General information
Rights to claim under limited warranty
Assembly and Operating Instructions – Parallel Arm Kinematics Kit
Hazard symbol
Warning of dangerous electrical voltage
Warning of hot surfaces
Warning of risk of crushing
Warning of suspended load
Warning of automatic restart
Structure of embedded safety notes
Embedded safety notes are directly integrated into the instructions just before the de-
scription of the dangerous action.
This is the formal structure of an embedded safety note:
Type and source of hazard. Possible consequence(s) if disreg-
arded. Measure(s) to prevent the hazard.
Rights to claim under limited warranty
Read the information in this documentation. This is essential for fault-free operation
and fulfillment of any rights to claim under limited warranty. Read the documentation
before you start working with the product.
Applicable documentation
Observe the following other applicable documentation:
Documentation of the robot mechanics
"Synchronous CMP Servomotors" operating instructions
system Application Inverters" operating instructions
modular Application Inverters" operating instructions
modular – Power Supply Module with External DC Link Supply" ad-
dendum to the operating instructions
CONTROLLER power UHX85A and power eco UHX84A" manual
CONTROLLER power with PROFINET IO Interface" manual
Always use the latest edition of documentations and software.
25797530/EN – 04/2018