5 Maintenance Signals
During the integrated device inspection the signals are emitted
at short intervals.
Can the audible signal be heard?
Is the visual signal visible? Probe
Probes are accessories. They only need to be tested if they are
likely to be used in the course of the working day.
Are the probes free from external damage?
Probe hoses are tested with a simple leak check.
1. Connect the probe hose to the gas input.
2. Seal the free end of the probe hose.
An error message should appear after approx. 10 seconds.
This indicates that the probe hose is in good condition. Filter
fine dust filter is located behind the gas input. It is tested by
means of a visual inspection.
1. Unscrew the gas input.
Remove the fine dust filter.
Check that there is no dirt in the fine dust filter.
As soon as there are any signs of deposits, the filter must be
replaced. If you do not replace the filter, you must reinsert it
exactly as you found it. Pump
The pump function is tested with a simple leak check.
1. Seal the gas input.
After a maximum of 10 seconds an error message should ap-
pear. This indicates that the pump is working correctly.
If the error message does not appear, the pump may be faulty.
The device must be tested by SEWERIN Service.