Manual – MOVIPRO® SDC with DeviceNet Interface
Explanation of the parameters
Parameterization of MOVIPRO
P139 / P149 Ramp
monitoring 1 / 2
Setting range: Yes/No
If you set the deceleration ramps to a value that is a lot shorter than can be physically
accomplished in this system, the turning drive will be stopped after expiration of the
monitoring time. Such a setting will cause a fault signal and increase brake wear.
The respective ramp time also has to be increased, if the ramp timeout is definitely trig-
gered by a preset ramp that cannot be traveled.
This parameter is an additional monitoring function for speed monitoring. This parame-
ter only applies to the deceleration ramp. This means the parameter can be used to
monitor the downwards ramp, stop ramp or emergency stop ramp if speed monitoring is
not desired.
P16x / P17x Fixed
setpoints 1 / 2
Setting range:
6000 – +6000 rpm
3 internal setpoints (= fixed setpoints) can be set separately for parameter sets 1 and 2.
The internal setpoints are active when an input terminal programmed to n11 / n21 or
n12 / n22 (
P6xx Terminal assignment
) has a "1" signal.
Setting range: 0 – 6000 rpm
Programming the input terminals:
The fixed setpoints of the currently inactive parameter set come into effect when this ter-
minal is actuated (= "1") if an input terminal is programmed to "Fixed setpoint switch-
over". This changeover is possible when the unit is inhibited and enabled.
10.4.4 P2xx Controller parameters
P20x Speed con-
Speed control only in parameter set 1.
The speed controller of the power section is a PI-controller. It is active when the follow-
ing operating modes are set:
• All operating modes with "VFC-n control".
• CFC operating modes: The speed controller is only active in "CFC & torque control"
when speed limiting is active ( P70x Operating modes).
• Servo operating modes: The speed controller is only active in "Servo & torque
control" when speed limiting is active (P70x Operating modes).
Fixed setpoint
Factory setting
P160 / P170 Internal setpoint n11 / n21
n11 / n21 = 150 rpm
P161 / P171 Internal setpoint n12 / n22
n12 / n22 = 750 rpm
P162 / P172 Internal setpoint n13 / n23
n13 / n23 = 1500 rpm
Parameter set 1/2
Stop with t13/t23
Fixed setpoint not active
n11 effective
n12 effective
n13 effective
n21 effective
n22 effective
n23 effective