1 Q001 A1 Q002 A1 R001 A1 R002 A1 R003 A1 R004 A1 R005 A2 R006 A2 R007 A2 R008 A1 U001 A2 ...

Страница 137: ...U LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 137 26 32 42 IR UNIT Side A 26 32 42 IR UNIT Side B C001 A2 C002 A2 C003 A2 CN001 A1 LED001 A1 Q001 A2 Q002 A2 R001 A1 R002 A1 R003 A2 R004 A2 R005 A2 R006 A2 R007 A2 R008 A2 U001 A2 ...

Страница 138: ... B _ D N A T S Y B _ D N A T S B S R W P O W S _ V 5 J D A _ T H G I R B 7 1 F F O _ N O _ R E T R E V N I 7 1 B S R W P O 8 F E R V _ M E M 9 A _ V 8 1 6 1 2 1 5 N U T _ 1 V 5 5 Y B _ D N A T S 8 W S _ V 5 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 5 1 1 V D W S _ V 5 R D D _ 8 1 V D R D D _ 8 1 V D V 5 B T S _ V 5 V 5 V 8 1 B T S _ V 5 W S _ V 5 V 8 1 A _ V 8 1 B S 3 3 V D N U T _ 1 V 5 B T S _ V 5 5 0 1...

Страница 139: ... V D B T S _ V 5 W S _ V 5 5 2 V A 2 1 V A W S _ V 5 5 2 V A W S _ V 5 R E N U T _ V 5 B T S _ V 5 C C V _ L E N A P W S _ V 5 3 3 V D 3 3 V D I C _ 8 1 V D U T _ V 5 C C V _ L E N A P A _ V 8 1 A _ V 8 1 U T _ V 5 N U T _ 1 V 5 ADJ 3 5 1 U R T T D A 7 1 1 1 D L 3 1 2 N I V GND T U O V 2 5 1 U V 3 3 A 6 0 Z T G E A 0 1 8 8 E M A 1 2 3 4 GND k n i s t a e h T U O V N I V 4 6 6 1 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K...

Страница 140: ... N I _ T A F N I _ T A F D P _ N I _ T A F F F O N O _ A N L W S _ C G A _ F R N I _ X U M _ V T A 2 1 P 0 S B V C 3 1 N 0 S B V C 3 1 2 6 3 5 _ C G A _ F R 8 F F O N O _ A N L 8 W S _ C G A _ F R 6 1 R E N U T _ V 5 3 3 V A R E N U T _ V 5 T _ V 5 T _ V 5 R E N U T _ V 5 R E N U T _ V 5 R E N U T _ V 5 3 3 V A 5 2 V A 5 2 V A R E N U T _ V 5 3 T _ V 5 3 T _ V 5 T _ V 5 2 4 2 C V 0 5 N 0 1 8 3 2 R...

Страница 141: ... V D 3 3 V D 1 1 V D 3 3 V D B S 3 3 V D 9 5 2 R W 6 1 1 K 7 4 9 6 2 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 7 4 9 6 2 C V 6 1 N 0 0 1 4 5 2 R W 6 1 1 K 7 4 0 7 2 R 5 W 0 1 1 7 K 4 C N B G N A 2 6 3 5 T M F 0 0 4 U 5 C A 6 B A 1 B 2 C 2 K 2 U 2 V 3 D 3 L 3 V 4 D 4 L 4 U 5 E 5 K 5 T 6 G 6 T 6 Y 7 A A 0 1 L 0 1 P 0 1 T 1 1 M 1 1 N 1 1 T 2 1 L 2 1 M 2 1 N 2 1 P 2 1 R 2 1 T 2 1 U 3 1 L 3 1 M 3 1 N 3 1 P 3 1 R 3 1 T 4 1 L...

Страница 142: ...D A 2 1 T E D P H 6 1 0 M W P O 7 N E _ D N U O S 6 1 I C _ E C 1 1 T S R T J 0 1 O D T J 0 1 K C T J 0 1 I D T J 0 1 S M T J 0 1 6 C R 0 1 3 L R T C P O 7 4 L R T C P O 7 5 L R T C P O 7 6 C R 0 1 X T 0 U 3 1 0 1 X R 0 U 3 1 0 1 M I D _ L B 7 1 E T U M _ 2 9 2 8 T M 6 1 _ 2 9 2 8 T M T E S E R 6 1 0 L R T C P O 0 1 1 L R T C P O 0 1 F F O _ B S U 6 1 T S R T J 0 1 2 6 3 5 _ C G A _ F R 6 F F O N ...

Страница 143: ...2 K 3 K 7 K 8 K 9 K 1 L 2 L 3 L 7 L 8 L 2 M 3 M 7 M 8 M 9 M 1 N 2 N 3 N 7 N 8 N 2 P 3 P 7 P 8 P 9 P 1 R 2 R 3 R 7 R 8 R 3 G D D V C N S S V Q S S V S Q D U Q D D V 4 1 Q D Q S S V M D U S Q D U Q S S V 5 1 Q D Q D D V 9 Q D Q D D V Q D D V 8 Q D Q D D V 2 1 Q D Q S S V 1 1 Q D 0 1 Q D Q S S V 3 1 Q D D D V C N S S V Q S S V S Q D L Q D D V 6 Q D Q S S V M D L S Q D L Q S S V 7 Q D Q D D V 1 Q D Q ...

Страница 144: ...P U _ Y E K 8 6 C R 8 X T 0 U 3 1 8 X R 0 U 3 1 8 G _ D E L 8 E O O P 1 1 7 0 D D P 1 1 7 1 D D P 1 1 7 T S R T J 8 O D T J 8 K C T J 8 I D T J 8 S M T J 8 0 E C O P 7 0 L R T C P O 8 1 L R T C P O 8 X R 0 U 3 1 8 X T 0 U 3 1 8 E L C A P 1 1 7 E L A A P 1 1 7 E W O P 1 1 7 B R A P 1 1 7 6 D D P 1 1 7 7 D D P 1 1 7 1 E C O P 7 2 D D P 1 1 7 3 D D P 1 1 7 4 D D P 1 1 7 5 D D P 1 1 7 T S R T J 8 W S ...

Страница 145: ... 0 1 7 E W O P 0 1 7 0 D D P 0 1 7 1 D D P 0 1 7 2 D D P 0 1 7 3 D D P 0 1 7 4 D D P 0 1 7 5 D D P 0 1 7 6 D D P 0 1 7 7 D D P 0 1 7 W S _ V 5 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 0 1 8 5 4 3 3 V D P P V _ I C I C _ 8 1 V D 8 1 V D _ I C 3 3 V D _ I C P P V _ I C C C V _ I C P P V _ I C C C V _ I C W S _ V 5 W S _ V 5 C C V _ I C C C V _ I C W S _ V 5 C C V _ I C C C V _ I C W S _ V 5 3 3 V D _ I C 3 3 V D _ I...

Страница 146: ...A C S L _ O 2 R A C S R _ O 2 R A C S R _ O 1 R A C S D N G _ O V A _ 1 T C S N I _ B _ 1 T C S N I _ R _ 1 T C S R _ O 2 R A C S L _ O 2 R A C S L E S _ T U O L E S _ S S A P Y B _ V T W S _ V 5 N I L _ 1 C S 6 1 N I R _ 1 C S 6 1 1 N I D A 8 1 Y O S 3 1 N 1 Y 3 1 P 1 B P 3 1 N I _ S B V C _ Y _ 1 C S 3 1 P 1 R P 3 1 P 1 Y 3 1 L E S _ S S A P Y B _ V T 6 1 1 T U O C A D 4 1 2 T U O C A D 4 1 N I ...

Страница 147: ... A G V 6 1 N I L _ A G V 6 1 N E W _ D I D E 5 1 8 N 1 Y 2 1 P 1 B P 2 1 P 1 R P 2 1 P 1 Y 2 1 1 Y O S 2 1 X T 0 U 0 1 8 X R 0 U 0 1 8 N I _ S B V C _ Y _ 1 C S 2 1 P 0 S B V C 6 N 0 S B V C 6 N I _ S B V C _ E D I S 4 1 N I _ C _ E D I S 4 1 N I _ Y _ E D I S 4 1 F I D P S A 5 1 W S _ V 5 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 5 4 2 1 V A B S 3 3 V D 2 1 V A R W P G U L P _ A G V R W P G U L P _ A G V W S...

Страница 148: ... C _ E D I S N I _ Y _ E D I S N I _ S B V C _ 3 V A N I R o i d u A _ 3 V A N I L o i d u A _ 3 V A N I _ Y S _ 3 V A N I _ Y S _ 3 V A N I _ C S _ 3 V A N I _ C S _ 3 V A W S _ V 5 N I R _ E D I S 6 1 N I L _ E D I S 6 1 1 T U O C A D 2 1 2 T U O C A D 2 1 N I _ S B V C _ E D I S 3 1 N I _ C _ E D I S 3 1 N I _ Y _ E D I S 3 1 W S _ V 5 7 1 6 1 5 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 5 4 3 3 V A W S _ V 5 W S _ V...

Страница 149: ... S 3 3 V D 3 3 V D 3 3 V D 3 3 V D 3 3 V D ZD702 PDZ24B 1 2 C708 100N 16V 4 2 7 R W 6 1 1 5 M H O K 7 4 C N T C T P 4 2 5 0 p m a l C R C N 7 0 7 U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 1 N I 2 N I GND 3 N I 4 T U O 4 N I 3 T U O GND 2 T U O 1 T U O 2 1 7 R W 6 1 1 5 M H O K 7 4 W 6 1 1 5 M H O 0 C N 0 0 7 R D704 BAS316 1 2 A K 3 1 7 C V 6 1 N 0 1 C N C711 NC 100N 16V W 6 1 1 5 M H O 0 0 1 3 1 7 R 6 1 7 R 5 W 6 1...

Страница 150: ...2 9 2 8 3 3 D D V M 3 3 V _ 2 9 2 8 D D V P H V 9 3 3 V _ 2 9 2 8 3 3 V A 3 3 V _ 2 9 2 8 A _ V 8 1 V 2 1 V 2 1 V 5 B S 3 3 V D 2 0 6 U V R D E G C H 1 2 5 8 M W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 D N G D K L C R L N I D K L C B E T U M R T U O V P A C D N G A D D V A L T U O V H P M E E D T A M R O F K L C M D D V D 1 5 6 R W 6 1 1 K 7 4 1 3 6 C V 6 1 F U 1 1 6 6 C V 0 5 2 N 2 V 0 1 U 0 1 5 2 ...

Страница 151: ...P 1 K C N 3 A P 3 A N 0 A P 0 A N 1 A P 1 A P 2 A N 2 A N 1 K C P 1 K C N 3 A P 3 A W S _ V 5 M I D _ L B 8 F F O _ N O _ R E T R E V N I 4 J D A _ T H G I R B 4 W S _ R E T R E V N I 8 W S _ V 5 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 5 4 3 3 V D W S _ V 5 W S _ V 5 3 3 V D 3 3 V D 3 3 V D C C V _ L E N A P 3 3 V A 2 1 V A 2 1 V A 9 5 7 C V 6 1 U 0 1 C N 3 6 7 C V 6 1 N 0 0 1 5 6 7 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 0 1 ...

Страница 152: ...2 1 1 1 0 1 9 8 7 6 5 V 4 2 6 1 R D D _ 8 1 V D 9 1 1 V D 7 Y B _ D N A T S 6 1 J D A _ T H G I R B 7 1 F F O _ N O _ R E T R E V N I 7 1 B S R W P O 8 W S _ V 5 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 5 B T S _ V 5 6 1 8 5 N U T _ 1 V 5 5 F E R V _ M E M 9 3 3 V D 7 1 6 1 5 1 1 1 0 1 8 7 5 B S 3 3 V D 7 1 6 1 5 1 3 1 0 1 8 7 5 V 2 1 B T S _ V 5 W S _ V 5 1 1 V D W S _ V 5 R D D _ 8 1 V D N U T _ 1 V 5 ...

Страница 153: ...C C V _ L E N A P F F O N O _ C C V _ L E N A P 8 3 3 V D 7 1 6 1 5 1 1 1 0 1 8 7 4 R E N U T _ V 5 6 W S _ V 5 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 4 V 2 1 6 1 2 1 4 B S 3 3 V D 7 1 6 1 5 1 3 1 0 1 8 7 B T S _ V 5 6 1 8 4 D N G 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 9 8 7 6 4 2 1 V A 7 1 5 1 3 1 9 8 C C V _ L E N A P 7 1 3 3 V A 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 8 6 5 2 V A 6 N U T _ 1 V 5 4 V 4 2 6 1 4 I C _ 8 1 V D 1 ...

Страница 154: ... N T _ C G A _ F R F I S _ P X N F F O N O _ A N L W S _ C G A _ F R D N G 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 9 8 7 5 4 R E N U T _ V 5 5 5 2 V A 5 3 3 V A 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 8 5 N I _ X U M _ V T A 2 1 P 0 S B V C 3 1 N 0 S B V C 3 1 2 6 3 5 _ C G A _ F R 8 T _ V 5 2 1 X U M _ V 5 2 1 F F O N O _ A N L 8 W S _ C G A _ F R 8 R E N U T _ V 5 3 3 V A R E N U T _ V 5 T _ V 5 T _ V 5 T _ V 5 T _ V 5 X U...

Страница 155: ...P O 8 0 E C O P 0 1 1 E C O P 0 1 3 3 V D 3 3 V D 1 1 V D 3 3 V D B S 3 3 V D 3 3 V D 1 1 V D 3 3 V D B S 3 3 V D 7 6 2 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 7 4 C N 5 5 2 R 5 W 6 1 1 7 K 4 C N 2 5 2 R 5 W 6 1 1 7 K 4 C N 4 7 2 C V 6 1 N 0 0 1 6 7 2 C V 6 1 N 0 0 1 7 7 2 C V 6 1 N 0 0 1 0 5 2 C V 6 1 N 0 0 1 6 5 2 R 5 W 6 1 1 7 K 4 C N 8 5 2 R W 6 1 1 K 7 4 1 7 2 C V 6 1 N 0 0 1 8 6 2 C V 6 1 N 0 0 1 2 6 2 R 5 W 6 ...

Страница 156: ...A M 6 1 I C _ T E S E R 1 1 I C _ T N I 1 1 1 N I D A 2 1 T E D P H 6 1 0 M W P O 7 N E _ D N U O S 6 1 I C _ E C 1 1 T S R T J 0 1 O D T J 0 1 K C T J 0 1 I D T J 0 1 S M T J 0 1 6 C R 0 1 3 L R T C P O 7 4 L R T C P O 7 5 L R T C P O 7 6 C R 0 1 X T 0 U 3 1 0 1 X R 0 U 3 1 0 1 M I D _ L B 7 1 3 3 V A 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 6 5 W S _ V 5 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 5 4 2 1 V A 7 1 5 1 3 1 9 5 E ...

Страница 157: ...V 5 W 1 W 2 W 5 U 1 J 1 P 2 J 2 P 3 J 3 N 4 J 4 N 5 A 5 B 2 G 2 N 2 R 3 A 3 H 3 P 3 A A 4 B 4 H 4 P 4 Y 4 A A 5 C 5 H 5 J 5 P 5 Y 6 D 6 E 6 J 6 R 6 V 6 W 1 H 2 H 1 B A 2 B A 6 P 0 1 M 0 1 N 2 A R 2 1 A R 6 A R 7 A R 0 A R 9 A R 1 1 A R 5 A R 8 A R 0 1 A R 3 A R 4 A R 1 A R 6 Q D R 3 Q D R 1 Q D R 7 Q D R 2 Q D R 4 Q D R 0 Q D R 5 Q D R 0 S Q D R _ 0 S Q D R 0 M Q D R 0 1 Q D R 1 1 Q D R 2 1 Q D R ...

Страница 158: ... E K 8 R _ D E L 8 R _ L _ N D _ P U _ Y E K 8 6 C R 8 X T 0 U 3 1 8 X R 0 U 3 1 8 G _ D E L 8 E O O P 1 1 7 0 D D P 1 1 7 1 D D P 1 1 7 T S R T J 8 O D T J 8 K C T J 8 I D T J 8 S M T J 8 0 E C O P 7 0 L R T C P O 8 1 L R T C P O 8 2 D D P 1 1 7 3 D D P 1 1 7 4 D D P 1 1 7 5 D D P 1 1 7 6 D D P 1 1 7 7 D D P 1 1 7 E L C A P 1 1 7 E L A A P 1 1 7 E W O P 1 1 7 B R A P 1 1 7 1 E C O P 7 W S _ V 5 7...

Страница 159: ...N G 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 0 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 I C _ T N I 8 I C _ E C 8 B R A P 0 1 7 E O O P 0 1 7 E L C A P 0 1 7 E L A A P 0 1 7 E W O P 0 1 7 0 D D P 0 1 7 1 D D P 0 1 7 2 D D P 0 1 7 3 D D P 0 1 7 4 D D P 0 1 7 5 D D P 0 1 7 6 D D P 0 1 7 7 D D P 0 1 7 3 3 V D P P V _ I C I C _ 8 1 V D 8 1 V D _ I C 3 3 V D _ I C P P V _ I C C C V _ I C P P V _ I C C C V _ I C W S _ V 5 W S _ V 5 C C V _ I C C ...

Страница 160: ...N I _ L U A _ 1 T C S N I _ V A _ 2 T C S N I _ C _ 2 T C S T U O _ V A _ 2 T C S V 2 1 N I _ R U A _ 1 T C S T E D _ O T U A _ C T E D _ O T U A _ C D N G _ O V A _ 1 T C S 0 L R T C P O 1 L R T C P O B S 3 3 V D T U O _ S B V C _ V T D N I _ R _ 1 T C S D N G _ O V A _ 2 T C S L E S _ S S A P Y B _ V T L E S _ T U O T U O _ L U A _ 1 T C S 4 1 T U O _ R U A _ 1 T C S 4 1 T U O _ L U A _ 2 T C S ...

Страница 161: ... 5 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 N I R _ 1 V A 6 1 N I L _ 1 V A 6 1 2 1 V A 7 1 5 1 9 8 5 W S _ V 5 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 5 4 N I R _ A G V 6 1 N I L _ A G V 6 1 N E W _ D I D E 5 1 8 N 1 Y 2 1 P 1 B P 2 1 P 1 R P 2 1 P 1 Y 2 1 1 Y O S 2 1 X T 0 U 0 1 8 X R 0 U 0 1 8 3 3 V A 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 8 6 5 N I _ S B V C _ Y _ 2 C S 2 1 N I _ C _ 2 C S 2 1 N I _ S B V C _ Y _ 1 C S 2 1 P 0 S B V C 6...

Страница 162: ... E D I S 6 1 W S _ V 5 7 1 6 1 5 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 5 4 F I D P S A 5 1 T U O _ L U A _ 2 T C S 2 1 T U O _ R U A _ 2 T C S 2 1 L _ O 2 R A C S 6 1 R _ O 2 R A C S 6 1 E T U M _ F F O 6 1 1 T U O C A D 2 1 2 T U O C A D 2 1 T U O _ L U A _ 1 T C S 2 1 T U O _ R U A _ 1 T C S 2 1 L _ O 1 R A C S 6 1 R _ O 1 R A C S 6 1 N I _ S B V C _ E D I S 3 1 N I _ C _ E D I S 3 1 N I _ Y _ E D I S 3 1 3 3 V A...

Страница 163: ... S A F I D P S A D N G 7 1 6 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 D P H 8 1 D P H 8 N E W _ D I D E 3 1 8 3 3 V A 7 1 6 1 4 1 3 1 8 6 5 2 1 V A 7 1 3 1 9 8 5 W S _ V 5 7 1 6 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 5 4 2 D P H 8 3 3 V D 7 1 6 1 1 1 0 1 8 7 5 4 B S 3 3 V D 7 1 6 1 3 1 0 1 8 7 5 F I D P S A 4 1 V 5 _ 1 P G U L P H V 5 _ 0 P G U L P H W S _ V 5 V 5 _ 0 P G U L P H W S _ V 5 2 1 V A 3 3 V A V 5 _ 1 P G...

Страница 164: ...L _ O 1 R A C S 4 1 R _ O 1 R A C S 4 1 L C S _ N I A M 8 A D S _ N I A M 8 2 8 T M E T U M _ 2 9 8 T E S E R _ 2 9 2 8 T M 8 Y B _ D N A T S 4 F F O _ B S U 8 L E S _ S S A P Y B _ V T 2 1 E T U M _ C S _ P H 4 1 8 V 9 4 1 B T S _ V 5 8 5 4 B S 3 3 V D W S _ V 5 3 3 V A 3 3 V A 3 3 V A 3 3 V A W S _ V 5 3 3 V _ 2 9 2 8 W S _ V 5 3 3 V D V 9 3 3 V D V 2 1 V 9 D D V A V 9 D D V D 3 3 V _ 2 9 2 8 3 ...

Страница 165: ... E S D O N 0 P 0 N 1 N 2 P 2 N 3 P 3 V 2 1 _ l e n a P P 1 W S _ R E T R E V N I N 1 K P 1 K P 4 B N 4 B N 1 P 1 N 2 P 2 N 1 K P 1 K N 3 P 3 A4N A4P B4N B4P F F O _ N O _ R E T R E V N I 3 3 V D 6 1 5 1 1 1 0 1 8 7 5 4 W S _ V 5 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 5 4 M I D _ L B 8 F F O _ N O _ R E T R E V N I 4 J D A _ T H G I R B 4 W S _ R E T R E V N I 8 D N G 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 9 8 7 6 5 4...

Страница 166: ...M H O 0 0 1 7 1 9 R 3 0 9 L H u 5 3 5 1 9 C V 0 0 5 F u 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 9 R W 4 1 5 M H O K 2 2 5 2 9 C V K 1 F P 0 5 1 W 4 1 5 M H O 0 0 1 6 1 9 R 1 0 9 G S A M 1 0 2 1 4 S G 3 3 9 R C N W 8 1 M H O K 1 5 3 9 R C N S W 1 M H O K 2 8 7 0 9 C V 0 5 4 F u 0 0 1 2 0 9 D 0 5 1 0 1 P S 1 2 3 3 0 9 Q P F Z 0 8 K N 8 P T S 1 0 9 Q C N C 7 5 8 C B 1 5 9 C V 0 5 N 0 1 3 0 9 D Z B 2 6 Z L R 1 2 2 0 9 C I A M ...

Страница 167: ...T 0 A N G 7 8 6 9 A T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 N E S V P M C T S S T C 1 T R A D N G 2 R D P P D N G 1 R D N 2 R D N 1 R D P A D D V R E M I T M W P N E S I T P V O A N E 7 0 8 R W 8 1 5 M H O K 0 1 3 0 8 D 9 9 V A B 3 1 2 3 1 8 C V 0 5 P 0 2 2 2 0 8 C V K 3 F p 6 5 0 3 8 R W 8 1 5 M H O 0 4 2 8 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O M 1 1 1 8 C V K 6 F P 2 3 3 8 R W 8 1 5 M H O 0 5 0 8 C V 5 3 F ...

Страница 168: ... F n 0 1 1 2 4 5 9 C V K 1 P 0 0 1 F n 0 2 2 1 0 9 C 6 0 9 C V 0 5 2 F p 0 0 5 1 C980 1 5nF 500V 1 3 9 L H u 5 3 7 7 9 R K 0 1 0 8 9 D 6 0 0 1 G U 3 8 9 C F u 1 0 F n 0 2 2 4 0 9 C 1 8 9 R 1 _ K 5 1 1 2 1 9 9 C I G 3 0 1 1 T E C T 1 2 4 3 0 8 9 B F d a e B 1 2 1 0 9 G S F 1 2 A M 1 0 2 P S D 7 5 9 D 3 0 1 V A B 1 9 9 R 1 _ K 2 1 1 9 9 C F u 1 0 0 0 3 8 9 D 0 1 2 R S 2 3 9 L H u 5 3 5 5 9 D 0 0 1 0...

Страница 169: ... L T I T 1 Y E K 2 Y E K SW020 TACT SW FWRD H1 5MM SW018 TACT SW FWRD H1 5MM 0 2 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 1 1 7 1 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 3 4 SW022 TACT SW FWRD H1 5MM 2 2 0 C V 0 5 N 0 0 1 C N 2 2 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 8 1 9 1 0 C V 0 5 N 0 0 1 C N 3 2 0 C V 0 5 N 0 0 1 6 1 0 C V 0 5 N 0 0 1 C N 6 1 0 N C K C O L M M 5 2 1 P 3 N N O C 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 8 1 SW016 TACT SW FWRD H1 5MM S...

Страница 170: ...T I T 1 Y E K 2 Y E K SW020 TACT SW FWRD H1 5MM SW018 TACT SW FWRD H1 5MM 0 2 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 1 1 7 1 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 3 4 SW022 TACT SW FWRD H1 5MM 2 2 0 C V 0 5 N 0 0 1 C N 2 2 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 8 1 9 1 0 C V 0 5 N 0 0 1 C N 3 2 0 C V 0 5 N 0 0 1 6 1 0 C V 0 5 N 0 0 1 C N 6 1 0 N C K C O L M M 5 2 1 P 3 N N O C 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 8 1 SW016 TACT SW FWRD H1 5MM SW02...

Страница 171: ... D E L R _ D E L 6 C R B S 3 3 V D B S 3 3 V D B S 3 3 V D 3 0 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 2 2 2 0 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O 0 2 2 2 0 0 C V 0 5 P 0 0 1 C N 3 0 0 C V 0 5 N 0 0 1 1 0 0 D E L C K G C K R U S 5 2 0 3 B P K 1 3 2 4 1 0 0 Q C 7 4 8 C B TP001 1 7 0 0 R 5 W 0 1 1 K 0 1 C N TP003 1 1 0 0 N C K C O L M M 5 2 1 P 3 N N O C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 0 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 2 2 6 0 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O 0 0 1 1 0 0...

Страница 172: ... L R _ D E L 6 C R B S 3 3 V D B S 3 3 V D B S 3 3 V D 3 0 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 2 2 2 0 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O 0 2 2 2 0 0 C V 0 5 P 0 0 1 C N 3 0 0 C V 0 5 N 0 0 1 1 0 0 D E L C K G C K R U S 5 2 0 3 B P K 1 3 2 4 1 0 0 Q C 7 4 8 C B TP001 1 TP003 1 7 0 0 R 5 W 0 1 1 K 0 1 C N 4 0 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O K 2 2 1 0 0 N C K C O L M M 5 2 1 P 3 N N O C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 0 0 R W 0 1 1 5 M H O 0 0 1 1 0 0 U 4...

Страница 173: ...SPJ 9JR9800000003 REMOTE CONTROL RC GJ2100B H FOR SHARP 1 1185 078G0030903 M 9JR7800000007 Speaker wire assembly 8ohm 3w 100X30mm 1 8391 095G8014 9F901 9JR9500000052 HARNESS 9P 5 3P 180 290mm 75360 HF 1 8751 089G179E30N916 9JR8900000010 FFC CABLE 30P 310mm P1 0 117201 30532 1 135 705GZ941047 9JR7050000062 DFU ASSY Western Europe Eastern Europe 1 136 705GZ941048 9JR7050000063 DFU ASSY North Europe ...

Страница 174: ...N901 006G 31500 9JR0060000002 EYELET 2 0 FOR ITEM CN901 AC SOCKET 2 CN902 095G 82511F905 9JR9500000046 HARNESS 11P 10P 140mm 75361 HF 1 D801 093G 64 42 PP 9JR9300000060 BAV70 SOT 23 1 D802 093G 64S522SEM 9JR9300000061 LL4148 1 D803 093G 6433S 9JR9300000062 DIODE BAV99 SEMTECH 1 D804 093G 64 42 PP 9JR9300000060 BAV70 SOT 23 1 D805 093G 64 42 PP 9JR9300000060 BAV70 SOT 23 1 D901 093G110090052T 9JR93...

Страница 175: ...805102 T 9JR6100000301 RST CHIP 1K 1 8W 5 1 R910 061G0805203 T 9JR6100000306 RST CHIP 20K 1 8W 5 1 R915 061G1206339 T 9JR6100000321 RST CHIP 3R3 1 4W 5 1 R916 061G1206101 T 9JR6100000318 RST CHIP 100R 1 4W 5 1 R917 061G1206101 T 9JR6100000318 RST CHIP 100R 1 4W 5 1 R918 061G1206101 T 9JR6100000318 RST CHIP 100R 1 4W 5 1 R919 061G0805100 T 9JR6100000299 RST CHIP 10R 1 8W 5 1 R920 061G1206223 T 9JR6...

Страница 176: 1 C164 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C166 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C167 065G120610612K 3 9JR6500000282 CHIP 10uF 16V X7R 10 1 C168 065G120610612K 3 9JR6500000282 CHIP 10uF 16V X7R 10 1 C169 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C173 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C175 ...

Страница 177: ...0000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C277 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C302 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C304 065G060310031J Y 9JR6500000244 CAP CHIP 0603 10P 50V NPO 5 1 C305 065G060310031J Y 9JR6500000244 CAP CHIP 0603 10P 50V NPO 5 1 C307 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C308 065G060310221J Y 9J...

Страница 178: ... 50V Y5V 20 80 1 C394 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C395 065G060310437Z Y 9JR6500000164 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 50V Y5V 20 80 1 C396 065T060322517Z 3 9JR6500000212 CAP CHIP 0603 2U2 16V Y5V 20 80 1 C397 065G060310437Z Y 9JR6500000164 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 50V Y5V 20 80 1 C398 065G060310437Z Y 9JR6500000164 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 50V Y5V 20 80 1 C400 065G040227031J Y 9JR6500000...

Страница 179: ...CAP CHIP 0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C569 065G040215031J Y 9JR6500000234 CAP CHIP 0402 15pF J 50V NPO 1 C570 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C571 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C573 065G120610612K 3 9JR6500000282 CHIP 10uF 16V X7R 10 1 C574 065G040215031J Y 9JR6500000234 CAP CHIP 0402 15pF J 50V NPO 1 C576 065G040210312K Y 9JR6500000231 CAP ...

Страница 180: ...000251 CAP CHIP 0603 0 1UF K 50V X7R 1 C650 065T0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000077 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C651 065G080510617Z 3 9JR6500000270 CAP CHIP 0805 10U 16V Y5V 20 80 1 C652 065T0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000077 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C653 065T0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000077 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C654 065T0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000077 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C655 067G215Y1007KT 9JR...

Страница 181: ...P CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C734 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C735 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C736 065G060310512K 3 9JR6500000204 MLCC 0603 CAP 1uF K 16V X7R 1 C741 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C742 065G060310512K 3 9JR6500000204 MLCC 0603 CAP 1uF K 16V X7R 1 C743 065G060310512K 3 9JR650000020...

Страница 182: ...5 093G 64S522SEM 9JR9300000061 LL4148 1 D606 093G 64S522SEM 9JR9300000061 LL4148 1 D607 093G 64S522SEM 9JR9300000061 LL4148 1 D608 093G 64S522SEM 9JR9300000061 LL4148 1 D650 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D651 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D652 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D701 093G 64S522SEM 9JR9300000061 LL414...

Страница 183: ...0000002 CHIP INDUCTOR 0U10 10 FCI1608F R10K 1 L501 073T 63108 TA 9JR7300000002 CHIP INDUCTOR 0U10 10 FCI1608F R10K 1 L502 073T 63108 TA 9JR7300000002 CHIP INDUCTOR 0U10 10 FCI1608F R10K 1 L504 073T 63108 TA 9JR7300000002 CHIP INDUCTOR 0U10 10 FCI1608F R10K 1 L506 073T 63189 TA 9JR7300000026 CHIP INDUCTOR 1U8 10 FCI1608F 1R8K 1 L507 073T 63189 TA 9JR7300000026 CHIP INDUCTOR 1U8 10 FCI1608F 1R8K 1 L...

Страница 184: ... R151 061T06031200FT 9JR6100000078 RST CHIP 120R 1 10W 1 1 R152 061T06031200FT 9JR6100000078 RST CHIP 120R 1 10W 1 1 R157 061T0603223 T 9JR6100000094 RST CHIP 22K 1 10W 5 1 R158 061G0603103 T 9JR6100000287 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 1 R162 061T06031200FT 9JR6100000078 RST CHIP 120R 1 10W 1 1 R163 061T0603109 T 9JR6100000216 RST CHIP 1R 1 10W 5 1 R164 061G0603102 T 9JR6100000286 RST CHIP 1K 1 10W 5 1 R16...

Страница 185: ...61G06036801FT 9JR6100000495 RST CHIP 6K8 1 10W 1 1 R350 061T0603330 T 9JR6100000099 RST CHIP 33R 1 10W 5 1 R351 061T0402220 T 9JR6100000195 RST CHIP 22R 1 16W 5 1 R352 061T0603330 T 9JR6100000099 RST CHIP 33R 1 10W 5 1 R353 061T0402220 T 9JR6100000195 RST CHIP 22R 1 16W 5 1 R354 061T0402220 T 9JR6100000195 RST CHIP 22R 1 16W 5 1 R355 061T0402220 T 9JR6100000195 RST CHIP 22R 1 16W 5 1 R356 061T0402...

Страница 186: ...61T0402750 T 9JR6100000212 RST CHIP 75R 1 16W 5 1 R502 061T0402750 T 9JR6100000212 RST CHIP 75R 1 16W 5 1 R504 061T0402000 T 9JR6100000190 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R505 061T0603333 T 9JR6100000242 RST CHIP 33K 1 10W 5 1 R506 061T0402103 T 9JR6100000042 RST CHIP 10K 1 16W 5 1 R508 061G0603000 T 9JR6100000296 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W 1 R509 061T0402103 T 9JR6100000042 RST CHIP 10K 1 16W 5 1 R510 061...

Страница 187: ...603101 T 9JR6100000285 RST CHIP 100R 1 10W 5 1 R593 061T0402152 T 9JR6100000524 RST CHIP 1K5 1 16W 5 1 R594 061T0402751 T 9JR6100000526 RST CHIP 750R 1 16W 5 1 R595 061T0402152 T 9JR6100000524 RST CHIP 1K5 1 16W 5 1 R596 061T0402751 T 9JR6100000526 RST CHIP 750R 1 16W 5 1 R597 061T0402000 T 9JR6100000190 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R600 061T0402000 T 9JR6100000190 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R602 061G...

Страница 188: ...JR6100000205 RST CHIP 4K7 1 16W 5 1 R668 061G0603000 T 9JR6100000296 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W 1 R669 061T0402101 T 9JR6100000039 RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 1 R674 061G0603103 T 9JR6100000287 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 1 R675 061G0603103 T 9JR6100000287 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 1 R676 061G0603000 T 9JR6100000296 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W 1 R677 061G0603103 T 9JR6100000287 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 1 R679 061T0603471 T 9J...

Страница 189: ...9S 34 T 9JR9300000102 UDZSNP5 6B ROHM 1 ZD501 093G 39S 34 T 9JR9300000102 UDZSNP5 6B ROHM 1 ZD502 093G 39S 34 T 9JR9300000102 UDZSNP5 6B ROHM 1 ZD503 093G 39S 34 T 9JR9300000102 UDZSNP5 6B ROHM 1 ZD504 093G 64 37 N 9JR9300000074 VPORT0603100KV05 1 ZD505 093G 64 37 N 9JR9300000074 VPORT0603100KV05 1 ZD506 093G 39S 40 T 9JR9300000103 RLZ 13B LLDS 1 ZD507 093G 39S 34 T 9JR9300000102 UDZSNP5 6B ROHM 1...

Страница 190: ...3F X 9JR3300000052 WAFER 3P 1 25MM 1 R016 061G0603113 T 9JR6100000465 RST CHIP 11K 1 10W 5 1 R017 061G0603432 T 9JR6100000485 RST CHIP 4K3 1 10W 5 1 R018 061G0603182 T 9JR6100000347 RST CHIP 1K8 1 10W 5 1 R019 061G0603471 T 9JR6100000351 RST CHIP 470R 1 10W 5 1 R020 061G0603113 T 9JR6100000465 RST CHIP 11K 1 10W 5 1 R021 061G0603432 T 9JR6100000485 RST CHIP 4K3 1 10W 5 1 R022 061G0603182 T 9JR6100...

Страница 191: ...9 CUSHION_TL 1 452 P44GE015201 9JR4400000030 CUSHION_TR 1 453 P44GE015301 9JR4400000031 CUSHION_BL 1 454 P44GE015401 9JR4400000032 CUSHION_BR 1 455 P45T 46025 9JR4500000007 PE BAG 800X650 0 72mm 1 503 P40TD000813 9A 9JR4000000005 family sheet 1 506 P40TD00081311A 9JR4000000006 FAMILY SHEET 1 1050 750TVM260B2112N0SP 9JR7500000017 PANEL V260B2 L01 26 CMO NB 1 1172 089G204A15NLS1 9JR8900000009 POWER ...

Страница 192: ...220 1 D956 093G 60S911 T 9JR9300000088 DIODE SK24A DO214AC 1 D957 093G 64901 T 9JR9300000036 DIO SIG SM BAV103 VISH R 1 D980 093T108090052T 9JR9300000032 DIODE UG1006 1A 800V DO 41 1 D981 093T102050152T 9JR9300000031 RGP10D 1 D982 093C 6050952T 9JR9300000089 SB140 1 D983 093G201090052T 9JR9300000090 DIODE SR210 100V 2A DO 15 1 D984 093G201090052T 9JR9300000090 DIODE SR210 100V 2A DO 15 1 F901 084T...

Страница 193: ...81 T 9JR6100000395 RST CHIP 680R 1 8W 5 1 R977 061T0805103 T 9JR6100000377 RST CHIP 10K 1 8W 5 1 R978 061T0805472 T 9JR6100000391 4K7 OHM 5 1 8W 1 R979 061T0805472 T 9JR6100000391 4K7 OHM 5 1 8W 1 R980 061T0805272 T 9JR6100000384 RST CHIP 2K7 1 8W 5 1 R981 061G08051502FT 9JR6100000363 RST CHIP 15K 1 8W 1 1 R982 061T0805470 T 9JR6100000390 RST CHIPR 47 OHM 5 1 8W 1 R983 061T 60247152T TZ 9JR6100000...

Страница 194: ...X7R 10 1 C175 065T0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000077 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C177 067T 3111013ET 9JR6700000069 EC 100uF 16V VEL 6 3x5 5mm 1 C200 067G 3114703CT 9JR6700000125 EC SMD 47uF 16V HV 6 3x5 5mm 1 C201 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C202 067T 3111013ET 9JR6700000069 EC 100uF 16V VEL 6 3x5 5mm 1 C203 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10...

Страница 195: ...2K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C310 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C311 065T060310512K 3 9JR6500000043 MLCC 0603 CAP 1uF K 16V X7R 1 C319 065G0805475A2K 3 9JR6500000207 CAP CHIP 4 7UF 10V X7R 10 1 C320 065G0805475A2K 3 9JR6500000207 CAP CHIP 4 7UF 10V X7R 10 1 C326 065G0805475A2K 3 9JR6500000207 CAP CHIP 4 7UF 10V X7R 10 1 C327 065G040210412K Y 9...

Страница 196: ...000164 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 50V Y5V 20 80 1 C398 065G060310437Z Y 9JR6500000164 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 50V Y5V 20 80 1 C400 065G040227031J Y 9JR6500000236 CAP CHIP 0402 27P 50V NPO 5 1 C401 065G040222031J Y 9JR6500000235 CAP CHIP 0402 22P 50V NPO 5 1 C402 065T0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000077 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C403 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C408 065G060310412K ...

Страница 197: ...HIP 0402 5PF D 50V NPO 1 C564 065G040215031J Y 9JR6500000234 CAP CHIP 0402 15pF J 50V NPO 1 C565 065G040210312K Y 9JR6500000231 CAP CHIP 0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C566 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C567 065G040250931D Y 9JR6500000243 CAP CHIP 0402 5PF D 50V NPO 1 C568 065G040210312K Y 9JR6500000231 CAP CHIP 0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C569 065G040215031J Y 9JR6500000234 CAP ...

Страница 198: ...CHIP 0603 15NF K 50V X7R 1 C639 065G060310432K Y 9JR6500000251 CAP CHIP 0603 0 1UF K 50V X7R 1 C640 065T080547437Z Y 9JR6500000091 CAP CHIP 0805 0 47UF Z 50V Y5V 1 C641 065G060310432K Y 9JR6500000251 CAP CHIP 0603 0 1UF K 50V X7R 1 C642 067G 3054704CT 9JR6700000121 EC 47uF 25V KM 5x11mm 1 C643 065G060347131J Y 9JR6500000264 CAP CHIP 0603 470P 50V NPO 5 1 C644 065G060310432K Y 9JR6500000251 CAP CHI...

Страница 199: ...CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C718 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C719 065G040210312K Y 9JR6500000231 CAP CHIP 0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C721 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C723 065T0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000077 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C724 065T0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000077 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C725 065T0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000077...

Страница 200: ...3 PHILIPS 1 D503 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D504 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D505 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D506 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D507 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D508 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D509...

Страница 201: ...3 071G 56A221 TA 9JR7100000039 IND FXD 0805 EMI 100MHZ 220R R 1 FB404 071G 56A221 TA 9JR7100000039 IND FXD 0805 EMI 100MHZ 220R R 1 FB406 071T 59C600 TA 9JR7100000020 CHIP BEAD 60ohm 600mA FCM1608CF 600T06 1 FB407 071T 59C600 TA 9JR7100000020 CHIP BEAD 60ohm 600mA FCM1608CF 600T06 1 FB408 071T 59C600 TA 9JR7100000020 CHIP BEAD 60ohm 600mA FCM1608CF 600T06 1 FB500 071G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 CHIP ...

Страница 202: ...002 BC847C 1 Q104 057G 7631PH 9JR5700000062 FET POW SM SI5441DC VISH R 1 Q106 057G 419513 9JR5700000002 BC847C 1 Q150 057G 7631PH 9JR5700000062 FET POW SM SI5441DC VISH R 1 Q151 057G 419513 9JR5700000002 BC847C 1 Q200 057T 419911 T 9JR5700000028 TRA 2A 12V 2SD2653K SOT 346 1 Q201 057T 419911 T 9JR5700000028 TRA 2A 12V 2SD2653K SOT 346 1 Q301 057G 417511 9JR5700000001 MMBT3904 1 Q400 057G 763 50 9J...

Страница 203: ...061T0402101 T 9JR6100000039 RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 1 R219 061T0603750 T 9JR6100000252 RST CHIP 75R 1 10W 5 1 R220 061T0603620 T 9JR6100000568 RST CHIPR 62 OHM 5 1 10W 1 R221 061T0603750 T 9JR6100000252 RST CHIP 75R 1 10W 5 1 R222 061T0603750 T 9JR6100000252 RST CHIP 75R 1 10W 5 1 R225 061T0603000 T 9JR6100000059 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W 1 R226 061T0603000 T 9JR6100000059 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W 1 R2...

Страница 204: ...000FT 9JR6100000002 RST CHIP 100R 1 10W 1 1 R387 061G06033901FT 9JR6100000008 RST CHIP 3K9 1 10W 1 1 R388 061T0603472 T 9JR6100000112 RST CHIP 4K7 1 10W 5 1 R389 061G06031000FT 9JR6100000002 RST CHIP 100R 1 10W 1 1 R395 061T0603101 T 9JR6100000065 RST CHIP 100R 1 10W 5 1 R398 061T0402103 T 9JR6100000042 RST CHIP 10K 1 16W 5 1 R399 061T0402472 T 9JR6100000205 RST CHIP 4K7 1 16W 5 1 R400 061T0603105...

Страница 205: ...402273 T 9JR6100000200 RST CHIP 27K 1 16W 5 1 R528 061T0402750 T 9JR6100000212 RST CHIP 75R 1 16W 5 1 R529 061T0402000 T 9JR6100000190 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R530 061T0402000 T 9JR6100000190 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R531 061T0402000 T 9JR6100000190 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R532 061T0402101 T 9JR6100000039 RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 1 R533 061T0402101 T 9JR6100000039 RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 1 R534 06...

Страница 206: ...2101 T 9JR6100000039 RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 1 R622 061T0603102 T 9JR6100000069 RST CHIP 1K 1 10W 5 1 R623 061T0603471 T 9JR6100000110 RST CHIP 470R 1 10W 5 1 R624 061T0603471 T 9JR6100000110 RST CHIP 470R 1 10W 5 1 R625 061T0805100 T 9JR6100000570 RST CHIP 10R 1 8W 5 1 R626 061G06031802FT 9JR6100000468 RST CHIP 18K 1 10W 1 1 R627 061T0402223 T 9JR6100000198 RST CHIP 22K 1 16W 5 1 R628 061G06031802F...

Страница 207: ...R692 061G04025600FT 9JR6100000532 RST CHIP 560R 1 16W 1 1 R693 061T0402473 T 9JR6100000206 RST CHIP 47K 1 16W 5 1 R694 061T0402473 T 9JR6100000206 RST CHIP 47K 1 16W 5 1 R695 061T0603102 T 9JR6100000069 RST CHIP 1K 1 10W 5 1 R696 061T0603000 T 9JR6100000059 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W 1 R697 061T0603122 T 9JR6100000559 RST CHIP 1K2 1 10W 5 1 R698 061T0603000 T 9JR6100000059 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W 1 R...

Страница 208: ...PROM Assy U301 CMO NXP 1 U302 056G 643 35 9JR5600000098 IC MAX809STRG 2 93V SOT23 3 1 U351 056G 615918 9JR5600000095 IC NT5TU32M16CG BD BGA 84 1 U352 056G 615918 9JR5600000095 IC NT5TU32M16CG BD BGA 84 1 U390 705TP956083 9JR7050000073 NOR Flash Assy U390 1 U391 705TP956084 9JR7050000074 NAND Flash Assy U391 1 U400 056G 562936 9JR5600000086 IC MT5362ANG B PBGA 470 1 U401 056T1126 40 9JR5600000049 I...

Страница 209: ...8 KB 9JR8100000001 LED SM KPB 3025SURKCGKC 1 Q001 057G 419513 9JR5700000002 BC847C 1 Q002 057G 419513 9JR5700000002 BC847C 1 R001 061G0603102 T 9JR6100000286 RST CHIP 1K 1 10W 5 1 R002 061G0603221 T 9JR6100000288 RST CHIP 220R 1 10W 5 1 R003 061G0603222 T 9JR6100000289 RST CHIP 2K2 1 10W 5 1 R004 061G0603222 T 9JR6100000289 RST CHIP 2K2 1 10W 5 1 R005 061G0603272 T 9JR6100000290 RST CHIP 2K7 1 10W...

Страница 210: ...N LABEL 1 131 P40TN00084357A 9JR4000000022 ITALIAN CAUTION LABEL 1 135 705GZ941047 9JR7050000062 DFU ASSY Western Europe Eastern Europe 1 136 705GZ941048 9JR7050000063 DFU ASSY North Europe 1 450 P44GJ020843 2A 9JR4400000040 CARTON 1 451 P44GJ020101 9JR4400000036 CUSHION_TL 1 452 P44GJ020201 9JR4400000037 CUSHION_TR 1 453 P44GJ020301 9JR4400000038 CUSHION_BL 1 454 P44GJ020401 9JR4400000039 CUSHION...

Страница 211: ... RVJ 8x6 5mm 1 C203 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C204 065G040247312K 3 9JR6500000309 CHIP CAP 47N 16V X7R 10 1 C207 065G040210312K Y 9JR6500000231 CAP CHIP 0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C208 065G040210312K Y 9JR6500000231 CAP CHIP 0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C209 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C210 065G040247312K 3 9JR6500000309 CHIP CAP 47N 16V ...

Страница 212: ...000207 CAP CHIP 4 7UF 10V X7R 10 1 C327 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C329 065G120610612K 3 9JR6500000282 CHIP 10uF 16V X7R 10 1 C330 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C331 067G 3111013ET 9JR6700000148 EC SMD 100uF 16V RVJ 8x6 5mm 1 C332 065G0805475A2K 3 9JR6500000207 CAP CHIP 4 7UF 10V X7R 10 1 C333 065G060310332K Y 9JR6500000249 CAP C...

Страница 213: ...10412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C409 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C410 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C411 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C412 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C413 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C416 ...

Страница 214: ...0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C566 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C567 065G040250931D Y 9JR6500000243 CAP CHIP 0402 5PF D 50V NPO 1 C568 065G040210312K Y 9JR6500000231 CAP CHIP 0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C569 065G040215031J Y 9JR6500000234 CAP CHIP 0402 15pF J 50V NPO 1 C570 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C571 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CH...

Страница 215: ...000316 CAP CHIP 0805 0 47UF Z 50V Y5V 1 C641 065G060310432K Y 9JR6500000251 CAP CHIP 0603 0 1UF K 50V X7R 1 C642 067G 3054704CT 9JR6700000121 EC 47uF 25V KM 5x11mm 1 C643 065G060347131J Y 9JR6500000264 CAP CHIP 0603 470P 50V NPO 5 1 C644 065G060310432K Y 9JR6500000251 CAP CHIP 0603 0 1UF K 50V X7R 1 C645 065G060347412K Y 9JR6500000293 CAP CHIP 0603 0 47UF K 16V X7R 1 C646 065G040233132K Y 9JR65000...

Страница 216: ...0 80 1 C711 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C712 065G060310437Z Y 9JR6500000164 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 50V Y5V 20 80 1 C713 065G040210312K Y 9JR6500000231 CAP CHIP 0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C714 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C715 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C716 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 1...

Страница 217: ...063 CON V 2 20P M 1 25 SM S1312 40SVA 1R 1 D100 093G 60S906 T 9JR9300000129 DIODE 3A 40V SS3P4 DO 220AA 1 D101 093G 60S905 T 9JR9300000128 DIODE 2A 40V SS2P4 DO 220AA 1 D151 093G 60S906 T 9JR9300000129 DIODE 3A 40V SS3P4 DO 220AA 1 D301 093G 64S522SEM 9JR9300000061 LL4148 1 D321 093G 6433S 9JR9300000062 DIODE BAV99 SEMTECH 1 D322 093G 6433S 9JR9300000062 DIODE BAV99 SEMTECH 1 D391 093G 6433S 9JR93...

Страница 218: ...71G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 CHIP BEAD 120R 600mA FCM1608KF 121T06 1 FB208 071G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 CHIP BEAD 120R 600mA FCM1608KF 121T06 1 FB209 071G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 CHIP BEAD 120R 600mA FCM1608KF 121T06 1 FB302 071G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 CHIP BEAD 120R 600mA FCM1608KF 121T06 1 FB303 071G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 CHIP BEAD 120R 600mA FCM1608KF 121T06 1 FB322 071G 59D121 TA 9JR71000000...

Страница 219: ...JR7300000055 CHIP INDUCROR 0603 0 10 10 50mA 1 L562 073G 63108 TA 9JR7300000055 CHIP INDUCROR 0603 0 10 10 50mA 1 L563 073G 63108 TA 9JR7300000055 CHIP INDUCROR 0603 0 10 10 50mA 1 L564 073G 63108 TA 9JR7300000055 CHIP INDUCROR 0603 0 10 10 50mA 1 L565 073G 63108 TA 9JR7300000055 CHIP INDUCROR 0603 0 10 10 50mA 1 L600 073G 259902 H 9JR7300000060 CHOKE 33uH 10 TSL0808RA 330K1R4 1 L601 073G 259902 H...

Страница 220: ...10W 1 1 R167 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R171 061G0402392 JT 9JR6100000613 RST CHIP R 3K9 5 1 16W TZAI YUAN 1 R200 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R201 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R202 061G0402103 JT 9JR6100000602 RST CHIP 10K 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R204 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX...

Страница 221: ...P 22R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R352 061G0603330 JT 9JR6100000636 RST CHIP 33R 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R353 061G0402220 JT 9JR6100000607 RST CHIP 22R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R354 061G0402220 JT 9JR6100000607 RST CHIP 22R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R355 061G0402220 JT 9JR6100000607 RST CHIP 22R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R356 061G0402220 JT 9JR6100000607 RST CHIP 22R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R357 061G0402220 JT 9JR6100000607 RST C...

Страница 222: ...AI YUAN 1 R505 061G0603333 JT 9JR6100000638 RST CHIP 33K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R507 061G0603333 JT 9JR6100000638 RST CHIP 33K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R508 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R510 061G0402000 T 9JR6100000400 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R511 061G0603103 JT 9JR6100000624 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R512 061G0402101 JT 9JR6100000600 RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 TZAI...

Страница 223: ... 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R600 061G0402000 T 9JR6100000400 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R602 061G0603103 JT 9JR6100000624 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R603 061G0603200 JT 9JR6100000633 RST CHIP 20R 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R604 061G0603200 JT 9JR6100000633 RST CHIP 20R 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R605 061G0603103 JT 9JR6100000624 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R606 061G0603473 JT 9JR6100000642 RST CHIP 47K 1 10W 5...

Страница 224: ...9JR6100000600 RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R670 061G0603750 JT 9JR6100000644 RST CHIP 75R 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R671 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R672 061G0402000 T 9JR6100000400 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R673 061G0402000 T 9JR6100000400 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R674 061G0603103 JT 9JR6100000624 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R675 061G0603103 JT 9JR6100000...

Страница 225: ... R745 061G0402472 JT 9JR6100000615 RST CHIP 4K7 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R746 061G0402472 JT 9JR6100000615 RST CHIP 4K7 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R747 061G0402472 JT 9JR6100000615 RST CHIP 4K7 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R748 061G0603331 JT 9JR6100000637 RST CHIPR 330OHM 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R749 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R750 061G0603331 JT 9JR6100000637 RST CHIPR 330OHM 1 10W TZ...

Страница 226: ... T 9JR9300000117 MM3Z5V6B 1 ZD561 093G 39P599 T 9JR9300000117 MM3Z5V6B 1 ZD562 093G 39P599 T 9JR9300000117 MM3Z5V6B 1 ZD563 093G 39P599 T 9JR9300000117 MM3Z5V6B 1 ZD650 093G 39P599 T 9JR9300000117 MM3Z5V6B 1 ZD653 093G 39P599 T 9JR9300000117 MM3Z5V6B 1 ZD654 093G 39P599 T 9JR9300000117 MM3Z5V6B 1 ZD702 093G 39S906 T 9JR9300000104 DIODE PDZ24B SOD 323 PHILIPS 1 ZD703 093G 39S906 T 9JR9300000104 DIO...

Страница 227: ...9JR9300000127 DIODE BAV103 SOD 80C PHILIPS 1 D954 093G 6450752T 9JR9300000086 Diode BAV21 1 D955 093G 60330 9JR9300000112 DIODE MBRF20100CT 20A 100V TO 220 1 D956 093G 60S911 T 9JR9300000088 DIODE SK24A DO214AC 1 D957 093G 52S900 T 9JR9300000127 DIODE BAV103 SOD 80C PHILIPS 1 D980 093G108090052T 9JR9300000131 DIODE UG1006 1A 800V DO 41 1 D981 093G102050152T 9JR9300000130 RGP10D 1 D982 093G 521ZJ26...

Страница 228: ... 60210452T TZ 9JR6100000593 RST CFR 100K 1 6W 5 1 R956 061G0805333 T 9JR6100000656 RST CHIP 33K 1 8W 5 1 R957 061G 60233252T TZ 9JR6100000596 RST CFR 3K3 1 6W 5 1 R958 061G08052702FT 9JR6100000368 RST CHIP 27K 1 8W 1 1 R959 061G0805105 T 9JR6100000304 RST CHIP 1M 1 8W 5 1 R960 061G0805101 T 9JR6100000300 RST CHIP 100R 1 8W 5 1 R961 061G0805513 T 9JR6100000660 RST CHIP 51K 1 8W 5 1 R962 061G0805101...

Страница 229: ...00288 RST CHIP 220R 1 10W 5 1 R003 061G0603222 T 9JR6100000289 RST CHIP 2K2 1 10W 5 1 R004 061G0603222 T 9JR6100000289 RST CHIP 2K2 1 10W 5 1 R005 061G0603272 T 9JR6100000290 RST CHIP 2K7 1 10W 5 1 R006 061G0603101 T 9JR6100000285 RST CHIP 100R 1 10W 5 1 U001 056G 627 42 9JR5600000096 LS FM 8038TM2 5DN 1 1057 KEPF9PA9 9JR9900000040 KEY PCB ASSY 1 C023 065G060310437Z Y 9JR6500000164 CAP CHIP 0603 1...

Страница 230: ...R4000000057 Dolby sentence label 1 135 705GZ941047 9JR7050000062 DFU ASSY Western Europe Eastern Europe 1 136 705GZ941048 9JR7050000063 DFU ASSY North Europe 1 450 P44GN019843 1A 9JR4400000048 CARTON 1 451 P44GN019101 9JR4400000044 CUSHION_TL 1 452 P44GN019201 9JR4400000045 CUSHION_TR 1 453 P44GN019301 9JR4400000046 CUSHION_BL 1 454 P44GN019401 9JR4400000047 CUSHION_BR 1 455 P45T 46023 9JR45000000...

Страница 231: ...0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C210 065G040247312K 3 9JR6500000309 CHIP CAP 47N 16V X7R 10 1 C211 065G060347031J Y 9JR6500000263 CAP CHIP 0603 47P 50V NPO 5 1 C212 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C213 065G060310512K 3 9JR6500000204 MLCC 0603 CAP 1uF K 16V X7R 1 C214 065G0805475A2K 3 9JR6500000207 CAP CHIP 4 7UF 10V X7R 10 1 C217 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 1...

Страница 232: ...HIP 4 7UF 10V X7R 10 1 C333 065G060310332K Y 9JR6500000249 CAP CHIP 0603 10N 50V X7R 10 1 C334 065G0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000311 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C340 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C341 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C342 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C343 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP...

Страница 233: ... 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C416 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C417 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C419 065G060310512K 3 9JR6500000204 MLCC 0603 CAP 1uF K 16V X7R 1 C420 065G060310412K Y 9JR6500000250 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C422 065G060310512K 3 9JR6500000204 MLCC 0603 CAP 1uF K 16V X7R 1 ...

Страница 234: ...IP 0603 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C571 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C572 065G0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000311 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C573 065G120610612K 3 9JR6500000282 CHIP 10uF 16V X7R 10 1 C574 065G040215031J Y 9JR6500000234 CAP CHIP 0402 15pF J 50V NPO 1 C576 065G040210312K Y 9JR6500000231 CAP CHIP 0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C577 065G0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000311 CAP CHIP 0...

Страница 235: ...293 CAP CHIP 0603 0 47UF K 16V X7R 1 C646 065G040233132K Y 9JR6500000238 CAP CHIP 0402 330P 50V X7R 10 1 C647 065G060310432K Y 9JR6500000251 CAP CHIP 0603 0 1UF K 50V X7R 1 C648 065G060310432K Y 9JR6500000251 CAP CHIP 0603 0 1UF K 50V X7R 1 C649 065G060310432K Y 9JR6500000251 CAP CHIP 0603 0 1UF K 50V X7R 1 C650 065G0805106A7Z Y 9JR6500000311 CAP CHIP 0805 10UF Z 10V Y5V 1 C651 067G215Y1007KT 9JR6...

Страница 236: ...02 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C716 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C717 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C718 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C719 065G040210312K Y 9JR6500000231 CAP CHIP 0402 10N 16V X7R 10 1 C721 065G040210412K Y 9JR6500000233 CAP CHIP 0402 100N 16V X7R 10 1 C722 065G060310332K Y 9JR6500000249 CAP ...

Страница 237: ...IODE BAV99 SEMTECH 1 D391 093G 6433S 9JR9300000062 DIODE BAV99 SEMTECH 1 D392 093G 6433S 9JR9300000062 DIODE BAV99 SEMTECH 1 D500 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D501 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D502 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D503 093G 64S900 T 9JR9300000107 DIODE BAS316 SOT 323 PHILIPS 1 D504 093G 64S900 T ...

Страница 238: ...G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 CHIP BEAD 120R 600mA FCM1608KF 121T06 1 FB323 071G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 CHIP BEAD 120R 600mA FCM1608KF 121T06 1 FB350 071G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 CHIP BEAD 120R 600mA FCM1608KF 121T06 1 FB390 071G 59C601 TA 9JR7100000032 CHIP BEAD 600R 200mA FCM1608K 601T02 1 FB400 071G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 CHIP BEAD 120R 600mA FCM1608KF 121T06 1 FB401 071G 59D121 TA 9JR7100000033 ...

Страница 239: ... 50mA 1 L654 073G 63108 TA 9JR7300000055 CHIP INDUCROR 0603 0 10 10 50mA 1 L656 073G 63108 TA 9JR7300000055 CHIP INDUCROR 0603 0 10 10 50mA 1 L657 073G 63108 TA 9JR7300000055 CHIP INDUCROR 0603 0 10 10 50mA 1 L700 073G 63108 TA 9JR7300000055 CHIP INDUCROR 0603 0 10 10 50mA 1 L701 073G 63108 TA 9JR7300000055 CHIP INDUCROR 0603 0 10 10 50mA 1 Q101 057G 477900 T 9JR5700000052 TRA SIG SM BC847C KEC0 R...

Страница 240: ... RST CHIP 200R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R206 061G0402201 JT 9JR6100000606 RST CHIP 200R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R207 061G0603472 JT 9JR6100000641 RST CHIP 4K7 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R208 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R210 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R211 061G0603472 JT 9JR6100000641 RST CHIP 4K7 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R213 061G0603333 JT 9JR...

Страница 241: ...RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R365 061G0603472 JT 9JR6100000641 RST CHIP 4K7 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R367 061G0603101 JT 9JR6100000622 RST CHIP 100R 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R368 061G0402000 T 9JR6100000400 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R369 061G0402000 T 9JR6100000400 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R370 061G0603101 JT 9JR6100000622 RST CHIP 100R 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R371 061G0402331 JT 9JR6100000612 RST CHIP 33...

Страница 242: ... 16W 1 R511 061G0603103 JT 9JR6100000624 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R512 061G0402101 JT 9JR6100000600 RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R513 061G0402680 JT 9JR6100000617 RST CHIP 68R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R514 061G0402101 JT 9JR6100000600 RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R515 061G0402101 JT 9JR6100000600 RST CHIP 100R 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R516 061G0402750 JT 9JR6100000618 RST CHIPR 75 OHM 5 1 ...

Страница 243: ...0R 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R605 061G0603103 JT 9JR6100000624 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R606 061G0603473 JT 9JR6100000642 RST CHIP 47K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R608 061G0402223 JT 9JR6100000609 RST CHIP 22K 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R609 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R610 061G0603473 JT 9JR6100000642 RST CHIP 47K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R611 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST C...

Страница 244: ... T 9JR6100000400 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 16W 1 R674 061G0603103 JT 9JR6100000624 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R675 061G0603103 JT 9JR6100000624 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R677 061G0603103 JT 9JR6100000624 RST CHIP 10K 1 10W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R679 061G0603471 JT 9JR6100000640 RST CHIPR 470OHM 5 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R680 061G0603471 JT 9JR6100000640 RST CHIPR 470OHM 5 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R681 061G06031...

Страница 245: ...OHM 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R750 061G0603331 JT 9JR6100000637 RST CHIPR 330OHM 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R751 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R752 061G0603000 JT 9JR6100000620 RST CHIP MAX 0R05 1 10W TZAI YUAN 1 R753 061G0402473 JT 9JR6100000616 RST CHIP 47K 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R755 061G0402102 JT 9JR6100000601 RST CHIP 1K 1 16W 5 TZAI YUAN 1 R758 061G0603102 JT 9JR6100000623 RS...

Страница 246: ...300000117 MM3Z5V6B 1 ZD654 093G 39P599 T 9JR9300000117 MM3Z5V6B 1 ZD702 093G 39S906 T 9JR9300000104 DIODE PDZ24B SOD 323 PHILIPS 1 ZD703 093G 39S906 T 9JR9300000104 DIODE PDZ24B SOD 323 PHILIPS 1 ZD704 093G 39S906 T 9JR9300000104 DIODE PDZ24B SOD 323 PHILIPS 1 1054 ADTV92420PA1 9JR9900000045 POWER PCB ASSY 1 BD901 093G 50460 34 9JR9300000122 BRIDGE KBJ608G 6A 800V KBJ 1 C900 065G306M1522B3 9JR6500...

Страница 247: ... 6450752T 9JR9300000086 Diode BAV21 1 D937 093G 6450752T 9JR9300000086 Diode BAV21 1 D938 093G 6450752T 9JR9300000086 Diode BAV21 1 F901 084G 41 7 9JR8400000013 FUSE 5A 250V 0215005M BY LITTELFUSE 1 F902 084G 41 7 9JR8400000013 FUSE 5A 250V 0215005M BY LITTELFUSE 1 FB903 071G 55 8 9JR7100000028 FERRITE BEAD 1 FB904 071G 55 8 9JR7100000028 FERRITE BEAD 1 FB919 071G 55909 9JR7100000029 FERRITE CORE ...

Страница 248: ...957 061G0805101 T 9JR6100000300 RST CHIP 100R 1 8W 5 1 R958 061G0805333 T 9JR6100000656 RST CHIP 33K 1 8W 5 1 R959 061G1206224 JT 9JR6100000706 RST CHIPR 220KOHM 5 1 4W TZAI YUAN 1 R960 061G1206224 JT 9JR6100000706 RST CHIPR 220KOHM 5 1 4W TZAI YUAN 1 R961 061G1206184 JT 9JR6100000704 RST CHIPR 180K 5 1 4W TZAI YUAN 1 R962 061G0805243 T 9JR6100000652 RST CHIP 24K 1 8W 5 1 R963 061G0805104 T 9JR610...

Страница 249: ...004 061G0603222 T 9JR6100000289 RST CHIP 2K2 1 10W 5 1 R005 061G0603272 T 9JR6100000290 RST CHIP 2K7 1 10W 5 1 R006 061G0603101 T 9JR6100000285 RST CHIP 100R 1 10W 5 1 U001 056G 627 42 9JR5600000096 LS FM 8038TM2 5DN 1 1057 KEPF9PA9 9JR9900000040 KEY PCB ASSY 1 C023 065G060310437Z Y 9JR6500000164 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 50V Y5V 20 80 1 C024 065G060310437Z Y 9JR6500000164 CAP CHIP 0603 100N 50V Y5V 20 8...

Страница 250: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 250 2 CABINET PARTS LC 19SH7E ...

Страница 251: ... 3 078G0030903 M 9JR7800000007 Speaker wire assembly 8ohm 3w 100X30mm 4 750TVM185B1112N0SP 9JR7500000018 PANEL M185B1 L01 NB CMO 5 IRPF9BP1 9JR9900000032 IR PCB ASSY 6 CBPF92MBP1 9JR9900000031 MAIN PCB ASSY 7 PWTV9942LPR1 9JR9900000026 POWER PCB ASSY 8 KEPF9PA5 9JR9900000033 KEY PCB ASSY 9 705GZ934124 9JR7050000061 STAND ASSY 10 P34T0369PAA 1T0100 9JR3400000006 NECK 11 705GZ934123 9JR7050000060 RE...

Страница 252: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 252 CABINET PARTS LC 26SH7E ...

Страница 253: ...3 078G0050906 M 9JR7800000008 Speaker wire assembly 8ohm 5w 135X41mm 4 750TVM260B2112N0SP 9JR7500000017 PANEL V260B2 L01 26 CMO NB 5 IRPF9PB3 9JR9900000035 IR PCB ASSY 6 CBPF92MBP2 9JR9900000034 MAIN PCB ASSY 7 ADTV92407PA1 9JR9900000027 POWER PCB ASSY 8 KEPF9PA7 9JR9900000036 KEY PCB ASSY 9 705GZ934144 9JR7050000069 STAND ASSY 10 P34T0377PAA 1T0100 9JR3400000007 NECK 11 705GZ934143 9JR7050000068 ...

Страница 254: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 254 CABINET PARTS LC 32SH7E ...

Страница 255: ...D 3 078G0050 1 M 9JR7800000009 SPEAKER 8 OHM 5W 850 400mm 135X41mm 4 750TVA315Z9411N0SP 9JR7500000019 PANEL LK315T3LZ94 JP SHARP 5 IRPF9PB3 9JR9900000035 IR PCB ASSY 6 CBPF92MBP4 9JR9900000039 MAIN PCB ASSY 7 ADTV92415PA1 9JR9900000038 POWER PCB ASSY 8 KEPF9PA9 9JR9900000040 KEY PCB ASSY 9 705GZ934144 9JR7050000069 STAND ASSY 10 P34T0385PAA 1T0100 9JR3400000009 NECK 11 705GZ934195 9JR7050000097 RE...

Страница 256: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 256 CABINET PARTS LC 42SH7E ...

Страница 257: ...EY PAD 3 078G0100 2 M 9JR7800000011 SPEAKER 6 OHM 10W 1050 450mm 4 750TVM420H1513Z0SP 9JR7500000022 PANEL V420H1 L15 NH CMO 5 IRPF9PB3 9JR9900000035 IR PCB ASSY 6 CBPF92MBP5 9JR9900000046 MAIN PCB ASSY 7 ADTV92420PA1 9JR9900000045 POWER PCB ASSY 8 KEPF9PA9 9JR9900000040 KEY PCB ASSY 9 705GZ934207 9JR7050000112 STAND ASSY 10 P34T0392PAA 1T0100 9JR3400000010 NECK 11 705GZ934206 9JR7050000111 REAR CO...

Страница 258: ...LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 258 3 SUPPLIED ACCESSOORIES ...

Страница 259: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 259 4 19 PACKING PARTS ...

Страница 260: ...0000026 CUSHION_T 4 P44G9020201 9JR4400000027 CUSHION_B 5 705GZ941053 9JR7050000093 Carton Assy 6 089G204A15NLS1 9JR8900000009 POWER CORD 1 5M PE8C5Z1B90A 04B 7 098GRABD1NESPJ 9JR9800000003 REMOTE CONTROL RC GJ2100B H FOR SHARP 8 P45G 46026 9JR4500000010 PE BAG 560X450 0 72mm 9 705GZ941047 9JR7050000062 DFU ASSY Western Europe Eastern Europe 9 705GZ941048 9JR7050000063 DFU ASSY North Europe ...

Страница 261: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 261 26 PACKING PARTS ...

Страница 262: ...0000030 CUSHION_TR 5 P44GE015301 9JR4400000031 CUSHION_BL 6 P44GE015401 9JR4400000032 CUSHION_BR 7 089G204A15NLS1 9JR8900000009 POWER CORD 1 5M PE8C5Z1B90A 04B 8 705GZ941047 9JR7050000062 DFU ASSY Western Europe Eastern Europe 9 705GZ941048 9JR7050000063 DFU ASSY North Europe 9 P44GE015843 2A 9JR4400000035 CARTON 9 098GRABD1NESPJ 9JR9800000003 REMOTE CONTROL RC GJ2100B H FOR SHARP 9 P45T 46025 9JR...

Страница 263: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 263 32 PACKING PARTS ...

Страница 264: ...000036 CUSHION_TL 5 P44GJ020301 9JR4400000038 CUSHION_BL 6 P44GJ020401 9JR4400000039 CUSHION_BR 7 089G204A15NLS1 9JR8900000009 POWER CORD 1 5M PE8C5Z1B90A 04B 8 705GZ941047 9JR7050000062 DFU ASSY Western Europe Eastern Europe 8 705GZ941048 9JR7050000063 DFU ASSY North Europe 9 P44GJ020843 2A 9JR4400000040 CARTON 10 098GRABD1NESPJ 9JR9800000003 REMOTE CONTROL RC GJ2100B H FOR SHARP 11 P45T 46024 9J...

Страница 265: ...2008 03 14 LC 19SH7E RU LC 26SH7E RU LC 32SH7E RU LC 42SH7E RU 265 42 PACKING PARTS ...

Страница 266: ...00044 CUSHION_TL 5 P44GN019301 9JR4400000046 CUSHION_BL 6 P44GN019401 9JR4400000047 CUSHION_BR 7 089G204A15NLS1 9JR8900000009 POWER CORD 1 5M PE8C5Z1B90A 04B 8 705GZ941047 9JR7050000062 DFU ASSY Western Europe Eastern Europe 8 705GZ941048 9JR7050000063 DFU ASSY North Europe 9 P44GN019843 1A 9JR4400000048 CARTON 10 098GRABD1NESPJ 9JR9800000003 REMOTE CONTROL RC GJ2100B H FOR SHARP 11 P45T 46023 9JR...

Страница 267: ...TS RESERVED SHARP CORPORATION SHARP ELECTRONICS Europe GmbH Sonnistraße 3 D 20097 Hamburg No Part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any from or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher ...
