4 Power supply
Power supply
This device can be operated using:
● Disposable (non-rechargeable) alkaline batteries
Rechargeable NiMH batteries
The device comes with nickel metal hydride rechargeable batter-
ies. The corresponding settings are stored.
The device must not be used with leaking batteries.
Replace leaking batteries.
Clean the battery compartment (and, if necessary, the
device) before inserting the new disposable/recharge
able batteries.
Suitable disposable/rechargeable battery types
To ensure that the device remains explosion-proof as per
/5/, only the following disposable/rechargeable batteries
may be used:
Batteries supplied by SEWERIN
Batteries other than those supplied by SEWERIN, pro-
vided compliance with /2/ is guaranteed.
The batteries used in a battery compartment must always
be identical in terms of type (disposable/rechargeable),
capacity and manufacturer.
Disposable battery requirements
Alkaline disposable batteries
Battery size: AA, Type: LR6 as per /3/
The creepage distance and air gap between the poles must
not be less than 0.5 mm in accordance with /2/.