│ 9 Appendix
Legal basis
The following standards and regulations as well as European
Directives form the basis for working with the device.
/1/ BG RCI (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw
materials and chemical industry) Code of Practice T 021 (DGUV
Information 213-056) Gas Warning Devices for Toxic Gases/Vapours
and Oxygen - Use and Operation
/2/ BG RCI (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw
materials and chemical industry) Code of Practice T 023 (DGUV
Information 213-057) Gas Warning Devices for Explosion Protection
– Use and Operation.
/3/ DVGW G 465-4 (M) (2019) Equipment Technology for Inspection of
Gas Pipelines and Gas Systems.
/4/ EN 45544-1
/5/ EN 45544-3
/6/ EN 45544-4
/7/ EN 50104:2010
/8/ EN 50271:2018
/9/ EN 60079-7:2016
/10/ EN 60079-20-1:2010
/11/ EN 60079-29-1
/12/ EN 60079-29-2
/13/ EN 60086-1
/14/ EN 61951-2
/15/ TRGS 900: 2006 Technical Regulations for Hazardous Substances:
Occupational exposure limit values
/16/ 2014/34/EU (ATEX)