Quick Start Guide
outlet pressure must be selected to provide the relevant pressure for your
analyser (see Test Result Sheet).
Span Cylinder Pressure Regulator
A stable pressure is critical to the analyser performance, which means high
quality cylinder pressure regulators must be used. The pressure regulator
should be a stainless steel, double stage type. For the span/sample gas, the
cylinder outlet pressure must be selected to provide the relevant pressure for
your analyser (see Test Result Sheet).
Isolation and Sample Stream Selection Valves
The valves used for isolation or sample selection must be packless type i.e.
diaphragm or bellows type, to eliminate air diffusion.
3.3.3 Gas Connections - Rear Panel
The analyser configuration is application specific, consisting of a master chassis,
a master chassis with one or more secondary chassis, or a PC with one or more
secondary chassis. If required, each chassis may be fitted with an external oven.
1. Master and Secondary Chassis
At the back of each chassis there are gas inlet connections for the process and
carrier gases, which are described below. See Figure 1 for the position and
description of the gas connections.
Carrier Inlet 1
The carrier gas is normally He, which will be taken to Carrier Inlet 1. For
multiple chassis configurations, the carrier gas should be split to feed each
Carrier Inlet 2
Carrier Inlet 2 will be used when two different carrier gases are required in a
Sample Inlet 1
The process gas or span gas is taken to Sample Inlet 1. For multiple chassis
configurations, the process gas or span gas should be split to feed each chassis.
Sample Inlet 2
This is an option, and allows the span gas to be permanently connected to the
analyser. For multiple chassis, the span gas should be split to feed each chassis.