Industrial Ethernet networks – Basics
Standard gateway
Manual – MOVI-C
CONTROLLER progressive UHX65A-M
The class C network with the network address 192.168.10 is further subdivided into
the following 2 networks by the subnet mask
Network address
Node addresses – –
The network nodes use a logical AND operation for the IP address and the subnet
mask to determine whether there is a communication partner in the same network or
in a different network. If the communication partner is in a different network, the stan-
dard gateway is addressed for passing on the data.
Standard gateway
The standard gateway is also addressed via a 32-bit address. The 32-bit address is
represented by 4 decimal numbers separated by decimal points.
Exemplary standard gateway:
The standard gateway establishes a connection to other networks. A network node
that wants to address another node uses a logical AND operation of the IP address
and subnet mask to determine whether the node is in the same network. If this is not
the case, the network node addresses the standard gateway (router), which must be
part of the actual network. The standard gateway then takes on the job of transmitting
the data packages.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
Instead of setting the 3 parameters IP address, subnet mask and standard gateway
manually, they can be assigned automatically by a DHCP server in the Ethernet net-
The IP address is assigned based on a table in the DHCP server. The table contains
an assignment of MAC addresses to IP addresses.
26881144/EN – 02/2022