Safety notes
Assembly and Operating Instructions – Parallel Arm Kinematics Kit
The technical solutions described in this document can help to reduce risk by provid-
ing additional safety measures. The risk assessment and the selected measures for
risk reduction must be developed and performed in accordance with the applicable na-
tional regulations for machine and plant manufacturing (e.g. ISO 12100, ISO 13849,
The machine/plant manufacturer, supplier or operator must make sure that it is evalu-
ated whether the risk reduction measures listed in this document achieve their pur-
pose and do not create new hazards.
Check to make sure that the actual risk classes of the drive solution comply with the
required risk classes of the various safety functions.
Verify that all parameters, program components, etc. comply with the applicable re-
quirements. Use the applicable standards (e.g. ISO 13849-1) and their respective
tools for this purpose.
Inspect the shipment for damage as soon as you receive the delivery. Inform the ship-
ping company immediately about any damage. If the product is damaged, it must not
be assembled, installed or started up.
Observe the following notes when transporting the device:
Ensure that the product is not subject to mechanical impact during transportation.
If necessary, use suitable, sufficiently dimensioned handling equipment.
Observe the information on climatic conditions in chapter "Technical data" of the docu-
Setup and installation
Ensure that the products are installed and cooled according to the regulations in the
related documentation.
Protect the products from excessive strain. Ensure that elements are not deformed
and/or insulation spaces are maintained, particularly during transportation. Products
must not be damaged or destroyed.
Observe the following notes on installation and assembly:
In chapter "Mechanical installation" in the respective documentation of the
SEW‑EURODRIVE components.
In the documentation supplied by the manufacturer if third-party components are
installed in the system solution.
Electrical installation
Ensure that all of the required covers are correctly attached after carrying out the elec-
trical installation.
25797530/EN – 04/2018